错误的指数权力图 - 如何改善曲线拟合

时间:2015-06-23 07:19:47

标签: python scipy curve-fitting



# Imports 
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Data
data = [[0.004408724185371062, 78.78011887652593], [0.005507091456466967, 65.01330508350753], [0.007073553026306459, 58.13364205119446], [0.009417452253958304, 50.12258366028477], [0.01315330108197482, 44.22980301062208], [0.019648758406406834, 35.436139354228956], [0.03248060063099905, 28.359815190205957], [0.06366197723675814, 21.54769216720596], [0.17683882565766149, 14.532777174472574], [1.5915494309189533, 6.156872080264581]]

# Fill lists to store x and y value
x_data,y_data = [], []
for i in data:

# Exponential Function
def func(x,m,c):
        return x**m * c 

# Curve fit
coeff, _ = curve_fit(func, x_data, y_data)
m, c = coeff[0], coeff[1]

# Plot function
x_function = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 100) 
y = x_function**m * c 
a = plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, s=30, marker = "v")
yfunction = x_function**m * c 
plt.plot(x_function, yfunction, '-')


data = [[0.004408724185371062, 194.04075083542443], [0.005507091456466967, 146.09194314074864], [0.007073553026306459, 120.2115882821158], [0.009417452253958304, 74.04014371874908], [0.01315330108197482, 34.167114633194736], [0.019648758406406834, 12.775528348369871], [0.03248060063099905, 7.903195816871708], [0.06366197723675814, 5.186092050500438], [0.17683882565766149, 3.260540592404184], [1.5915494309189533, 2.006254812978579]]

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Data
data = [[0.004408724185371062, 78.78011887652593], [0.005507091456466967, 65.01330508350753], [0.007073553026306459, 58.13364205119446], [0.009417452253958304, 50.12258366028477], [0.01315330108197482, 44.22980301062208], [0.019648758406406834, 35.436139354228956], [0.03248060063099905, 28.359815190205957], [0.06366197723675814, 21.54769216720596], [0.17683882565766149, 14.532777174472574], [1.5915494309189533, 6.156872080264581]]
#data = [[0.004408724185371062, 194.04075083542443], [0.005507091456466967, 146.09194314074864], [0.007073553026306459, 120.2115882821158], [0.009417452253958304, 74.04014371874908], [0.01315330108197482, 34.167114633194736], [0.019648758406406834, 12.775528348369871], [0.03248060063099905, 7.903195816871708], [0.06366197723675814, 5.186092050500438], [0.17683882565766149, 3.260540592404184], [1.5915494309189533, 2.006254812978579]]
# Fill lists to store x and y value
x_data,y_data = [], []
for i in data:

# Exponential Function
def func(x,m,c):
    #slightly rewritten; you could also consider using a third parameter d
    return c*np.power(x,m) #  + d

# Curve fit
coeff, _ = curve_fit(func, x_data, y_data)
m, c = coeff[0], coeff[1] #, coeff[2]
print m, c #, d

# Plot function
a = plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, s=30, marker = "v")
x_function = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 1000) 
yfunction = c*np.power(x_function,m) # + d
plt.plot(x_function, yfunction, '-')
print "residuals python:",((y_data - func(x_data, *coeff))**2).sum()
#compare to excel, first data set
print "residuals excel:",((y_data - func(x_data, -0.425,7.027))**2).sum()
#compare to excel, second data set
print "residuals excel:",((y_data - func(x_data, -0.841,1.0823))**2).sum()

答案 1 :(得分:0)


In [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [3]: plt.ion()

In [4]: data = [[0.004408724185371062, 194.04075083542443], [0.005507091456466967, 146.09194314074864], [0.007073553026306459, 120.2115882821158], [0.009417452253958304, 74.04014371874908], [0.01315330108197482, 34.167114633194736], [0.019648758406406834, 12.775528348369871], [0.03248060063099905, 7.903195816871708], [0.06366197723675814, 5.186092050500438], [0.17683882565766149, 3.260540592404184], [1.5915494309189533, 2.006254812978579]]

In [5]: data = np.asarray(data)   # just for convenience

In [6]: data.shape
Out[6]: (10, 2)

In [7]: x, y = data[:, 0], data[:, 1]

In [8]: lx, ly = np.log(x), np.log(y)

In [9]: plt.plot(lx, ly, 'ro')
Out[9]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x323a250>]

In [10]: def lfunc(x, a, b):
   ....:     return a*x + b

In [11]: from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

In [12]: opt, cov = curve_fit(lfunc, lx, ly)

In [13]: opt
Out[13]: array([-0.84071518,  0.07906558])

In [14]: plt.plot(lx, lfunc(lx, *opt), 'b-')
Out[14]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x3be0f90>]
