import java.util.*;
public class NetPay3
public static void main()
// Define Scanner object
Scanner inLine = new Scanner (;
// Define other variables
float pay;
int OneHundredPounds, FiftyPounds, TwentyPounds, FivePounds,
OnePound, FiftyPence, TwentyPence, FivePence, TwoPence, OnePenny;
// Ask for the time in seconds
System.out.print ("Enter Net Pay : ");
pay = inLine.nextFloat();
// Calculate the hours. There are (3600)
// i.e. 60 x 60 seconds in every hour
OneHundredPounds = (int) pay / 100;
// Calculate what is left over and store back into seconds
pay = pay % 100;
// Calculate the minutes. There are 60 seconds
// in a minute.
FiftyPounds = (int) pay / 50;
// Whatever is left over must be the seconds
pay = pay % 50;
// Calculate the hours. There are (3600)
// i.e. 60 x 60 seconds in every hour
TwentyPounds = (int) pay / 20;
// Calculate what is left over and store back into seconds
pay = pay % 20;
// Calculate the hours. There are (3600)
// i.e. 60 x 60 seconds in every hour
FivePounds = (int) pay / 5;
// Calculate what is left over and store back into seconds
pay = pay % 5;
// Calculate the hours. There are (3600)
// i.e. 60 x 60 seconds in every hour
OnePound = (int) pay / 1;
// Calculate what is left over and store back into seconds
pay = pay % 1;
// Calculate the hours. There are (3600)
// i.e. 60 x 60 seconds in every hour
FiftyPence = (int) pay / 2;
// Calculate what is left over and store back into seconds
pay = pay % 2;
// Display the hours, minutes and seconds
System.out.println ("Amount of £100 notes " + OneHundredPounds);
System.out.println ("Amount of £50 notes " + FiftyPounds);
System.out.println ("Amount of £20 notes " + TwentyPounds);
System.out.println ("Amount of £5 notes " + FivePounds);
System.out.println ("Amount of £1 coins " + OnePound);
System.out.println ("Amount of 50p coins " + FiftyPence);
Enter Net Pay : 176.50
Amount of £100 notes 1
Amount of £50 notes 1
Amount of £20 notes 1
Amount of £5 notes 1
Amount of £1 coins 1
Amount of 50p coins 0
答案 0 :(得分:0)
以下是您的代码已更正和改进 不要在这里使用浮点数,使用整数运算。
import java.util.*;
public class NetPay3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define Scanner object
Scanner inLine = new Scanner(;
// Define other variables
int pay;
int OneHundredPounds, FiftyPounds, TwentyPounds, FivePounds, OnePound, FiftyPence, TwentyPence, FivePence, TwoPence, OnePenny;
System.out.print("Enter Net Pay : ");
float pay1 = inLine.nextFloat();
pay = (int) (100 * pay1);
OneHundredPounds = (int) pay / 10000;
pay = pay % 10000;
FiftyPounds = (int) pay / 5000;
pay = pay % 5000;
TwentyPounds = (int) pay / 2000;
pay = pay % 2000;
FivePounds = (int) pay / 500;
pay = pay % 500;
OnePound = (int) pay / 100;
pay = pay % 100;
FiftyPence = (int) pay / 50;
pay = pay % 50;
System.out.println("Amount of £100 notes " + OneHundredPounds);
System.out.println("Amount of £50 notes " + FiftyPounds);
System.out.println("Amount of £20 notes " + TwentyPounds);
System.out.println("Amount of £5 notes " + FivePounds);
System.out.println("Amount of £1 coins " + OnePound);
System.out.println("Amount of 50p coins " + FiftyPence);
System.out.println("Leftover pence: " + pay);
import java.util.*;
public class NetPay3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner inLine = new Scanner(;
float[] val = new float[]{100, 50, 20, 5, 1, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.05f, 0.02f, 0.01f};
int pay;
System.out.print("Enter Net Pay : ");
float pay1 = inLine.nextFloat();
pay = (int) (100 * pay1);
for (int i=0; i<val.length; i++){
int m = ((int)(val[i] * 100));
int cnt = pay / m;
String s1 = val[i] < 1 ? " coins: " : " notes: ";
String s2 = val[i] < 1 ? "" : "£";
String s3 = val[i] < 1 ? "p" : "";
String s4 = val[i] < 1 ? m + "" : (m/100) + "";
System.out.println("Amount of " + s2 + s4 + s3 + s1 + cnt);
pay = pay % m;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
尝试将FiftyPence = (int) pay / 2;
更改为FiftyPence = (int) (pay / 0.5f);