// collect points.
self.point1 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.tile.boundingBox)/2, 0);
self.point2 = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.tile.boundingBox), CGRectGetHeight(self.tile.boundingBox));
self.point3 = CGPointMake(0, CGRectGetHeight(self.tile.boundingBox));
// calculcate the mid point.
float midPointX = floor((self.point1.x + self.point2.x + self.point3.x)/3.0);
float midPointY = floor((self.point1.y + self.point2.y + self.point3.y)/3.0);
// stash the center of the triangle
self.triangleCenter = CGPointMake(midPointX, midPointY);
然后根据旋转计算出中心点的新位置。并在那里制作动画。 (抱歉屏幕的硬编码中心这是一个粗略的测试)。
-(void) rotateToAngleAboutCenter:(float)angle {
// stash old values.
CGPoint oldPosition = self.tile.position;
float oldRotation = self.tile.rotation;
// reset the rotation
self.tile.rotation = 0;
// this is hard coded here currently the center of the screen.
self.tile.position = ccp(512, 384);
// figure out where our center point will be when we are rotated about the center.
CGPoint point = ccpRotateByAngle(self.triangleCenter, [self.tile anchorPointInPoints],-CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle));
// convert the ppoint to local space.
point = [self.tile convertToWorldSpace:point];
point = [self convertToNodeSpace:point];
// reset the rotation and position.
self.tile.rotation = oldRotation;
self.tile.position = oldPosition;
// animate to new rotation/position.
CCMoveTo* moveTo = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:.25 position:point];
CCRotateTo* rotateTo = [CCRotateTo actionWithDuration:.25 angle:angle];
[self.tile runAction:moveTo];
[self.tile runAction:rotateTo];