
时间:2014-05-13 05:46:42

标签: cocos2d-iphone box2d

嗨朋友们,我有碰撞圈与弹跳圈体和动力箱体的问题。在我的游戏中,bouncung圆体将触及动能体与一些fource有很多次弹跳圆体不与盒体返回弹跳碰撞。有时会发生碰撞。我搜索并尝试了很多我的知识,但没有结果。 Anybudy给了我这个任务的解决方案。提前谢谢。

  CCSprite *_ball = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Red Ball.png" ];
 _ball.position = ccp(550, 150);
 [self addChild:_ball];

 // Create ball body and shape
 b2BodyDef ballBodyDef;
 ballBodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
 ballBodyDef.position.Set(470/PTM_RATIO, 120/PTM_RATIO);
 ballBodyDef.userData = _ball;
 _body = world->CreateBody(&ballBodyDef);

b2CircleShape circle;
circle.m_radius = 8.0/PTM_RATIO;

b2FixtureDef ballShapeDef;
ballShapeDef.shape = &circle;
ballShapeDef.density = 1.0f;
ballShapeDef.friction = 0.2f;
ballShapeDef.restitution = 0.8f;
_body->ApplyForce( b2Vec2(-80,20), _body->GetWorldCenter());

//Kinetic box body
CCSprite* oneRun=[CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"1RunImage.png"];
    [self addChild:oneRun];
    // Create wickets body and shape
    b2BodyDef fnt1runBodyDef;
    fnt1runBodyDef.type = b2_kinematicBody;
    fnt1runBodyDef.position.Set(size.width/PTM_RATIO, 30.0f/PTM_RATIO);
    fnt1runBodyDef.userData = oneRun;
    v1Body = world->CreateBody(&fnt1runBodyDef);

    b2PolygonShape run1box;
    //circle.m_radius = 13.0/PTM_RATIO;

    b2FixtureDef box1ShapeDef;
    box1ShapeDef.shape = &run1box;
    box1ShapeDef.density = .3f;
    //ballShapeDef.friction = 0.2f;
    //box1ShapeDef.restitution = 0.5f;

对于碰撞Cantact listner

      // Loop through all of the Box2D bodies in our Box2D world..
for(b2Body *b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b=b->GetNext()) {

    // See if there's any user data attached to the Box2D body
    // There should be, since we set it in addBoxBodyForSprite
    if (b->GetUserData() != NULL) {

        // We know that the user data is a sprite since we set
        // it that way, so cast it...
        CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)b->GetUserData();

        // Convert the Cocos2D position/rotation of the sprite to the Box2D position/rotation
        b2Vec2 b2Position = b2Vec2(sprite.position.x/PTM_RATIO,
        float32 b2Angle = -1 * CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(sprite.rotation);

        // Update the Box2D position/rotation to match the Cocos2D position/rotation
        b->SetTransform(b2Position, b2Angle);

// Loop through all of the box2d bodies that are currently colliding, that we have
// gathered with our custom contact listener...
std::vector<b2Body *>toDestroy;
std::vector<MyContact>::iterator pos;
for(pos = contactlistener->_contacts.begin(); pos != contactlistener->_contacts.end(); ++pos) {
    MyContact contact = *pos;

    // Get the box2d bodies for each object
    b2Body *bodyA = contact.fixtureA->GetBody();
    b2Body *bodyB = contact.fixtureB->GetBody();

    if (bodyA->GetUserData() != NULL && bodyB->GetUserData() != NULL) {
        CCSprite *spriteA = (CCSprite *) bodyA->GetUserData();
        CCSprite *spriteB = (CCSprite *) bodyB->GetUserData();

        // Is sprite A a ball and sprite B a wicket?  If so, push the bat on a list to be destroyed...
        if (spriteA.tag == 100 && spriteB.tag == 1) {

        // Is sprite A a wicket and sprite B a ball?  If so, push the bat on a list to be destroyed...
        else if (spriteA.tag == 1 && spriteB.tag ==100) {

            [scoreLable setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Score: %i",score]];


// Loop through all of the box2d bodies we wnat to destroy...
std::vector<b2Body *>::iterator pos2;
for(pos2 = toDestroy.begin(); pos2 != toDestroy.end(); ++pos2) {
    b2Body *body = *pos2;

    // See if there's any user data attached to the Box2D body
    // There should be, since we set it in addBoxBodyForSprite
    if (body->GetUserData() != NULL) {

        // We know that the user data is a sprite since we set
        // it that way, so cast it...
        CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *) body->GetUserData();

        // Remove the sprite from the scene
        [self removeChild:sprite cleanup:YES];

    // Destroy the Box2D body as well
    //        [self unschedule:@selector(ballCreation)];


// If we've destroyed anything, play an amusing and malicious sound effect!  ;]
if (toDestroy.size() > 0) {
    //  [[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:@"hahaha.caf"];

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