
时间:2009-11-20 02:30:56

标签: algorithm math

假设你有几个函数y1 = f1(x),y​​2 = f2(x)等,你想在一个图上一起绘制它们的图形。 想象一下,由于某种原因,更容易获得给定y的x的集合;如同,存在一个给出ay的oracle,将以递增的顺序返回所有x1,x2等,其中y = f1(x1),y = f2(x2)等。本质上,它计算逆赋予y的函数。假设您在y中统一采样,因此您有一个x列表。如果您绘制此数据,将每个子列表中的所有第一个x视为y的函数,并将每个子列表中的所有第二个x视为y等的不同函数,则会得到如下的图。

plot before

在上图中,横轴是y,纵轴是x。 请注意,深蓝色“曲线”是作为y的函数的最小x的集合(您将从图下方看到的点集),而品红色曲线是第二个最小x的集合,等等。显然,最左边的深蓝色和洋红色曲线属于单一功能,应该连接。当你向右移动时,存在歧义和交叉。在这些情况下,无论函数的曲线如何连接都无关紧要,只要它“看起来”合理(有一种正确的方法,但我现在就满足于此)。


plot after





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 看起来好像每条曲线都出现在x的整个范围内(差不多)。
  2. 您正在寻找的曲线是(x)函数,因此不能“加倍”。
  3. 看起来这些曲线的斜率和曲率有限(一阶和二阶导数,f'和f'')。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <float.h>

const double max_relative_k_error_for_local_min_duplication = 0.05;
const double max_k_to_be_considered_separate_band = 0.1; // relative to entire k extent

typedef std::pair<double,double> band_point; // first is k, second is omega
struct band_point_sorter{
    bool operator()(const band_point &a, const band_point &b){
        return a.first < b.first;
struct band_piece{ // a one-to-one piece
    size_t n;
    std::vector<band_point> points;
    band_piece(size_t N, const std::vector<band_point> &pts):n(N),points(pts){}
    template <class Iter>
    band_piece(size_t N, Iter first, Iter last):n(N),points(first, last){
        std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), band_point_sorter());
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const band_piece &p){
    os << "(" << p.points.front().second << "," << p.points.front().first << ")-(" << p.points.back().second << "," << p.points.back().first << ")";
    return os;
typedef std::vector<band_point> band_cluster; // a continuous set of one-to-one pieces
typedef std::vector<size_t> band; // index of one-to-one pieces
struct k_extent{
    double kmin, kmax;
    k_extent(const k_extent &ext):kmin(ext.kmin),kmax(ext.kmax){}
    k_extent(double KMin, double KMax):kmin(KMin),kmax(KMax){
        if(kmin > kmax){ std::swap(kmin,kmax); }
    k_extent(const std::vector<band_point> &pts):kmin(pts.front().first),kmax(pts.back().first){
        if(kmin > kmax){ std::swap(kmin,kmax); }
    void Union(const k_extent &b){
        if(b.kmin < kmin){ kmin = b.kmin; }
        if(b.kmax > kmax){ kmax = b.kmax; }

bool KExtentsOverlap(const k_extent &a, const k_extent &b){
    return (a.kmin <= b.kmin && b.kmin <= a.kmax)
        || (a.kmin <= b.kmax && b.kmax <= a.kmax)
        || (b.kmin <= a.kmin && a.kmin <= b.kmax)
        || (b.kmin <= a.kmax && a.kmax <= b.kmax);

