我被告知使用插入符号包来执行支持向量机回归,对我拥有的数据集进行10倍交叉验证。我正在针对151个变量绘制我的响应变量。我做了以下事情: -
> ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 10)
> set.seed(1500)
> mod <- train(RT..seconds.~., data=cadets, method = "svmLinear", trControl = ctrl)
C RMSE Rsquared RMSE SD Rsquared SD
0.2 50 0.8 20 0.1
0.5 60 0.7 20 0.2
1 60 0.7 20 0.2
此外,它说: -
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final value used for the model was C = 0.
RT (seconds) 76_TI2 114_DECC 120_Lop 212_PCD 236_X3Av
38 4.086 1.2 2.322 0 0.195
40 2.732 0.815 1.837 1.113 0.13
41 4.049 1.153 2.117 2.354 0.094
41 4.049 1.153 2.117 3.838 0.117
42 4.56 1.224 2.128 2.38 0.246
42 2.96 0.909 1.686 0.972 0.138
42 3.237 0.96 1.922 1.202 0.143
44 2.989 0.8 1.761 2.034 0.11
44 1.993 0.5 1.5 0 0.102
44 2.957 0.8 1.761 0.988 0.141
44 2.597 0.889 1.888 1.916 0.114
44 2.428 0.691 1.436 1.848 0.089
答案 0 :(得分:19)
> library(caret)
> ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", savePred=T, classProb=T)
> mod <- train(Species~., data=iris, method = "svmLinear", trControl = ctrl)
> head(mod$pred)
pred obs setosa versicolor virginica rowIndex .C Resample
1 setosa setosa 0.982533940 0.009013592 0.008452468 11 0.25 Fold01
2 setosa setosa 0.955755054 0.032289120 0.011955826 35 0.25 Fold01
3 setosa setosa 0.941292675 0.044903583 0.013803742 46 0.25 Fold01
4 setosa setosa 0.983559919 0.008310323 0.008129757 49 0.25 Fold01
5 setosa setosa 0.972285699 0.018109218 0.009605083 50 0.25 Fold01
6 versicolor versicolor 0.007223973 0.971168170 0.021607858 59 0.25 Fold01
> library(caret)
> ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", savePred=T)
> mod <- train(Sepal.Length~., data=iris, method = "svmLinear", trControl = ctrl)
> head(mod$pred)
pred obs rowIndex .C Resample
1 4.756119 4.8 13 0.25 Fold01
2 4.910948 4.8 31 0.25 Fold01
3 5.094275 4.9 38 0.25 Fold01
4 4.728503 4.8 46 0.25 Fold01
5 5.192965 5.3 49 0.25 Fold01
6 5.969479 5.9 62 0.25 Fold01