
时间:2014-02-25 19:16:43

标签: python c++ math 3d collision-detection


  • 与轴对齐并由其中心位置及其范围(边长)
  • 定义的立方体
  • 一个不与轴对齐的圆锥体,由其顶点的位置,底部中心的位置和顶点的半角定义

这是一个用C ++定义这些对象的小代码:

// Preprocessor
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <array>

// 3D cube from the position of its center and the side extent
class cube
        cube(const std::array<double, 3>& pos, const double ext)
        : _position(pos), _extent(ext) 
        double center(const unsigned int idim) 
            {return _position[idim];}
        double min(const unsigned int idim)
            {return _position[idim]-_extent/2;}
        double max(const unsigned int idim)
            {return _position[idim]+_extent/2;}
        double extent()
            {return _extent;}
        double volume()
            {return std::pow(_extent, 3);}
        std::array<double, 3> _position;
        double _extent;

// 3d cone from the position of its vertex, the base center, and the angle
class cone
        cone(const std::array<double, 3>& vert, 
             const std::array<double, 3>& bas, 
             const double ang)
        : _vertex(vert), _base(bas), _angle(ang)
        double vertex(const unsigned int idim)
            {return _vertex[idim];}
        double base(const unsigned int idim)
            {return _base[idim];}
        double angle()
            {return _angle;}
        double height()
            {return std::sqrt(std::pow(_vertex[0]-_base[0], 2)+std::pow(
            _vertex[1]-_base[1], 2)+std::pow(_vertex[2]-_base[2], 2));}
        double radius()
            {return std::tan(_angle)*height();}
        double circle()
            {return 4*std::atan(1)*std::pow(radius(), 2);}
        double volume()
            {return circle()*height()/3;}
        std::array<double, 3> _vertex;
        std::array<double, 3> _base;
        double _angle;


// Detect whether the intersection between a 3d cube and a 3d cone is not null
bool intersection(const cube& x, const cone& y)
    // Function that returns false if the intersection of x and y is empty
    // and true otherwise

以下是问题的说明(插图是2D,但我的问题是3D): Cube and cone intersection

如何有效地执行此操作(我正在搜索算法,因此答案可以是C,C ++或Python)?


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

  1. 想象2个无限行

    • 圆锥轴
    • 线穿过与{{li>>垂直的点P(起点的立方体中心)。


    P+t*(perpendicular vector to cone axis)

    该矢量可以通过锥轴矢量和垂直于图像的矢量(假设Z轴)的叉积获得。 t是标量值参数...

  2. 计算这两条线/轴的交点


  3. 如果交叉点Q不在锥体内


    • t1成为P轴线
    • t2用于锥轴线

    如果您的轴线方向向量也是锥长,那么如果t2 = <0,1>

  4. ,则交叉点在锥内。
  5. 如果P不在三角形内部(由这两个轴生成的切割圆锥到平面)

    这也很容易你知道Q在锥体(t2)内的位置,所以你知道锥体在P - 从Q轴到距离R*t2其中R是圆锥的基本半径。因此,您可以计算|P-Q|并检查它是<=R*t2还是直接使用t1(如果P轴方向向量是单位)。


  6. 如果#3和#4为正数,则P与圆锥相交


    • 希望你不介意这里是你的形象,为了清晰起见,增加了一些东西
  7. <强> [注释]

    现在,当没有立方体的顶点与锥体相交但是立方体本身与锥体相交时,存在边缘情况。 ||P-Q|-R*t2| = <0,half cube size>在这种情况下,您应检查更多点,然后沿最近的立方体面立方体顶点。


    1. 为圆锥



      • 其顶点为原点
      • 其轴为+Z
      • XY平面与其基础平行


      • Z = <0,h>
      • X*X + Y*Y <= (R*Z/h)^2X*X + Y*Y <= (R*Z*tan(angle))^2
    2. 将立方体顶点转换为圆锥空间


    3. 聊天讨论:http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/48756/discussion-between-spektre-and-joojaa

答案 1 :(得分:5)




    Here is the cone in cone space:

            +        ^
           /|\       |
          /*| \      | H
         /  |  \     |
        /       \    |
       +---------+   v

    * = alpha (angle from edge to axis)
struct Cone // In cone space (important)
    double H;
    double alpha;

    A 3d plane
      |          |
      |          |
      +----------> u
struct Plane
    double u;
    double v;
    Vector3D P;

// Now, a box.
// It is assumed that the values are coherent (that's only for this answer).
// On each plane, the coordinates are between 0 and 1 to be inside the face.
struct Box
    Plane faces[6];