struct PieceJoiningErrorMetric{
    double k_normalization;
    double domega;
    PieceJoiningErrorMetric(const double &min_slope, const double &omega_step):k_normalization(1/min_slope),domega(omega_step){}
    double operator()(const std::vector<band_point> &p0, const std::vector<band_point> &p1){
        // We have a number of criteria that we want:
        //  0 The nearest endpoints of the pieces should be close in k.
        //  1 The slopes at the near end points should be close.
        //  2 The linear extension from the near ends of the pieces should almost match.
        // Criterion 2 is the most difficult to quantify:
        //  If we shoot a ray out from the endpoint of one segment, the point on the
        //  ray nearest the other piece's endpoint should not be the ray origin (the
        //  nearest point on the ray to the other endpoint should be at a positive
        //  ray coordinate). We do this for both segment endpoints, and take the larger
        //  of the two minimum distances.
        double dk0 = 0, dk1 = 0, dw0 = 0, dw1 = 0, slope0, slope1;
        double slope0_2; // slopes of next neighboring points
        double slope1_2;
        double k0, k1, k_diff, w0, w1;
        if(p1.front().first > p0.back().first){ // p1 entirely after p0
            k0 = p0.back().first; w0 = p0.back().second;
            if(p0.size() > 1){
                dk0 = p0.back().first - p0[p0.size()-2].first;
                dw0 = p0.back().second - p0[p0.size()-2].second;
                slope0 = dw0/dk0;
                if(p1.size() < 2){
                    slope1 = slope0;
                if(p0.size() > 4){ // give extra space since for too short segments, this is meaningless
                    slope0_2 = (p0[p0.size()-2].second - p0[p0.size()-3].second)/(p0[p0.size()-2].first - p0[p0.size()-3].first);
            k1 = p1.front().first; w1 = p1.front().second;
            if(p1.size() > 1){
                dk1 = p1.front().first - p1[1].first;
                dw1 = p1.front().second - p1[1].second;
                slope1 = dw1/dk1;
                if(p0.size() < 2){
                    slope0 = slope1;
                if(p1.size() > 4){ // give extra space since for too short segments, this is meaningless
                    slope1_2 = (p1[1].second - p1[2].second)/(p1[1].first - p1[2].first);
            k_diff = k1 - k0;
        }else if(p0.front().first > p1.back().first){ // p0 entirely after p1
            k0 = p0.front().first; w0 = p0.front().second;
            if(p0.size() > 1){
                dk0 = p0.front().first - p0[1].first;
                dw0 = p0.front().second - p0[1].second;
                slope0 = dw0/dk0;
                if(p1.size() < 2){
                    slope1 = slope0;
                if(p0.size() > 4){ // give extra space since for too short segments, this is meaningless
                    slope0_2 = (p0[1].second - p0[2].second)/(p0[1].first - p0[2].first);
            k1 = p1.back().first; w1 = p1.back().second;
            if(p1.size() > 1){
                dk1 = p1.back().first - p1[p1.size()-2].first;
                dw1 = p1.back().second - p1[p1.size()-2].second;
                slope1 = dw1/dk1;
                if(p0.size() < 2){
                    slope0 = slope1;
                if(p1.size() > 4){ // give extra space since for too short segments, this is meaningless
                    slope1_2 = (p1[p1.size()-2].second - p1[p1.size()-3].second)/(p1[p1.size()-2].first - p1[p1.size()-3].first);
            k_diff = k0 - k1;
            return DBL_MAX;
        k0 *= k_normalization;
        k1 *= k_normalization;
        dk0 *= k_normalization;
        dk1 *= k_normalization;
        k_diff *= k_normalization;
        if(p0.size() < 2 && p1.size() < 2){
            return k_diff*k_diff;
        slope0 /= k_normalization;
        slope1 /= k_normalization;

        // max abs value for any slope here is 1

        //// Perform the ray shooting
        // Suppose we start at k0,w0, the ray is
        //   (k0,w0) + t*(dk0,dw0)
        // Distance^2 to k1 is
        //   (k0-k1+t*dk0)^2 + (w0-w1+t*dw0)^2
        // Minimize by taking derivative w.r.t. t:
        //   t = [ (k1-k0)*dk0 + (w1-w0)*dw0 ] / (dk0*dk0 + dw0*dw0);
        double t, x;

        t = ((k1-k0)*dk0 + (w1-w0)*dw0) * (dk0*dk0 + dw0*dw0); if(t < 0){ return DBL_MAX; }
        double dist2_01 = 0;
        x = k0-k1+t*dk0;
        dist2_01 += x*x;
        x = w0-w1+t*dw0;
        dist2_01 += x*x;

        t = ((k0-k1)*dk1 + (w0-w1)*dw1) * (dk1*dk1 + dw1*dw1); if(t < 0){ return DBL_MAX; }
        double dist2_10 = 0;
        x = k1-k0+t*dk1;
        dist2_10 += x*x;
        x = w1-w0+t*dw1;
        dist2_10 += x*x;

