
时间:2014-01-10 06:04:04

标签: c# geometry


cube[0] = (x0, y0, z0);
cube[1] = (x1, y1, z1);
cube[2] = (x2, y2, z2);
cube[3] = (x3, y3, z3);
cube[4] = (x4, y4, z4);
cube[5] = (x5, y5, z5);
cube[6] = (x6, y6, z6);
cube[7] = (x7, y7, z7);

myPoint = (x, y, z);

我正在尝试在3D中实现此data filter technique

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

可能最简单的方法是计算绑定立方体的6个平面中的每个平面的平面方程,将点插入每个平面并确保结果符号为正(或者为负,取决于您是否计算你的飞机面向内或向外)。平面方程是p * normal + k = 0,通过取两个边之间的叉积来计算法线,然后将其中一个点插入平面方程中得到k。

更高级的方法是想象定义X,Y和Z轴的立方体和偏移(由立方体[0]定义)并将它们插入矩阵以转换两个空间之间的点。通过该矩阵的逆转换您的点将其置于“立方体空间”中,其中立方体与X / Y / Z轴对齐,因此您可以仅对边进行幅度比较。

答案 1 :(得分:5)

如果你想从链接的帖子中实现想法,那么考虑轴对齐的立方体(实际上是平行六面体)是有意义的。在这种情况下,支票为xmin<=x<=xmax && ymin<=y<=ymax && zmin<=z<=zmax

答案 2 :(得分:3)


maxim1000's answer所示,您可以简单地检查所考虑点的X,Y,Z坐标是否位于多维数据集的X,Y,Z坐标的最小值和最大值中。

X_min <= X <= X_max and Y_min <= Y <= Y_max  and Z_min <= Z <= Z_max




enter image description here


enter image description here

X local ,Y local 和Z local 在图中以蓝色,红色,绿色表示。和X length ,Y length 和Z length 是沿轴的范围。


方法#1 :在Cube的局部坐标系中考虑这一点。为此,我们需要估算旋转矩阵。在这种情况下,旋转矩阵是3 x 3矩阵,其中X local ,Y local 和Z local 作为列。

enter image description here




enter image description here

立方体的中心是I,如图所示。从立方体中心到点P的方向向量为V。向量V在X local ,Y local 和Z local 的计算公式如下。

enter image description here


enter image description here


import numpy as np

def inside_test(points , cube3d):
    cube3d  =  numpy array of the shape (8,3) with coordinates in the clockwise order. first the bottom plane is considered then the top one.
    points = array of points with shape (N, 3).

    Returns the indices of the points array which are outside the cube3d
    b1,b2,b3,b4,t1,t2,t3,t4 = cube3d

    dir1 = (t1-b1)
    size1 = np.linalg.norm(dir1)
    dir1 = dir1 / size1

    dir2 = (b2-b1)
    size2 = np.linalg.norm(dir2)
    dir2 = dir2 / size2

    dir3 = (b4-b1)
    size3 = np.linalg.norm(dir3)
    dir3 = dir3 / size3

    cube3d_center = (b1 + t3)/2.0

    dir_vec = points - cube3d_center

    res1 = np.where( (np.absolute(np.dot(dir_vec, dir1)) * 2) > size1 )[0]
    res2 = np.where( (np.absolute(np.dot(dir_vec, dir2)) * 2) > size2 )[0]
    res3 = np.where( (np.absolute(np.dot(dir_vec, dir3)) * 2) > size3 )[0]

    return list( set().union(res1, res2, res3) )

答案 3 :(得分:0)




So for P1(5,6,0) 
P.x (5) > Start.x(0) & P.x(5) < End.x(10)  
P.y (6) < Start.x(9) & P.y(6) > End.x(3)  
P.z (0) < Start.x(1) & P.z(0) > End.x(-1)

P1 is inside

for P2(5,6,6)
P.x (5) > Start.x(0) & P.x(5) < End.x(10)  
P.y (6) < Start.x(9) & P.y(6) > End.x(3)  
P.z (6) > Start.x(1) & P.z(6) > End.x(-1) <-- Not Within Range

P2 is out side

答案 4 :(得分:0)


  1. 选择 a b c d ,以便 a 将是您的多维数据集的来源,并且 b c d 将形成多维数据集的轴( a < / strong>和 b 通过边连接, a c 相同, a d )。它不必与3D空间的轴对齐。
  2. 使用以下公式计算多维数据集的 edgeLength (例如,从 a b 的距离):

    distance = sqrt(sqr(a.X - b.X) + (a.Y - b.Y) + (a.Z - b.Z))
  3. 确定点是否在多维数据集内

    double latA = a DistanceTo(myPoint);
    double latB = b.DistanceTo(myPoint);
    if (Math.Abs(latA + latB - edgeLength) < 0.0001)
        return true;
    double angleA = CalculateAngleA(latA, latB, edgeLength);
    if (angleA > 90.0001) return false;
    double angleB = CalculateAngleA(latB, latA, edgeLength);
    if (angleB > 90.0001) return false;
    latB = e.DistanceTo(myPoint);
    if (Math.Abs(latA + latB - edgeLength) < 0.0001)
        return true;
    angleA = CalculateAngleA(latA, latB, edgeLength);
    if (angleA > 90.0001) return false;
    angleB = CalculateAngleA(latB, latA, edgeLength);
    if (angleB > 90.0001) return false;
    latB = d.DistanceTo(myPoint);
    if (Math.Abs(latA + latB - edgeLength) < 0.001)
        return true;
    angleA = CalculateAngleA(latA, latB, edgeLength);
    if (angleA > 90.0001) return false;
    angleB = CalculateAngleA(latB, latA, edgeLength);
    if (angleB > 90.0001) return false;
    //if all validations pass
    return true;


    double CalculateAngleA(double latA, double latB, double latC)
        return Math.Acos((latA*latA + latC*latC - latB*latB)/(2*latA*latC))*(180.0/Math.PI);

