
时间:2014-07-30 15:25:48

标签: matlab symbolic-math


cfun = matlabFunction(g_eq,'vars',[kappa;theta;sigma]);
A = [-1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1];
b = [0; 0; 0];
[x,fval] = fmincon(@(kappa, theta, sigma) cfun, x0, A, b)



FMINCON要求用户函数返回的所有值都是   数据类型为double。


谢谢, 学家

编辑 - MCVE: 我的目标是通过最小化一些加权区域上隐含的模型和数据隐含的拉普拉斯变换之间的差异来找到模型的参数。在这里,我提供了一个小区域的问题,而不使用区域上的权重和一些进一步的简化。在第0部分中,我提供了转换函数的代码,在第II部分中我进行了参数转换,而在III中则进行了数据转换并尝试在IV中将其最小化。

%% 0. Functions used

%% 0.1 L_V1 - transform of parametric
function lv = L_V1(u,sigma,kappa,theta)
lv = (1/(1+u.*sigma^2/(2*kappa))).^(2*kappa*theta/sigma^2);

%% 0.2 LV_2 - transform of data
function lv = L_hat1(u,D,n,T)
A_u = cos(sqrt(2 .*u) *sqrt(n) .*D);
Z_u = 1/n * sum(A_u);
lv = 1/T * sum(Z_u);

%% I. Pre-estimation

ulng1=100; %select number of points on the evaluated interval
u1 = linspace(.8, 1.6,ulng1); % create region of interest

%% II. Parametric part

par_mat1 = sym(zeros(ulng1,1)); % create interval for parametric

syms sigma kappa theta LV_par1;

for i = 1:ulng1
      par_mat1(i) = L_V1(u1(i),sigma,kappa,theta); %transformations of parametric


LV_par1 = sum(par_mat1); %sum of parametric over the region

%% III. Data part
n = 100; %choose number of days
T = 20;  %choose number of obs over a day
D = rand([n-1, T]); %vector of observations, here just random numbers

for i = 1:ulng1
    hat_mat1(i) = L_hat1(u1(i),D,n,T); %transformations of data

hat_1  = sum(hat_mat1); %sum of transforms over the region

%% IV. Minimize
W = 1; %weighting matrix, here just one region, hence 1
MC = hat_1 - LV_par1 ; %moment condition
g_eq = (MC) * (W) *(MC.'); %objective function (symbolic)
cfun = matlabFunction(g_eq,'vars',[kappa;theta;sigma]); %create a function handle from the symbolic

x0 = [.5; 1; .5];
A = [-1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 0 -1]; %constrains
b = [0; 0; 0]; %constrains
[x,fval] = fmincon(@(kappa, theta, sigma) cfun, x0, A, b) %minimize

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


[x,fval] = fmincon(@(x) cfun(x(1),x(2),x(3)), x0, A, b)