        //double k_scale = (dk1 > dk0) ? dk1 : dk0;
        //double k_ext0 = p0.back().first - p0.front().first;
        //double k_ext1 = p1.back().first - p1.front().first;
        //double k_scale = (k_ext0 < k_ext1) ? k_ext0 : k_ext1;

        double w_diff = fabs(w1-w0);

        // We take the larger of the ray shooting distances
        double dist2 = (dist2_01 > dist2_10) ? dist2_01 : dist2_10;

        // We take the difference of slopes here and multiply by k_diff to get something in omega range
        // Further, we take the next neighboring slopes in case the slopes are corrupted due to being near a degeneracy.
        double dslope = fabs(slope0-slope1) * k_diff;
        if(p0.size() > 4 && p1.size() > 4){
            double dslope_2 = fabs(slope0_2-slope1_2) * k_diff;
            if(dslope_2 < dslope){ dslope = dslope_2; }

        // scale oemga difference by slope so that for shallow slopes, we really want to get
        // a good frequency match, also scales from omega range to k range
        double max_slope = (std::abs(slope0) > std::abs(slope1)) ? slope0 : slope1;
        w_diff /= max_slope;

//      std::cerr << "        k_diff = " << k_diff << ", w_diff = " << w_diff << ", slope0 = " << slope0 << ", slope1 = " << slope1 << ", dist2 = " << dist2 << std::endl;
        return k_diff*k_diff + w_diff*w_diff + dslope*dslope + dist2;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    std::vector<double> freqs;
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > raw_bands;

    double max_k_extent = -DBL_MAX;
    double min_k_extent = DBL_MAX;
    double max_freq_extent = -DBL_MAX;
    double min_freq_extent = DBL_MAX;
    size_t max_num_k_per_omega = 0;
    double min_slope = DBL_MAX; // dk/dw

    std::ifstream in(argv[1]);
        std::cerr << "Could not open file: " << argv[1] << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::string line;
    while(getline(in, line)){
        std::istringstream line_in(line);
        double val;
        line_in >> val;
        if(val < min_freq_extent){ min_freq_extent = val; }
        if(val > max_freq_extent){ max_freq_extent = val; }

            double val;
            if(line_in >> val){
                if(val < min_k_extent){ min_k_extent = val; }
                if(val > max_k_extent){ max_k_extent = val; }
        if(raw_bands.back().size() > max_num_k_per_omega){ max_num_k_per_omega = raw_bands.back().size(); }

    //// Split into one-to-one pieces
    // A one-to-one piece is a connected subset of an omega-k band which is
    // one-to-one with respect to omega and k.
    //  For a given n, the set of n-th smallest k values as a function of a
    // omega is disjoint on the omega domain. We call a single connected part
    // of the omega domain for a single set of n-th smallest k values an
    // n-shadow, and the connected subset of the omega-k band an n-cluster.
    // n-clusters are separated from one another by the bandgaps, so they are
    // easy to distinguish.
    //  Each n-cluster is itself a conjunction of several one-to-one pieces.
    // Boundaries between one-to-one pieces are defined by local minima or
    // maxima on the omega domain, or by large jump discontinuities (jumps
    // in k). We need to set a threshold beyond which jumps are considered
    // one-to-one piece boundaries.
    // For each band we first construct the n-clusters, then divide them into
    // one-to-one pieces.

    std::vector<band_piece> all_pieces;
    for(size_t n = 0; n < max_num_k_per_omega; ++n){
        // n is the n-th smallest k we are considering

        // First collect all the clusters
        std::vector<band_cluster> clusters;
        size_t w = 0;
        while(raw_bands[w].size() <= n){ ++w; }
        for(; w < raw_bands.size(); ++w){
            if(raw_bands[w].size() > n){
                // If we are in a gap, there is nothing to do, otherwise...
                if(0 == w || raw_bands[w-1].size() <= n){
                    // Encountering more k's, time to start a new cluster
                    clusters.back().push_back(band_point(raw_bands[w][n], freqs[w]));
                }else if(raw_bands[w-1].size() > n){
                    // We are within a cluster
                    clusters.back().push_back(band_point(raw_bands[w][n], freqs[w]));