线 - 锥交点


    The segment is points M where PM = P + t * dir, and 0 <= t <= 1
    For the cone, we have 0 <= Z <= cone.H
bool intersect(Cone cone, Vector3D dir, Vector3D P)
    // Beware, indigest formulaes !
    double sqTA = tan(cone.alpha) * tan(cone.alpha);
    double A = dir.X * dir.X + dir.Y * dir.Y - dir.Z * dir.Z * sqTA;
    double B = 2 * P.X * dir.X +2 * P.Y * dir.Y - 2 * (cone.H - P.Z) * dir.Z * sqTA;
    double C = P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y - (cone.H - P.Z) * (cone.H - P.Z) * sqTA;

    // Now, we solve the polynom At² + Bt + C = 0
    double delta = B * B - 4 * A * C;
    if(delta < 0)
        return false; // No intersection between the cone and the line
    else if(A != 0)
        // Check the two solutions (there might be only one, but that does not change a lot of things)
        double t1 = (-B + sqrt(delta)) / (2 * A);
        double z1 = P.Z + t1 * dir.Z;
        bool t1_intersect = (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 && z1 >= 0 && z1 <= cone.H);

        double t2 = (-B - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * A);
        double z2 = P.Z + t2 * dir.Z;
        bool t2_intersect = (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1 && z2 >= 0 && z2 <= cone.H);

        return t1_intersect || t2_intersect;
    else if(B != 0)
        double t = -C / B;
        double z = P.Z + t * dir.Z;
        return t >= 0 && t <= 1 && z >= 0 && z <= cone.H;
    else return C == 0;

直 - 圆锥交点


    A point M in the plan 'rect' is defined by:
        M = rect.P + a * rect.u + b * rect.v, where (a, b) are in [0;1]²
bool intersect(Cone cone, Plane rect)
    bool intersection = intersect(cone, rect.u, rect.P)
                     || intersect(cone, rect.u, rect.P + rect.v)
                     || intersect(cone, rect.v, rect.P)
                     || intersect(cone, rect.v, rect.P + rect.u);

        // It is possible that either the part of the plan lie
        // entirely in the cone, or the inverse. We need to check.
        Vector3D center = P + (u + v) / 2;

        // Is the face inside the cone (<=> center is inside the cone) ?
        if(center.Z >= 0 && center.Z <= cone.H)
            double r = (H - center.Z) * tan(cone.alpha);
            if(center.X * center.X + center.Y * center.Y <= r)
                intersection = true;

        // Is the cone inside the face (this one is more tricky) ?
        // It can be resolved by finding whether the axis of the cone crosses the face.
        // First, find the plane coefficient (descartes equation)
        Vector3D n = rect.u.crossProduct(rect.v);
        double d = -(rect.P.X * n.X + rect.P.Y * n.Y + rect.P.Z * n.Z);

        // Now, being in the face (ie, coordinates in (u, v) are between 0 and 1)
        // can be verified through scalar product
        if(n.Z != 0)
            Vector3D M(0, 0, -d/n.Z);
            Vector3D MP = M - rect.P;
            if(MP.scalar(rect.u) >= 0
               || MP.scalar(rect.u) <= 1
               || MP.scalar(rect.v) >= 0
               || MP.scalar(rect.v) <= 1)
                intersection = true;
    return intersection;

箱 - 锥交叉口


bool intersect(Cone cone, Box box)
    return intersect(cone, box.faces[0])
        || intersect(cone, box.faces[1])
        || intersect(cone, box.faces[2])
        || intersect(cone, box.faces[3])
        || intersect(cone, box.faces[4])
        || intersect(cone, box.faces[5]);



// 0 is the base, the vertex is at z = H
x² + y² = (H - z)² * tan²(alpha)
0 <= z <= H


x = u + at
y = v + bt
z = w + ct



(u + at)² + (v + bt)² = (H - w - ct)² * tan²(alpha)


At² + Bt + C = 0


答案 2 :(得分:2)

信息:我不知道这个想法是否已经是一个专利的知识产权(在您所在的地区),或者没有,或者如何找出,或者其他任何意义。我这样做是为了好玩。 :)


  • 步骤1:近似:为了提高效率,请将两个对象视为球体(使用外球体)。计算它们的 distance (在它们的两个中心点之间),以确定它们是否足够接近相交。如果它们不可能相交,则快速返回false(因为它们的距离大于两个球体的半径之和)。

  • 第2步:精确计算:这是一种简单的方法:将锥形解释为一批名为 voxels的三维像素(或legos):选择您认为可接受的分辨率(粒度)(可能为0.01)。创建一个从(0,0,0)指向锥体体积内任意体素点的矢量(从您已命名为“顶点”的点开始)。如果该体素的坐标存在于给定的多维数据集内,则返回true。根据所选的粒度,为您可以为圆锥体对象计算的每个体素重复此操作。

