uiview animateWithDuration无法隐藏在相同的切换方法中

时间:2014-08-04 22:50:05

标签: objective-c uiview animatewithduration


- (void)toggleMyView:(BOOL)show
    CGRect orig = self.originalMyViewFrame; // original frame of the view
    CGRect offScreen = CGRectMake(orig.origin.x, self.view.frame.size.height, orig.size.width, orig.size.height);
    if (show) {
        self.myView.frame = offScreen; // set off screen
        self.myView.hidden = NO; // unide the view
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
            self.myView.frame = orig; // animate to original position
    } else {
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations:^{
            self.myView.frame = offScreen; // animate off screen
        } completion:^(BOOL finished) {
            self.myView.hidden = YES; // hide when animation finished


- (void)toggleMyView:(BOOL)show
    CGRect orig = self.originalMyViewFrame; // original frame of the view
    CGRect offScreen = CGRectMake(orig.origin.x, self.view.frame.size.height, orig.size.width, orig.size.height);
    if (show) {
        self.myView.frame = offScreen; // set off screen
        self.myView.hidden = NO; // unide the view
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{
            self.myView.frame = orig; // animate to original position
    } else {
        self.myView.hidden = YES; // hide when animation finished



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