
时间:2012-01-10 07:38:52

标签: visual-studio-2010




是否适应年龄较大的程序员(在较旧版本的Visual Basic上学习过)?

那么在这种情况下,我应该在Visual Basic 2010中使用哪一个(Visual Studio 2010)?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)




答案 1 :(得分:4)


<MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining), HostProtection(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Resources:=HostProtectionResource.UI)> _
Public Shared Function MsgBox(ByVal Prompt As Object, ByVal Optional Buttons As MsgBoxStyle = 0, ByVal Optional Title As Object = new Object()) As MsgBoxResult
    Dim owner As IWin32Window = Nothing
    Dim text As String = Nothing
    Dim titleFromAssembly As String
    Dim vBHost As IVbHost = HostServices.VBHost
    If (Not vBHost Is Nothing) Then
        owner = vBHost.GetParentWindow
    End If
    If ((((Buttons And 15) > MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel) OrElse ((Buttons And 240) > MsgBoxStyle.Information)) OrElse ((Buttons And &HF00) > MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton3)) Then
        Buttons = MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly
    End If
        If (Not Prompt Is Nothing) Then
            [text] = CStr(Conversions.ChangeType(Prompt, GetType(String)))
        End If
    Catch exception As StackOverflowException
        Throw exception
    Catch exception2 As OutOfMemoryException
        Throw exception2
    Catch exception3 As ThreadAbortException
        Throw exception3
    Catch exception9 As Exception
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValueType2", New String() { "Prompt", "String" }))
    End Try
        If (Title Is Nothing) Then
            If (vBHost Is Nothing) Then
                titleFromAssembly = Interaction.GetTitleFromAssembly(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly)
                titleFromAssembly = vBHost.GetWindowTitle
            End If
            titleFromAssembly = Conversions.ToString(Title)
        End If
    Catch exception4 As StackOverflowException
        Throw exception4
    Catch exception5 As OutOfMemoryException
        Throw exception5
    Catch exception6 As ThreadAbortException
        Throw exception6
    Catch exception13 As Exception
        Throw New ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValueType2", New String() { "Title", "String" }))
    End Try
    Return DirectCast(MessageBox.Show(owner, [text], titleFromAssembly, (DirectCast(Buttons, MessageBoxButtons) And DirectCast(15, MessageBoxButtons)), (DirectCast(Buttons, MessageBoxIcon) And DirectCast(240, MessageBoxIcon)), (DirectCast(Buttons, MessageBoxDefaultButton) And DirectCast(&HF00, MessageBoxDefaultButton)), (DirectCast(Buttons, MessageBoxOptions) And DirectCast(-4096, MessageBoxOptions))), MsgBoxResult)
End Function

答案 2 :(得分:3)

当您尝试使用不同按钮混合图标时,会有所不同。 MsgBox具有预定义样式(可能有一种创建新样式的方法)。


MsgBox("Do you wish to save changes?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel, "Save Changes")

enter image description here


MsgBox("Do you wish to save changes?", MsgBoxStyle.Question, "Save Changes")

enter image description here


MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to save changes?", "Save Changes", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)

enter image description here



答案 3 :(得分:2)


答案 4 :(得分:2)

根据this site以及到目前为止我自己的问题(请参阅注释)的答案,以及我无法使用msgbox函数显示特定的帮助文件,我不得不说使用messagebox而不是如果你想显示帮助,请使用msgbox。 msgbox函数显示一个帮助按钮,但显然无法在其中放入帮助文件!我在下面展示了我玩过的代码,第一个链接上也有一个很好的代码示例。

Imports Microsoft.visualbasic 'have to have this namespace to use msgbox
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim Helpfilepath As String = "C:\Windows\Help\mui\0409\aclui.chm"
    Dim msgresult As Byte
    'BTW, Must use 0 for BLANK PARAMETER. Using messageboxoptions.defaultdesktoponly errors out with help btn.
    msgresult = MessageBox.Show("Text", "Messagebox", 0, _
            0, 0, 0, Helpfilepath)

    'displays help button, but how do you display the help file?
    msgresult = MsgBox("Text", MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxHelp, "msgbox")
    'BTW, must use dialogresult rather than messageboxresult with windows forms
    If msgresult = DialogResult.Yes Then
    End If
End Sub
End Class

答案 5 :(得分:1)

但是关于MsgBox的真正好处是它可以是SystemModal,例如如果MsgBox(“有一个新的快速消息!”&amp; Environment.NewLine&amp;“你想现在读它吗?”,MsgBoxStyle.Information + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo + MsgBoxStyle.SystemModal,“Quick Message”) = MsgBoxResult.Yes然后......

我找不到一个简单的方法来制作 If MessageBox.Show(... 是SystemModal。

我的消息现在在屏幕上显得非常突出。 YIPPEE。