我已经实现了dijkstra算法,以处理二维数组。一切都运行得很好,但效率不高,因为当我的**地图被定义为map [10000] [20000]时,让我说我从[0] [0]的起始位置运行dijkstra,我想要知道坐标为[15] [7]的顶点的最短路径,如果我只需要那个特定的顶点,那么计算数千个不必要的顶点是没有意义的。
BLOCK *dijkstra(char **map, int height, int width, POINT start, POINT target) {
int position, i, speed, temp_distance;
BLOCK *blocks; // all blocks in **mapp graph
BLOCK block; // current block
POINT temp; // POINT is a variable from BLOCK structure, it contains coordinates
POINT *neighbours; // array of POINT structures, holding coordinates of each neighbour for a specific block
// initializing every block in the **map (visited 0, distance INT_MAX, predecessor UNSET, etc.)
blocks = init(map, height, width);
// setting the starting position for dijkstra
position = start.y * width + start.x;
blocks[position].distance = 0; // distance to itself is zero
block = pop();
while (block.distance != UNSET) {
count = 0;
block.visited = 1;
temp.x = block.this.x;
temp.y = block.this.y;
neighbours = get_neighbours(map, height, width, temp, &count);
// for loop for each neighbour of the current block
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
speed = get_speed(map, neighbours[i].y, neighbours[i].x); // number of time-units to move through this block
temp_distance = block.distance + speed; // total time (so far)
position = neighbours[i].y * width + neighbours[i].x; // position to current neighbour
// if the distance is not set yet, or I just found a faster path
if (blocks[position].distance < 0 || temp_distance < blocks[position].distance) {
blocks[position].distance = temp_distance; // overwriting distance to this block
blocks[position].prev = block.this; // setting predecessor
// this is my first time visiting this block
if (blocks[position].visited == 0) {
blocks[position].visited = 1;
block = pop();
return blocks;
if(block.this.x == target.x && block.this.y == target.y) break;
blocks = dijkstra(map, height, width, start, target);
position = target.y*width + target.x;
while ((blocks[position].this.x != start.x) || (blocks[position].this.y != start.y)) {
//do stuff
//set position to the predecessor of the current block
position = blocks[position].prev.y*width + nodes[position].prev.x;
[0] [0] - &gt;顶点A - >;顶点B - > 顶点C - &gt;顶点D
并且在这种情况下它只会进入无限循环(粗体 - C是开始,D是目标)),除了开始和目标之外几乎没有差异。