dijkstra的算法 - 在c ++中?

时间:2010-08-10 09:26:10

标签: c++ algorithm dijkstra


vector<int> dijkstra(costMatrix[][])
  return vector<int>pathPointindex

    vector<Point> availablePoints;
    vector<int> indexes=dijikstra(costMatrix)
    for(int i=0;i<indexes.size();i++)
       cout << "path points are " << availablePoints[indexes[i]] << endl;

如果有人,请您发布代码。我不懒。但是我的项目已经在一天前跨越了截止日期。现在我失去了理解逻辑的希望。现在我想要这个功能。 “一个有需要的人确实是天使”。

编辑:特别感谢“Loki astari”的出色回答

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:38)



这是一种用于找到从A点到B点的最短路线的算法 在计算术语中,我们简化了由节点和弧组成的图形的路径。每个节点代表一个中间点,每个弧连接两个节点,并且(非负)权重表示在两个节点之间遍历的成本。


  • 已完成:一组(节点,成本),您计算了最低成本。
  • working:已检查的(节点,成本)的排序列表。


working.addNode(Start, 0); // No cost to get to start.

for( (node, cost) = working.popHead(); node != End; (node,cost) = working.popHead())
    // If we have already processed this node ignore it.
    if (finished.find(node))
    {    continue;

    // We have just removed a node from working.
    // Because it is the top of the list it is guaranteed to be the shortest route to
    // the node. If there is another route to the node it must go through one of the
    // other nodes in the working list which means the cost to reach it will be higher
    // (because working is sorted). Thus we have found the shortest route to the node.

    // As we have found the shortest route to the node save it in finished.

    // For each arc leading from this node we need to find where we can get to.
    foreach(arc in node.arcs())
        dest = arc.dest();
        if (NOT (finished.find(dest)))
            // If the node is already in finished then we don't need to worry about it
            // as that will be the shortest route other wise calculate the cost and add
            // this new node to the working list.
            destCost = arc.cost() + cost;
            working.addNode(dest,destCost); // Note. Working is sorted list


finished = {} // empty.
working  = { (London,0) }


                  L    S    O    B    N    M    W
(L) ondon         -    50   60   100  130  -    -
(S) outhampton    50   -    70   -    -    -    -
(O) xford         60   70   -    50   -    200  -
(B) irmingham     100  -    50   -    -    80   110
(N) orwich        130  -    -    -    -    -    -
(M) anchester     -    -    200  80   -    -    80
Ne(W) castle      -    -    -    110  -    80   -


finished = { (London,0) }
working  = { (Southampton, 50), (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100), (Norwich,130) }

考虑工作区中的城镇是从伦敦扩展的泡沫的外缘。 Dijkstra算法的工作是继续扩大泡沫,直到我们击中曼彻斯特(没有回顾我们已经采取的任何步骤)。因此泡沫总是向外扩展,我们总是扩大泡沫中最小的部分。


finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50) }
working  = { (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130) }


finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50), (Oxford, 60) }
working  = { (Birmingham, 100), (Birmingham,110), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130), (Manchester,200)}


finished = { (London,0), (Southampton,50), (Oxford, 60), (Birmingham, 100) }
working  = { (Birmingham,110), (Oxford, 120), (Norwich,130), {Manchester, 180), (Manchester,200), (Newcastle, 210)}


答案 1 :(得分:13)

我建议你查看具有非常实用的apporach的TopCoder教程。 您需要了解STL优先级队列的工作原理,并确保图表中没有negative edge weights

可以找到体面的完整实施here。您必须向其添加路径向量并实现RecoverPath方法,以便从源到接收器获取路径上的节点。要使用此解决方案,您还需要按以下方式将adjacency matrix转换为adjacency list

for (int i=0;i<nNodes;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<nNodes;j++){
        if (costMatrix[i][j] != NO_EDGE_VALUE){

编辑:如果您的图表密集,我会建议您使用Ford Bellman算法更简单,并且速度不应该慢得多。


int P[MAX]; /*array with links to parents*/
for(i=0; i<=nodes; i++) P[i] = -1; /*magic unset value*/