答案 5 :(得分:0)

1)确定每个面(F1,F2,...)的平面方程(ax + by + cz + d = 0)


n1 =(n1x,n1y,n1z)


n1x Px + n1y Py + n1z * Pz-d = val


private Vector3f normal;
private float d;
public PlaneEquation(Vector3f normal, Vector v1){
    this.normal = normal;
    this.d = normal.x*v1x + normal.y*v1y+ normal.z*v1z;
public float relativePosition(Vector3f p){
    return  normal.x*p.x + normal.y*p.y+ normal.z*p.z - d;


1.3通过在等式上设置F1的共面点来计算d的值。 。我选择了v1,因此:

d = n1x v1x + n1y v1y + n1z * v1z

2)使用平面函数方法relativePosition(Vector3f p),以测试点坐标F1(Px,Py,Pz),F2(Px,Py, Pz)等...



    boolean OUT = false;
    boolean IN = false;
    boolean ON = false;
    for(PlaneEquation plane : planeList){
       if(plane.relativePosition(point) > 0){
           OUT = true;
           ON = false;
       if(plane.relativePosition(point) == 0){
          ON = true;
    if(OUT == false && ON == false){
        IN = true;


import org.joml.Vector3f;

public class HexaedronEquation {
    // a is origin point
    private Vector3f a,b,c,d;//vertices of parallelepiped
    private Vector3f u,v,w; //direction vectors
    private Vector3f vXu; //v cross u
    private Vector3f wXu; //w croos u
    public HexaedronEquation(Vector3f a,Vector3f b,Vector3f c,Vector3f d ) {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.d = d;
        this.u = this.b.sub(a,new Vector3f());  // b - a
        this.v = this.c.sub(a, new Vector3f()); // c - a
        this.w = this.d.sub(a, new Vector3f()); // d - a
        this.vXu = this.v.cross(u, new Vector3f());
        this.wXu = this.w.cross(u, new Vector3f());
    public float[] getParams(Vector3f p) {
        /* baricentric coordinates
         * solve the system
         * px = ax +t1*ux +t2*vx + t3*wx
         * py = ay +t1*uy +t2*vy + t3*wy
         * pz = az +t1*uz +t2*vz + t3*wz
        float t1 = 0; 
        float t2 = 0; 
        float t3 = 0; 
        Vector3f s = p.sub(a, new Vector3f());
        Vector3f sXu = s.cross(u, new Vector3f());
        if(vXu.length() != 0 && w.length()!=0) {
            t3 = s.dot(vXu)/w.dot(vXu);
        if(vXu.x != 0) {
            t2 = (sXu.x - t3*wXu.x)/vXu.x;
        if(vXu.y != 0) {
            t2 = (sXu.y - t3*wXu.y)/vXu.y;
        if(vXu.z != 0) {
            t2 = (sXu.z - t3*wXu.z)/vXu.z;
        if(u.x != 0) {
            t1 = (s.x - v.x*t2 -w.x*t3)/u.x;
        if(u.y != 0) {
            t1 = (s.y - v.y*t2 -w.y*t3)/u.y;
        if(u.z != 0) {
            t1 = (s.z - v.z*t2 -w.z*t3)/u.z;
        return new float[] {t1, t2, t3};
    public boolean isInside(Vector3f p) {
        float[] params = getParams(p);
        if(params[0]< 0 || params[0] > 1) return false;
        if(params[1]< 0 || params[1] > 1) return false;
        if(params[2]< 0 || params[2] > 1) return false;
        if(params[0]>0 || params[0] <1) return true;
        if(params[1]>0 || params[1] <1) return true;
        if(params[2]>0 || params[2] <1) return true;
        return false;
    public boolean isOn(Vector3f p) {
        float[] params = getParams(p);
        if(params[0]< 0 || params[0] > 1) return false;
        if(params[1]< 0 || params[1] > 1) return false;
        if(params[2]< 0 || params[2] > 1) return false;
        if(params[0]==0 || params[0] ==1) return true;
        if(params[1]==0 || params[1] ==1) return true;
        if(params[2]==0 || params[2] ==1) return true;
        return false;
    public boolean isOnInside(Vector3f p) {
        float[] params = getParams(p);
        System.out.println("params: "+ getParamsString(params));
        if(params[0]< 0 || params[0] > 1) return false;
        if(params[1]< 0 || params[1] > 1) return false;
        if(params[2]< 0 || params[2] > 1) return false;
        return true;
    public boolean isOut(Vector3f p) {
        float[] params = getParams(p);
        if(params[0]<0 || params[0] >1) return true;
        if(params[1]<0 || params[1] >1) return true;
        if(params[2]<0 || params[2] >1) return true;
        return false;