我想实现3-Men's Morris游戏的代理 - 这与tic-tac-toe游戏非常相似 - 我希望将Minimax策略与Alpha-Beta Pruning一起使用,这是我基于{的Python代码StackOverflow上有{3}}和this post,但它不起作用!!它给出了一个错误的解决方案,即使当前状态的后继者之一是解决方案
def alpha_beta(state,alpha,beta,turn,depth):
if int(terminal_test(state,turn)) == int(MY_NUMBER):
return 1 #win
elif (int(terminal_test(state,turn))!=0) and (int(terminal_test(state,turn))!=int(MY_NUMBER)) :
return -1 #loose
if int(depth) == 13:
return 0 #reached limit
moves = successors(state,turn,int(depth))
#valid moves for player based on rules
for move in moves:
state = make_move(state,move,turn)
current_eval = -alpha_beta(state, -beta, -alpha, 2-int(turn),int(depth)+1)
state = undo_move(state,move,turn)
if current_eval >= beta:
return beta
if current_eval > alpha:
alpha = current_eval
return alpha
def rootAlphaBeta(state,depth, turn):
best_move = None
max_eval = float('-infinity')
moves = successors(state,turn,int(depth))
alpha = float('infinity')
for move in moves:
state = make_move(state,move,turn)
alpha = -alpha_beta(state, float('-infinity'), alpha, 2-int(turn),int(depth)+1)
state = undo_move(state,move,turn)
if alpha > max_eval:
max_eval = alpha
best_move = move
#best_move which is selected here is not really the best move!
return best_move