        // Now break each cluster into pieces
        for(size_t c = 0; c < clusters.size(); ++c){
            const band_cluster &cur_cluster = clusters[c];
            band_cluster::const_iterator last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin();
            // We skip first and last of each cluster since we can not cut adjacent to them
            for(size_t w = 1; w < cur_cluster.size()-1; ++w){
                double slope1 = fabs((cur_cluster[w].first - cur_cluster[w-1].first)/(cur_cluster[w].second-cur_cluster[w-1].second));
                if(slope1 < min_slope){ min_slope = slope1; }
                if(cur_cluster[w].first < cur_cluster[w-1].first && cur_cluster[w].first < cur_cluster[w+1].first){
                    // Check for local minimum
                    if(w > 1){
                        if(w >= cur_cluster.size()-2){
                            // can only get slope on the left, award to the left
                            if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w+1){ continue; }
                            all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w+1)); // note the +1, duplicates the extremum point
                            last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w+2; ++w;
                            // Can get slope on both sides
                            double  left_k_extrapolation = (cur_cluster[w-1].first-cur_cluster[w-2].first) * (cur_cluster[w].second-cur_cluster[w-2].second)/(cur_cluster[w-1].second-cur_cluster[w-2].second) + cur_cluster[w-2].first;
                            double right_k_extrapolation = (cur_cluster[w+1].first-cur_cluster[w+2].first) * (cur_cluster[w].second-cur_cluster[w+2].second)/(cur_cluster[w+1].second-cur_cluster[w+2].second) + cur_cluster[w+2].first;
                            // errors (units of k)
                            double  left_l1_err = fabs( left_k_extrapolation-cur_cluster[w].first);
                            double right_l1_err = fabs(right_k_extrapolation-cur_cluster[w].first);

                            // Determine if the minimum should be copied
                            bool dup_min = false;

                            { // might prefer to use a ray shooting criterion
                                double kext = fabs(all_pieces.back().points.front().first - all_pieces.back().points.back().first);
                                if(left_l1_err/kext < max_relative_k_error_for_local_min_duplication && right_l1_err/kext < max_relative_k_error_for_local_min_duplication){
                                    dup_min = true;
                            if(left_l1_err < right_l1_err){
                                if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w+1){ continue; }
                                all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w+1));
                                    last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                                    last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w+1; ++w;
                                    if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w+1){ continue; }
                                    all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w+1));
                                    if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                                    all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w));
                                last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                    }else if(w < cur_cluster.size()-2){ // && w <= 1
                        // can only get slope on the right, award to the right
                        if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                        all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w));
                        last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                        // by default give to the right
                        if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                        all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w));
                        last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;