  • 第3步:如果没有匹配,则返回false。




答案 3 :(得分:1)

几年前,我制作了一个有效的算法来测试锥体和aabb之间的交叉,以获得一些渲染代码。我最近需要对我现在正在处理的事情进行测试,所以我重新审视它并使其更加高效。我花了更多的时间来承认解决这个问题,因此我决定免除你的痛苦并发布代码。因此,这是AFAIK一个完全独特的解决方案,并且不会在教科书中找到(即David Eberly的解决方案)。

大编辑:我之前的算法处理了大多数情况,我没有注意到任何问题 - 直到我得到足够大的时间来严格测试所有情况。它在一种情况下具有小的误差范围,并且在针对蛮力6平面方法进行测试时在另一种情况下具有相当大的误差范围。我最后做的分段测试无法解释所有可能的奇怪情况,即扩展锥体会穿透盒子。它在我的2D和绘制得很差的3D测试用例上看起来很不错,但在实践中失败了。我的新想法略贵一些,但它是防弹的。




3.)将数组中的所有顶点投影到&#34; cone-space&#34;。




bool Intersect(const Cone& pCone) const {
    Vector3 pFaceVerts[12];
    U32 uVertCount;
    int piClipSigns[3];
    U32 uClipCount = GetClipInfo(pCone.GetApex(), piClipSigns);

    switch (uClipCount) {
        // If the clip count is zero, the apex is fully contained in the box
        xcase 0: {
            return true;
        // 1) Clips single face, 4 vertices, guaranteed to not touch any other faces
        xcase 1: {
            int iFacet = piClipSigns[0] != 0 ? 0 : (piClipSigns[1] != 0 ? 1 : 2);
            GetFacetVertices(iFacet, piClipSigns[iFacet], pFaceVerts);
            uVertCount = 4;
        // 2) Clips an edge joining two candidate faces, 6 vertices
        // 3) Clips a vertex joining three candidate faces, 7 vertices
        xcase 2:
        acase 3: {
            uVertCount = 0;
            for (U32 iFacet = 0; iFacet < 3; iFacet++) {
                if (piClipSigns[iFacet] != 0) {
                    GetFacetVertices(iFacet, piClipSigns[iFacet], pFaceVerts + uVertCount);
                    uVertCount += 4;
            FixVertices(pFaceVerts, uVertCount);

    // Project vertices into cone-space
    F32 fConeRadiusSquared = Square(pCone.GetRadius());
    F32 pfLengthAlongAxis[6];
    bool bOutside = true;
    for (U32 i = 0; i < uVertCount; i++) {
        pfLengthAlongAxis[i] = Dot(pCone.GetAxis(), pFaceVerts[i] - pCone.GetApex());
        bOutside &= Clamp1(pfLengthAlongAxis[i], LargeEpsilon, pCone.GetHeight() - LargeEpsilon);
    // Outside the cone axis length-wise
    if (bOutside) {
        return false;
    for (U32 i = 0; i < uVertCount; i++) {
        Vector3 vPosOnAxis = pCone.GetApex() + pCone.GetAxis() * pfLengthAlongAxis[i];
        Vector3 vDirFromAxis = pFaceVerts[i] - vPosOnAxis;

        F32 fScale = (pCone.GetHeight() / pfLengthAlongAxis[i]);
        F32 x = fScale * Dot(vDirFromAxis, pCone.GetBaseRight());
        F32 y = fScale * Dot(vDirFromAxis, pCone.GetBaseUp());
        // Intersects if any projected points are inside the cone
        if (Square(x) + Square(y) <= fConeRadiusSquared) {
            return true;
        pFaceVerts[i] = Vector2(x, y);
    // Finally do a polygon circle intersection with circle center at origin
    return PolygonCircleIntersect(pFaceVerts, uVertCount, pCone.GetRadius());


inline U32 GetClipInfo(const Vector3& P, int piClipSigns[3]) const {
    U32 N = 0;
    for (U32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        if (P[i] < m_vMin[i]) {
            piClipSigns[i] = -1;
        } else if (P[i] > m_vMax[i]) {
            piClipSigns[i] = +1;
        } else {
            piClipSigns[i] = 0;
    return N;



我尝试了各种其他方法,特别是锥轴和盒子之间的分离轴测试,并使用最大的分离轴来获得最接近的面以使用PolygonCircleIntersect进行测试,但我确定了一个失败案例,因此将其抛出。 / p>