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我正在以下链接中开发此工具。名称 convOptimize.py 程序中的 getSkeletonize3D 功能可让您细化3D数据。我花了大约30分钟给出了512立方体的结果。如果您有任何问题,请告诉我。 https://github.com/3Scan/3scan-skeleton。我用于实现的论文在下面的代码中的注释中
骨架化数据所需的主要python代码如下所示。因为它需要从不同的其他porgrams中导入rotateOperators,它从另一个名为Thin3dtemplates的文件导入。我建议你downlaod rotateOperators,Thin3dtemplates,convoptimize python脚本文件,还下载lookuparray.npy这是一个文件,用作numpy数组格式的查找表,预先计算用于验证体素是否标记为要删除。你需要python>安装了3个版本,scipy,numpy和pyeda模块来运行这些代码。
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve
the following subiteration functions are how each image is rotated to the next direction for removing
boundary voxels in the order described in the reference paper
us, ne, wd,..
from rotationalOperators import firstSubiteration, secondSubiteration, thirdSubiteration, fourthSubiteration, fifthSubiteration, sixthSubiteration, seventhSubiteration, eighthSubiteration, ninthSubiteration, tenthSubiteration, eleventhSubiteration, twelvethSubiteration
reference paper
input should be a binary image/ already segmented
array that has calculated the validity of the 14 templates beforehand and stored each index which is
decimal number of the binary string of 26 values (sqrt(3) connectivity) that are around a single voxel
lookUpTablearray = np.load('lookupTablearray.npy')
def _convolveImage(arr, flippedKernel):
arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr, dtype=np.uint64)
result = convolve(arr, flippedKernel, mode='constant', cval=0)
result[arr == 0] = 0
return result
each of the 12 iterations corresponds to each of the following
directions - us, ne, wd, es, uw, nd, sw, un, ed, nw, ue, sd
imported from template expressions
evaluated in advance using pyeda
sElement = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
def _getBouondariesOfimage(image):
function to find boundaries/border/edges of the array/image
erode_im = ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(image, sElement)
boundaryIm = image - erode_im
return boundaryIm
each of the 12 iterations corresponds to each of the following
directions - us, ne, wd, es, uw, nd, sw, un, ed, nw, ue, sd
imported from template expressions
evaluated in advance using pyeda
directionList = [firstSubiteration, secondSubiteration, thirdSubiteration, fourthSubiteration,
fifthSubiteration, sixthSubiteration, seventhSubiteration, eighthSubiteration,
ninthSubiteration, tenthSubiteration, eleventhSubiteration, twelvethSubiteration]
def _skeletonPass(image):
each pass consists of 12 serial subiterations and finding the
boundaries of the padded image/array
boundaryIm = _getBouondariesOfimage(image)
numPixelsremovedList = [] * 12
boundaryIndices = list(set(map(tuple, list(np.transpose(np.nonzero(boundaryIm))))))
for i in range(0, 12):
convImage = _convolveImage(image, directionList[i])
totalPixels, image = _applySubiter(image, boundaryIndices, convImage)
print("number of pixels removed in the {} direction is {}". format(i, totalPixels))
numPixelsremoved = sum(numPixelsremovedList)
return numPixelsremoved, image
def _applySubiter(image, boundaryIndices, convImage):
each subiteration paralleley reduces the border voxels in 12 directions
going through each voxel and marking if it can be deleted or not in a
different image named temp_del and finally multiply it with the original
image to delete the voxels so marked
temp_del = np.zeros_like(image)
# boundaryIndicesCopy = copy.deepcopy(boundaryIndices)
lenB = len(boundaryIndices)
for k in range(0, lenB):
temp_del[boundaryIndices[k]] = lookUpTablearray[convImage[boundaryIndices[k]]]
numpixel_removed = np.einsum('ijk->', image * temp_del, dtype=int)
image[temp_del == 1] = 0
return numpixel_removed, image
def getSkeletonize3D(image):
function to skeletonize a 3D binary image with object in brighter contrast than background.
In other words, 1 = object, 0 = background
assert np.max(image) in [0, 1]
zOrig, yOrig, xOrig = np.shape(image)
padImage = np.lib.pad(image, 1, 'constant', constant_values=0)
start_skeleton = time.time()
pass_no = 0
numpixel_removed = 0
while pass_no == 0 or numpixel_removed > 0:
numpixel_removed, padImage = _skeletonPass(padImage)
print("number of pixels removed in pass {} is {}".format(pass_no, numpixel_removed))
pass_no += 1
print("done %i number of pixels in %f seconds" % (np.sum(image), time.time() - start_skeleton))
return padImage[1: zOrig + 1, 1: yOrig + 1, 1: xOrig + 1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
sample = np.ones((5, 5, 5), dtype=np.uint8)
resultSkel = getSkeletonize3D(sample)
# gives a single voxel at the center
print("resultSkel", resultSkel)