从R< poly()函数中提取正交多项式系数?

时间:2014-11-04 05:25:57

标签: r

R' poly()函数产生用于数据拟合的正交多项式。但是,我想使用R之外的回归结果(比如在C ++中),并且似乎并不是获得每个正交多项式的系数的方法。

注1 :我不是指回归系数,而是指正交多项式本身的系数,例如:

y = a0 + a1*p_1(x) + a2*p_2(x) + ...

注2 :我知道poly(x, n, raw=T)强制poly返回非正交多项式,但我想对正交多项式进行回归,这就是我所做的事情。寻找。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:19)


z <- poly(1:10, 3)
# $alpha
# [1] 5.5 5.5 5.5
# $norm2
# [1]    1.0   10.0   82.5  528.0 3088.8

对于表示法,让我们在a_d的索引d中调用alpha元素,并让n_d调用索引{{}中的元素1 {} dnorm2将是生成的F_d(x)度的正交多项式。对于一些基本情况,我们有:



F_0(x) = 1 / sqrt(n_2)
F_1(x) = (x-a_1) / sqrt(n_3)

使用F_d(x) = [(x-a_d) * sqrt(n_{d+1}) * F_{d-1}(x) - n_{d+1} / sqrt(n_d) * F_{d-2}(x)] / sqrt(n_{d+2}) 确认:


将多项式导出到C ++代码的最紧凑方法可能是导出x <- 2.1 predict(z, newdata=x) # 1 2 3 # [1,] -0.3743277 0.1440493 0.1890351 # ... a <- attributes(z)$coefs$alpha n <- attributes(z)$coefs$norm2 f0 <- 1 / sqrt(n[2]) (f1 <- (x-a[1]) / sqrt(n[3])) # [1] -0.3743277 (f2 <- ((x-a[2]) * sqrt(n[3]) * f1 - n[3] / sqrt(n[2]) * f0) / sqrt(n[4])) # [1] 0.1440493 (f3 <- ((x-a[3]) * sqrt(n[4]) * f2 - n[4] / sqrt(n[3]) * f1) / sqrt(n[5])) # [1] 0.1890351 attributes(z)$coefs$alpha,然后使用C ++中的递归公式来计算多项式。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



josliber mentions一样,函数是递归构造的,表示它们的最紧凑的方法是使用R使用的范数和“ alpha”系数。使用(Rcpp)Armadillo的C ++版本看起来像

y = a0 + a1*p_1(x) + a2*p_2(x) + ...


// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>

namespace polycpp {
class poly_basis {
  void scale_basis(arma::mat &X) const {
    if(X.n_cols > 0)
      X.each_row() /= 
        arma::sqrt(norm2.subvec(1L, norm2.n_elem - 1L)).t();

  arma::vec const alpha, norm2;

  poly_basis(arma::vec const &alpha, arma::vec const &norm2):
    alpha(alpha), norm2(norm2) { 
    for(size_t i = 0; i < norm2.size(); ++i)
      if(norm2[i] <= 0.)
        throw std::invalid_argument("invalid norm2");
    if(alpha.n_elem + 2L != norm2.n_elem)
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid alpha");

   behaves like poly(x, degree). The orthogonal polynomial is returned by 
  static poly_basis get_poly_basis
    (arma::vec x, size_t const degree, arma::mat &X){
    size_t const n = x.n_elem, 
                nc = degree + 1L;
    double const x_bar = arma::mean(x); 
    x -= x_bar;
    arma::mat XX(n, nc);
    for(size_t d = 1L; d < nc; d++){
      double       * xx_new = XX.colptr(d);
      double const * xx_old = XX.colptr(d - 1);
      for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++xx_new, ++xx_old)
        *xx_new = *xx_old * x[i];

    arma::mat R;
    /* TODO: can be done smarter by calling LAPACK or LINPACK directly */
    if(!arma::qr_econ(X, R, XX))
      throw std::runtime_error("QR decomposition failed");

    for(size_t c = 0; c < nc; ++c)
      X.col(c) *= R.at(c, c);

    arma::vec norm2(nc + 1L), 
              alpha(nc - 1L);
    norm2[0] = 1.;
    for(size_t c = 0; c < nc; ++c){
      double z_sq(0), 
      double const *X_i = X.colptr(c);
      for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++X_i){
        double const z_sq_i = *X_i * *X_i;
        z_sq += z_sq_i;
        if(c < degree)
          x_z_sq += x[i] * z_sq_i;
      norm2[c + 1] = z_sq;
      if(c < degree)
        alpha[c] = x_z_sq / z_sq + x_bar;

    poly_basis out(alpha, norm2);
    return out;

  /** behaves like predict(<poly>, newdata). */
  arma::mat operator()(arma::vec const &x) const {
    size_t const n = x.n_elem;
    arma::mat out(n, alpha.n_elem + 1L);
    if(alpha.n_elem > 0L){
      out.col(1) = x;
      out.col(1) -= alpha[0];
      for(size_t c = 1; c < alpha.n_elem; c++){
        double       * x_new  = out.colptr(c + 1L);
        double const * x_prev = out.colptr(c), 
                     * x_old  = out.colptr(c - 1L), 
                     * x_i    = x.memptr();
        double const fac = norm2[c + 1L] / norm2[c];
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++x_new, ++x_prev, ++x_old, ++x_i)
          *x_new = (*x_i - alpha[c]) * *x_prev - fac * *x_old;

    return out;
} // namespace polycpp

// export the functions to R to show that we get the same
using namespace polycpp;
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export(rng = false)]]
List my_poly(arma::vec const &x, unsigned const degree){
  arma::mat out;
  auto basis = poly_basis::get_poly_basis(x, degree, out);
  return List::create(
    Named("X") = out, 
    Named("norm2") = basis.norm2, 
    Named("alpha") = basis.alpha);

// [[Rcpp::export(rng = false)]]
arma::mat my_poly_predict(arma::vec const &x, arma::vec const &alpha, 
                          arma::vec const &norm2){
  poly_basis basis(alpha, norm2);
  return basis(x);


x <- rnorm(100)
Rp <- poly(x, degree = 4L)
Cp <- my_poly(x, 4L)

all.equal(unclass(Rp), Cp$X[, -1L], check.attributes = FALSE)
#R> [1] TRUE
all.equal(attr(Rp, "coefs"), 
          lapply(Cp[c("alpha", "norm2")], drop))
#R> [1] TRUE

z <- rnorm(20)
Rpred <- predict(Rp, z)
Cpred <- my_poly_predict(z, Cp$alpha, Cp$norm2)
all.equal(Rpred, Cpred[, -1], check.attributes = FALSE)
#R> [1] TRUE
all.equal(Cp$X, my_poly_predict(x, Cp$alpha, Cp$norm2))
#R> [1] TRUE