6位Full Adder返回错误

时间:2014-10-17 17:26:14

标签: verilog

module adder6(
    output[5:0] sum,
    output c_out,
    input[5:0] a, b,
    input c_in);
wire [1:0] c_o;
adder4 a(.sum([3:0]),c_o[0],.a(a[3:0]), .b(b[3:0),c_in); //4-bits adder
full_adder fa1(sum[4],c_o[1],a[4],b[4],c_o[0]); //1-bit adder
full_adder fa2(sum[5],c_out,a[5],b[5],c_o[1]); //1-bit adder

module adder4(
    output[3:0] sum,
    output c_out,       // carry out
    input[3:0] a, b,    // operands
    input c_in);        // carry in

wire [2:0] c_o;
full_adder fa1(sum[0],c_o[0],a[0],b[0],c_in);
full_adder fa2(sum[1],c_o[1],a[1],b[1],c_o[0]);
full_adder fa3(sum[2],c_o[2],a[2],b[2],c_o[1]);
full_adder fa4(sum[3],c_out,a[3],b[3],c_o[2]);

module full_adder(
    output sum,
    output c_out,   // carry out
    input a,
    input b,
    input c_in);    // carry in

wire sum1;
wire c_in1;
wire c_out2;
    half_adder ha1(sum1,c_in1,a,b);
    half_adder ha2(sum,c_out2,sum1,c_in);

module half_adder(
    output sum,
    output c_out,   // carry out
    input a,
    input b);

assign sum=a^b;
assign c_out=a&&b;


我必须使用4位加法器和2个全加器来制作6位加法器。我确信问题出在 adder6 模块中,因为我已经分别测试了4位加法器模块,并且它可以工作。但我找不到错误。我不确定我是否在 adder4 模块中使用的 adder4 功能中建立了正确的连接。 (更新1):

module adder6_test;
// Inputs
reg [5:0] a;
reg [5:0] b;

// Outputs
wire [6:0] sum;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
adder6 uut (

initial begin
    // Initialize Inputs
    a = 0;
    b = 0;

    // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

    // Add stimulus here
    a = 50;
    b = 14;
    a = 2;
    b = 33;
    a = 63;
    b = 63;


(更新2): 错误是: 错误:HDLCompiler:806 - “C:/Users/Iulia/Downloads/lab1_skel/ex4_skel/adder6.v”第10行:“)”附近的语法错误。

// Verilog Test Fixture Template

`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps

 module TEST_gate;
      reg <signal1>;
      reg [2:0] <signal2>;
      wire [3:0] <signal3>;
      wire <signal4>;

      <module_name> <instance_name> (

      integer <name1>;
      integer <name2>;

// The following code initializes the Global Set Reset (GSR) and Global Three-State (GTS) nets
// Refer to the Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide for more information on this process
reg GSR;
assign glbl.GSR = GSR;
reg GTS;
assign glbl.GTS = GTS;

initial begin
  GSR = 1;
  GTS = 0; // GTS is not activated by default
  #100; // GSR is set for 100 ns
  GSR = 0;

// Initialize Inputs
  `define auto_init

  `ifdef auto_init

      initial begin


现在我收到这些错误: 错误:HDLCompiler:806 - “C:/Users/Iulia/Downloads/lab1_skel/ex4_skel/adder6_test.v”第6行:“&lt;”附近的语法错误。

错误:HDLCompiler:806 - “C:/Users/Iulia/Downloads/lab1_skel/ex4_skel/adder6_test.v”第7行:“&lt;”附近的语法错误。

错误:HDLCompiler:806 - “C:/Users/Iulia/Downloads/lab1_skel/ex4_skel/adder6_test.v”第8行:“&lt;”附近的语法错误。

(更新3)我修改了 adder6 模块,我设法摆脱了错误。我使用了7位求和,并且我已经消除了进位。但是现在,它没有计算总和。对于a = 63和b = 63,总和为X.这是新的adder6模块:

module adder6(
output[6:0] sum,
input[5:0] a, 
input[5:0] b);

wire c_out0;
wire c_out1;
adder4 add4(sum[3:0],c_out0,a[3:0],b[3:0],c_in);
full_adder fa3(sum[4],c_out1,a[4],b[4],c_out0);
full_adder fa4(sum[5],sum[6],a[5],b[5],c_out1);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


adder4 a(.sum([3:0]),c_o[0],.a(a[3:0]), .b(b[3:0),c_in); //4-bits adder

如您所见,您调用了adder4 a的实例。与此同时,您调用了输入端口a。这就是为什么在尝试编译代码时出现错误的原因。最简单的解决方案是重命名adder4实例。


adder4 add(.sum(sum[3:0]), .c_out(c_o[0]), .a(a[3:0]), .b(b[3:0]), .c_in(c_in));