;; os-empty an empty set
;; (os-singleton e) produces a set with one element e
;; (os-member s e) produces true if e is a member of s; false otherwise
;; (os-union s t) produces union of s and t in time
;; O(min(|s|,|t|) log max(|s|,|t|)
;; (os-intersection s t) produces intersection of s and t in time
;; O(min(|s|,|t|) log max(|s|,|t|)
;; (os-difference s t) produces difference s \ t in time
;; O(min(|s|,|t|) log max(|s|,|t|)
;; (os-min s) produces the to-min element of s, or to-min-ident
;; running time: O(log |s|)
;; (os-max s) produces the to-max element of s, or to-max-ident
;; running time: O(log |s|)
;; (os-after s e) produces the to-min element of s which is to> than e
;; running time: O(log |s|)
;; (os-before s e) produces the to-max element of s which is to< than e
;; running time: O(log |s|)
;; (os-op) produces the result of applying to-op over all e in s
;; running time: O(1)
Sample Input
Output for Sample Input
1 2
2 1
3 1
;;Prints in ascending order
(define (printer e s)
[(equal? (to-unhide e) +inf.0) (printf "")]
[else (printf "~a\n" (to-unhide e)) (printer (os-after s e) s)]))
(define (main)
(define x (read))
[(eof-object? x) (printer (os-min o) o)]
[(os-member o (os-singlton (to-hide x))) ....... <--- What to do?
[else (set! o (os-union (os-singleton (to-hide x)) o)) (main)]))
答案 0 :(得分:1)
将您的任务分成更小的块。 这是将任务划分为较小功能的一种方法。
写入列表 - &gt;有序集:list-of-numbers - &gt;有序集 这会将数字列表转换为有序集。
写入读数:list-of-strings - &gt;列表的号码 这会将字符串列表转换为数字列表
写下所有行: - &gt;列表的串 重复使用读取线直到看到eof, 并返回读取的所有行的列表。
使用打印机(list-&gt; ordered-set(读取数字(read-all-lines)))。