// dijkstra
while(!Q.empty()) {
    if(!F[v] && D[u]+w < D[v]) {
        D[v] = D[u] + w;
        /*By setting P[v] value we will remember what is the 
          previous node on path from source */
        P[v] = u; // <-- added line
        Q.push(pii(v, D[v]));


vector<int> RecoverPath(int src, int dest){
    vector<int> path;
    int v = dest;
    while (v != src) {
        v = P[v];
    return path;

答案 2 :(得分:4)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <limits> 
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm> 
#include <iterator>

using namespace std;

typedef int vertex_t;
typedef double weight_t;

const weight_t max_weight = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

struct neighbor {
    vertex_t target;
    weight_t weight;
    neighbor(vertex_t arg_target, weight_t arg_weight)
        : target(arg_target), weight(arg_weight) { }

typedef vector<vector<neighbor> > adjacency_list_t;

// Computing the shortest pathway

DijkstraComputePaths(vertex_t source,
                     const adjacency_list_t &adjacency_list,
                     vector<weight_t> &min_distance,
                     vector<vertex_t> &previous)
    int n = adjacency_list.size();
    min_distance.resize(n, max_weight);
    min_distance[source] = 0;
    previous.resize(n, -1);
    set<pair<weight_t, vertex_t> > vertex_queue;
    vertex_queue.insert(make_pair(min_distance[source], source));

    while (!vertex_queue.empty())
        weight_t dist = vertex_queue.begin()->first;
        vertex_t u = vertex_queue.begin()->second;

        // Visit each edge exiting u
        const vector<neighbor> &neighbors = adjacency_list[u];
        for (vector<neighbor>::const_iterator neighbor_iter = neighbors.begin();
            neighbor_iter != neighbors.end();
            vertex_t v = neighbor_iter->target;
            weight_t weight = neighbor_iter->weight;
            weight_t distance_through_u = dist + weight;
            if (distance_through_u < min_distance[v]) {
                vertex_queue.erase(make_pair(min_distance[v], v));

                min_distance[v] = distance_through_u;
                previous[v] = u;
                vertex_queue.insert(make_pair(min_distance[v], v));

    } // while

答案 3 :(得分:2)

Dijkstra算法的主要思想很简单: 假设您有一组具有到达给定点A的已知最短路径的点。 然后我们假设我们想要为集合添加新的点C. 让我们找到集合中的哪些点与我们想要添加的点相关联。 让它成为点B(i) 因此,对于所有点B(i),我们将新找到A到B(i)和B(i)和C之间的距离之和。该距离中最小的将是A和C之间的最小距离。

答案 4 :(得分:1)

在c ++中实现

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define MAXN 50100
#define INF 1000000000

int N, M, d[MAXN]; vector<int> G[MAXN], C[MAXN];
set< pair<int, int> > T;

void solve(void)
    int i, j, k, val, x;

    for(i = 2; i <= N; i++) d[i] = INF;
    T.insert( mp(0, 1) );

    while( T.size() > 0 )
        val = (*T.begin()).first, x = (*T.begin()).second;
        for(i = 0; i < G[x].size(); i++)
         if(d[ G[x][i] ] > val + C[x][i] )
            d[ G[x][i] ] = val + C[x][i], T.insert(mp(d[G[x][i]],G[x][i]));

int main(void)
    freopen("dijkstra.in", "rt", stdin);
    freopen("dijkstra.out", "wt", stdout);

    int i, a, b, c;

    scanf("%d %d\n", &N, &M);

    for(i = 1; i <= M; i++)
        scanf("%d %d %d\n", &a, &b, &c), G[a].pb(b), C[a].pb(c);


    for(i = 2; i <= N; i++)
        printf("%d ", d[i] == INF ? 0 : d[i]);

    return 0;

答案 5 :(得分:0)


using namespace std;

const size_t INT_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFF; // or any other value representing infinite distance.

