
时间:2014-05-22 20:08:13

标签: c# c++ dll unity3d dllimport


using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class testScript2 : MonoBehaviour {
    // external functions
    [DllImport( "TestLib" )]
    public static extern void makeWing( ref stripCalcStruct wing, 
        int n_sections, bool isSwept, double sweep );
    [DllImport( "TestLib" )]
    public static extern void makeComp( ref stripCalcStruct wing, 
        ref compNILLStruct wingComp );
    [DllImport( "TestLib" )]
    public static extern void NILLWingEx( ref stripCalcStruct wing,
        ref compNILLStruct comp, ref outNILL results, bool simpsons );

    // member variables to store computation results
    public double calculation1 = 0.0;
    public double calculation2 = 0.0;
    public double calculation3 = 0.0;
    public double calculation4 = 0.0;
    public double calculation5 = 0.0;
    public double calculation6 = 0.0;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        // this is my "main" program
        // initialize some geometric parameters
        int numCS = 2;
        int numControlStations = 2;
        int numAirfoils = 1;
        int numAiCoeffs = 10;
        int n_sections = 40;

        // Create a StripController
        StripController controller1 = new StripController(
            n_sections, numCS, numControlStations, numAirfoils, numAiCoeffs );
        // Fill the wing geometry with a default wing from the library
        makeWing( ref controller1.wing, 40, false, 0.0 );
        // save a piece to see that it worked
        calculation1 = controller1.wing.area;
        // Fill computational state parameters with default values from the library
        makeComp( ref controller1.wing, ref controller1.comp );
        // save a piece to see that it worked
        calculation2 = controller1.getAlphaAtIndex( 0 );
        // Call the flow solver from the library
        NILLWingEx( ref controller1.wing, ref controller1.comp, 
            ref controller1.results, false );
        // save the required computation time
        calculation3 = controller1.results.time;
        // free pinned memory in the controller

        /* Try this again, but this time call the NILLWingEX function from
         * within the StripController file */
        StripController controller2 = new StripController(
            n_sections, numCS, numControlStations, numAirfoils, numAiCoeffs );
        makeWing( ref controller2.wing, 40, false, 0.0 );
        calculation4 = controller2.wing.area;
        makeComp( ref controller2.wing, ref controller2.comp );
        calculation5 = controller2.getAlphaAtIndex( 0 );
        controller2.EvalNILL(); // This fails
        calculation6 = controller2.results.time;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {


    void OnGUI()
        // display our computation results on the screen
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 100f, 500f, 20f ), calculation1.ToString() );
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 120f, 500f, 20f ), calculation2.ToString() );
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 140f, 500f, 20f ), calculation3.ToString() );
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 160f, 500f, 20f ), calculation4.ToString() );
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 180f, 500f, 20f ), calculation5.ToString() );
        GUI.Label( new Rect( 100f, 200f, 500f, 20f ), calculation6.ToString() );


public class StripController
    [DllImport( "TestLib" )]
    public static extern void NILLWingEX( ref stripCalcStruc wing,
         ref compNILLStruct comp, ref outNILL results, bool simpsons );

因此它与另一个文件具有相同的外部NILLWingEX定义。 EvalNILL()方法看起来像这样

public void EvalNILL()
    NILLWingEX( ref wing, ref comp, ref results, false );

在测试脚本文件中,在第一个块中使用StripController并在本地调用NILLWingEX正常工作。但是在第二个区块中,我从该文件中获得了StripController来电NILLWingEX,我得到了EntryPointNotFoundException: NILLWingEX。所以我可以从测试脚本文件中调用外部函数,但不能调用其他文件?这与继承MonoBehaviour有关吗?这是否与测试脚本附加到游戏对象(主摄像头)这一事实有关?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

实际上,我似乎并不够挑剔。测试脚本使用大写' X'来调用NILLWingExStripController来电NILLWingEX。我不确定那里到底是怎么回事。所以我只是在一个错误中吹了一天半......