                    // Determine whether to duplicate the minimum point
                }else if(cur_cluster[w].first > cur_cluster[w-1].first && cur_cluster[w].first > cur_cluster[w+1].first){
                    // Check for local maximum
                    // Which side gets the maximum point is deterined by slope matching
                    if(w > 1){
                        if(w >= cur_cluster.size()-2){
                            // can only get slope on the left, award to the left
                            if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w+1){ continue; }
                            all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w+1));
                            last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w+1; ++w;
                            // Can get slope on both sides
                            double  left_k_extrapolation = (cur_cluster[w-1].first-cur_cluster[w-2].first) * (cur_cluster[w].second-cur_cluster[w-2].second)/(cur_cluster[w-1].second-cur_cluster[w-2].second) + cur_cluster[w-2].first;
                            double right_k_extrapolation = (cur_cluster[w+1].first-cur_cluster[w+2].first) * (cur_cluster[w].second-cur_cluster[w+2].second)/(cur_cluster[w+1].second-cur_cluster[w+2].second) + cur_cluster[w+2].first;
                            double  left_l1_err = fabs( left_k_extrapolation-cur_cluster[w].first);
                            double right_l1_err = fabs(right_k_extrapolation-cur_cluster[w].first);
                            if(left_l1_err < right_l1_err){
                                if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w+1){ continue; }
                                all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w+1));
                                last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w+1; ++w;
                                if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                                all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w));
                                last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                    }else if(w < cur_cluster.size()-2){ // && w <= 1
                        // can only get slope on the right, award to the right
                        if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                        all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w)); // note the +1, duplicates the extremum point
                        last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                        // by default give to the right
                        if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                        all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w)); // note the +1, duplicates the extremum point
                        last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
                }else if(w > 1){
                    // Check for jump discontinuity
                    double diff0 = cur_cluster[w-1].first-cur_cluster[w-2].first;
                    double diff1 = cur_cluster[w  ].first-cur_cluster[w-1].first;
                    double diff2 = cur_cluster[w+1].first-cur_cluster[w  ].first;
                    if((diff0 > 0 && diff1 > 0 && diff2 > 0) || (diff0 < 0 && diff1 < 0 && diff2 < 0)){
                        diff0 = fabs(diff0);
                        diff1 = fabs(diff1);
                        diff2 = fabs(diff2);
                        if(diff1 > diff2 && diff1 > diff0){
                            const double &larger_neighboring_diff = (diff0 > diff2) ? diff0 : diff2;
                            if(diff1 > 5.0 * larger_neighboring_diff){
                                if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.begin()+w){ continue; }
                                all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.begin()+w));
                                last_cut_loc = cur_cluster.begin()+w;
            if(last_cut_loc == cur_cluster.end()){ continue; }
            all_pieces.push_back(band_piece(n, last_cut_loc, cur_cluster.end()));

    // Output all pieces to check them
    for(size_t i = 0; i < all_pieces.size(); ++i){
        std::cout << "Piece " << i << ":" << std::endl;
        for(size_t j = 0; j < all_pieces[i].points.size(); ++j){
            std::cout << " " << all_pieces[i].points[j].first << "\t" << all_pieces[i].points[j].second << std::endl;
    size_t max_piece_size = 0;
    size_t max_piece_ind = 0;
    for(size_t b = 0; b < all_pieces.size(); ++b){
        if(all_pieces[b].points.size() > max_piece_size){ max_piece_size = all_pieces[b].points.size(); }
    std::cout << "# " << all_pieces.size() << " pieces" << std::endl;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < max_piece_size; ++i){
        for(size_t b = 0; b < all_pieces.size(); ++b){
            if(all_pieces[b].points.size() <= i){
                std::cout << "\t" << all_pieces[b].points.back().first << "\t" << all_pieces[b].points.back().second;
                std::cout << "\t" << all_pieces[b].points[i].first << "\t" << all_pieces[b].points[i].second;
        std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

    //// One-to-one piece connection
    // The set of one-to-one pieces must now be joined into bands. Note that
    // a band must stretch from min_k_extent to max_k_extent (thereabouts) and
    // so will rarely consist of a single one-to-one piece (unless it is a
    // monotonically varying band).
    //  Invariants:
    //   0 The number of pieces from all 0-clusters determines the number of
    //     bands present.
    //   1 A piece from an n-cluster cannot be joined to another piece from
    //     an n-cluster (cannot join same n's).
    //   2 All pieces from a single n-cluster must lie in different bands.
    //   3 A piece cannot be joined to another piece whose k-extents overlap.
    //   4 A junction can only be incident on an even number of pieces. This
    //     is usually 2 unless there is a degeneracy or cross over.
    //   5 A piece from an n-cluster can only be joined to a piece from an
    //     n+k-cluster, where k is -M to M, where M is the multiplicity of
    //     the junction if there is a degeneracy, otherwise it is 1. k not 0.
    // We shall proceed as follows. We will try to grow the bands from min k
    // to max k, starting with seed pieces from the 0-clusters. At the large k
    // tip of every partial band we will consider all possible pieces to join
    // to it. This can be done efficiently by maintaining the set of k-extents
    // for each piece. The best possible piece to use will be the minimizer of
    // an error metric.
    //  The error metric considers both nearness of piece endpoints as well as
    // slope continuity. In all cases, we work in normalized space in which
    // the extent in group velocity is unity (k and omega are scaled similarly)

    const size_t npieces = all_pieces.size();
    std::vector<k_extent> piece_k_extents;
    std::vector<band> partial_bands;
    std::vector<k_extent> partial_band_k_extents;
    std::set<size_t> remaining_pieces;

