
时间:2012-03-22 22:27:28

标签: c++ c++11 variadic-templates

函数 one()接受一个参数包。函数 two()接受两个。每个包都被约束为包含在 A B 类型中。为什么不可能实例化 two()

template <typename T>
struct A {};

template <typename T>
struct B {};

template <typename... Ts>
void one(A<Ts> ...as) {

template <typename... Ts, typename... Us>
void two(A<Ts> ...as, B<Us> ...bs) {

int main() {
  auto a = A<int>();
  auto b = B<int>();

  // Just fine
  one(a, a);

  // All errors    
  two(a, b);


sam@wish:~/x/cpp$ gcc -std=c++0x variadic_templates.cpp 
variadic_templates.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
variadic_templates.cpp:23:7: error: no matching function for call to ‘two()’
variadic_templates.cpp:23:7: note: candidate is:
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: template<class ... Ts, class ... Us> void two(A<Ts>..., B<Us>...)
variadic_templates.cpp:24:8: error: no matching function for call to ‘two(A<int>&)’
variadic_templates.cpp:24:8: note: candidate is:
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: template<class ... Ts, class ... Us> void two(A<Ts>..., B<Us>...)
variadic_templates.cpp:25:11: error: no matching function for call to ‘two(A<int>&, B<int>&)’
variadic_templates.cpp:25:11: note: candidate is:
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: template<class ... Ts, class ... Us> void two(A<Ts>..., B<Us>...)
sam@wish:~/x/cpp$ clang -std=c++0x variadic_templates.cpp 
variadic_templates.cpp:23:3: error: no matching function for call to 'two'
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: candidate function template not viable: requires at least 1 argument, but 0 were provided                                                                                                                 
void two(A<Ts> ...as, B<Us> ...bs) {}
variadic_templates.cpp:24:3: error: no matching function for call to 'two'                                                                                                                                                                   
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: candidate function not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided                                                                                                                                   
void two(A<Ts> ...as, B<Us> ...bs) {}
variadic_templates.cpp:25:3: error: no matching function for call to 'two'                                                                                                                                                                   
  two(a, b);
variadic_templates.cpp:11:6: note: candidate function not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 2 were provided                                                                                                                                  
void two(A<Ts> ...as, B<Us> ...bs) {}
3 errors generated.

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:32)


#include <iostream>

template <typename... Types>
struct foo {};

template < typename... Types1, template <typename...> class T
         , typename... Types2, template <typename...> class V
         , typename U >
bar(const T<Types1...>&, const V<Types2...>&, const U& u)
  std::cout << sizeof...(Types1) << std::endl;
  std::cout << sizeof...(Types2) << std::endl;
  std::cout << u << std::endl;

  foo<char, int, float> f1;
  foo<char, int> f2;
  bar(f1, f2, 9);
  return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:13)


#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>

template < typename ... >
struct two_impl {};

// Base case
template < typename F,
           typename ...Bs >
struct two_impl < F, std::tuple <>, std::tuple< Bs... > >  {
  void operator()(F f, Bs... bs) {

// Recursive case
template < typename F,
           typename A,
           typename ...As,
           typename ...Bs >
struct two_impl < F, std::tuple< A, As... >, std::tuple< Bs...> >  {
  void operator()(F f, A a, As... as, Bs... bs) {
    auto impl = two_impl < F, std::tuple < As... >, std::tuple < Bs..., A> >();
    impl(f, as..., bs..., a);

template < typename F, typename ...Ts >
void two(F f, Ts ...ts) {
  auto impl = two_impl< F, std::tuple < Ts... >, std::tuple <> >();
  impl(f, ts...);

struct Test {
  void operator()(int i, float f, double d) {
    std::cout << i << std::endl << f << std::endl << d << std::endl;

int main () {
  two(Test(), 1, 1.5f, 2.1);


答案 2 :(得分:6)


功能模板(如skypjack的示例)以及类和变量模板的部分专业化可以具有多个参数包。我唯一要添加/指出的是,对于类和变量模板,您需要部分专业化。 (请参阅:C ++模板,完整指南,Vandevoorde,Josuttis,Gregor 12.2.4,第二版)

// A template to hold a parameter pack
template < typename... >
struct Typelist {};

// Declaration of a template
template< typename TypeListOne 
        , typename TypeListTwo
struct SomeStruct;

// Specialization of template with multiple parameter packs
template< typename... TypesOne 
        , typename... TypesTwo
struct SomeStruct< Typelist < TypesOne... >
                 , Typelist < TypesTwo... >
        // Can use TypesOne... and TypesTwo... how ever
        // you want here. For example:
        typedef std::tuple< TypesOne... > TupleTypeOne;
        typedef std::tuple< TypesTwo... > TupleTypeTwo;

答案 3 :(得分:1)

编译器需要一种方法来知道两个可变模板之间的障碍。一种干净的方法是为一个对象定义一组参数,为静态成员函数定义第二组参数。通过相互嵌套多个结构,可以将其应用于两个以上的可变参数模板。 (保持最后一级的功能)

#include <iostream>

template<typename... First>
struct Obj
    template<typename... Second>
    static void Func()
        std::cout << sizeof...(First) << std::endl;
        std::cout << sizeof...(Second) << std::endl;

int main()
    Obj<char, char>::Func<char, char, char, char>();
    return 0;