首先创建一个包含源节点索引,目标节点索引和边缘&#34; weight&#34;(length)的结构边。

struct edge { size_t from; size_t to; size_t length; };


class Node 
    void AddNeighborEdge( edge _NeighborEdge ) { m_neighborsEdges.push_back( _NeighborEdge ); } 
    vector<edge>::iterator FirstNeighborEdge() { return  m_neighborsEdges.begin(); }
    vector<edge>::iterator LastNeighborEdge() { return  m_neighborsEdges.end(); }

     vector<edge>  m_neighborsEdges; 

class NeighborsDistanceUpdator将用作&#34;仿函数&#34;通过for_each算法,迭代传递并更新从图中当前节点到相邻邻居的最小距离。

class NeighborsDistanceUpdator
    NeighborsDistanceUpdator( vector<size_t>& _min_distance_from_source, queue< size_t >& _nodes_to_visit ) : m_min_distance_from_source( _min_distance_from_source ),                                                              m_nodes_to_visit( _nodes_to_visit ) 
    void operator()( edge& _edge )
        size_t from = _edge.from;
        size_t to = _edge.to;

        if ( m_min_distance_from_source[ to ] > m_min_distance_from_source[ from ] + _edge.length ) 
            m_min_distance_from_source[ to ] = m_min_distance_from_source[ from ] + _edge.length;
            m_nodes_to_visit.push( to );

    vector<size_t>& m_min_distance_from_source;
    queue< size_t >& m_nodes_to_visit;


size_t dijkstra( map< size_t, Node  >& _graph, size_t _sourceIndex, size_t _targetIndex ) 
    vector<size_t> min_distance_from_source( _graph.size(), INT_MAX );
    min_distance_from_source[ _sourceIndex ] = 0;
    queue< size_t > nodes_to_visit;
    nodes_to_visit.push( _sourceIndex );
    NeighborsDistanceUpdator neighborsDistanceUpdator( min_distance_from_source, nodes_to_visit );

    while ( ! nodes_to_visit.empty() ) 

        size_t currNodeIndex = nodes_to_visit.front();

        if ( currNodeIndex ==  _targetIndex ) return min_distance_from_source[ currNodeIndex ];


        vector<edge>::iterator firstNeighborEdge= _graph[ currNodeIndex ].FirstNeighborEdge();
        vector<edge>::iterator lastNeighborEdge= _graph[ currNodeIndex ].LastNeighborEdge();

        for_each( firstNeighborEdge, lastNeighborEdge, neighborsDistanceUpdator );
    return INT_MAX;


int main()
    Node node1;
    Node node2;
    Node node3;
    Node node4;

    map< size_t, Node > graph;
    edge ed;

    ed.from = 0;
    ed.to = 1;
    ed.length = 1;
    node1.AddNeighborEdge( ed );

    cout << "node: " << 0 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    ed.from = 0;        
    ed.to = 2;
    ed.length = 4;
    node1.AddNeighborEdge( ed );
    graph.insert( make_pair( 0, node1 ) );

    cout << "node: " << 0 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    ed.from = 1;
    ed.to = 2;
    ed.length = 1;
    node2.AddNeighborEdge( ed );

    cout << "node: " << 1 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    ed.from = 1;
    ed.to = 3;
    ed.length = 3;
    node2.AddNeighborEdge( ed );
    graph.insert( make_pair( 1, node2 ) );

    cout << "node: " << 1 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    ed.from = 2;
    ed.to = 3;
    ed.length = 1;
    node3.AddNeighborEdge( ed );
    graph.insert( make_pair( 2, node3 ) );

    cout << "node: " << 2 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    ed.from = 3;
    ed.to = INT_MAX;
    ed.length = INT_MAX;
    node3.AddNeighborEdge( ed );
    graph.insert( make_pair( 3, node4 ) );

    cout << "node: " << 2 << " to: " << ed.to ;
    cout << " lenth: " << ed.length << endl << endl;

    cout << "min length from: 1 to 4 = " << dijkstra( graph, 0,3  ) << endl;