    // Initialize our structures
    for(size_t i = 0; i < all_pieces.size(); ++i){
        if(0 == all_pieces[i].n){ // use Invariants 0 and 2
            if(all_pieces[i].points.front().first-min_k_extent < max_k_to_be_considered_separate_band * (max_k_extent-min_k_extent)){
                partial_bands.push_back(band()); partial_bands.back().push_back(i);

    // Perform the growing
    PieceJoiningErrorMetric error_metric(min_slope, freqs[1]-freqs[0]);
    bool made_progress = true;
    size_t npass = 0;
    while(!remaining_pieces.empty() && made_progress){
//      std::cerr << "Pass " << npass << std::endl;
        made_progress = false;
        // Try to grow each band one piece at a time
        for(size_t b = 0; b < partial_bands.size(); ++b){
            band &cur_band = partial_bands[b];
            std::set<size_t> candidate_pieces;
            for(std::set<size_t>::const_iterator i = remaining_pieces.begin(); i != remaining_pieces.end(); ++i){
                if(*i != all_pieces[cur_band.back()].n){ // use Invariant 1
                    if(!KExtentsOverlap(piece_k_extents[*i], partial_band_k_extents[b])){ // use Invariant 3

            if(candidate_pieces.empty()){ continue; }

            // Find best piece to use
            double error = DBL_MAX;
            size_t best_piece_so_far = (size_t)-1;
//          std::cerr << "  Considering joining " << cur_band.back() << " " << all_pieces[cur_band.back()] << " with:" << std::endl;
            for(std::set<size_t>::const_iterator i = candidate_pieces.begin(); i != candidate_pieces.end(); ++i){
//              std::cerr << "    " << *i << " " << all_pieces[*i] << std::endl;
                double new_error = error_metric(all_pieces[cur_band.back()].points, all_pieces[*i].points);
                if(new_error < error){
                    error = new_error;
                    best_piece_so_far = *i;
            if((size_t)-1 == best_piece_so_far){
//              std::cerr << "  Could not find a good candidate" << std::endl;
//          std::cerr << "  Joining with " << best_piece_so_far << " " << all_pieces[best_piece_so_far] << std::endl;
            // Join the piece
            made_progress = true;
    // Output all bands
    for(size_t b = 0; b < partial_bands.size(); ++b){
        std::cout << "Band " << b << ":" << std::endl;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < partial_bands[b].size(); ++i){
            const band_piece &cur_piece = all_pieces[partial_bands[b][i]];
            for(size_t j = 0; j < cur_piece.points.size(); ++j){
                std::cout << " " << cur_piece.points[j].first << "\t" << cur_piece.points[j].second << std::endl;
    size_t max_band_size = 0;
    std::vector<std::vector<band_point> > final_bands(partial_bands.size());
    for(size_t b = 0; b < partial_bands.size(); ++b){
        for(size_t i = 0; i < partial_bands[b].size(); ++i){
            final_bands[b].insert(final_bands[b].end(), all_pieces[partial_bands[b][i]].points.begin(), all_pieces[partial_bands[b][i]].points.end());
        if(final_bands[b].size() > max_band_size){ max_band_size = final_bands[b].size(); }
    for(size_t i = 0; i < max_band_size; ++i){
        for(size_t b = 0; b < final_bands.size(); ++b){
            if(final_bands[b].size() <= i){
                std::cout << "\t" << final_bands[b].back().first << "\t" << final_bands[b].back().second;
                std::cout << "\t" << final_bands[b][i].first << "\t" << final_bands[b][i].second;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Unused pieces:" << std::endl;
    for(std::set<size_t>::const_iterator i = remaining_pieces.begin(); i != remaining_pieces.end(); ++i){
        std::cout << "Piece " << *i << std::endl;
        const band_piece &cur_piece = all_pieces[*i];
        for(size_t j = 0; j < cur_piece.points.size(); ++j){
            std::cout << " " << cur_piece.points[j].first << "\t" << cur_piece.points[j].second << std::endl;

    return 0;

答案 2 :(得分:-1)
