C ++搜索动态数组

时间:2011-10-28 18:39:32

标签: c++ arrays search

我有一个程序,它接收COSID在100到200之间的学生的数据文件以及他们注册的课程。它看起来像是:100 Greg Samson 3 COS301 COS431 COS490 120 Jo Ann Lyons 0。我有一个动态数组,包含学生正在学习的所有课程。我遇到的问题是,当使用这个原型输入课程ID时,我被要求在特定课程中打印其他人:void printList (ostream& out, FlexArray<Student> majors, int cosID, string course);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include "templates.h"

using namespace std;

struct Student {

  int COSID;
  string fname;
  string lname;
  int totCourses;
   string * coursearr;
void printList (ostream& out,  FlexArray<Student> majors,  int cosID, string course);

int main(){
    Student s; // Object for struct student
    int searchCOSID; //varible to find COS id
    int Loopcheck = -1; //break loop variable
    string LoopCOSID = ""; //break loop variable
    FlexArray<Student> fa(100,200); //object for flex array setting Upper bounds to 200 and lower bounds to 100

    //Initilize the flexarray cosid to -1;
    for(int i=100; i<=200; i++){
        fa[s.COSID = -1];
    cout << fa[105].COSID;
    char c;

    ifstream  fin;              // declare input file stream object 
    fin.open ("a5.txt");
    fin >> s.COSID;
    getline(fin, s.fname);
    getline(fin, s.lname);
    fin >> s.totCourses;
        s.coursearr = new string[s.totCourses];
        if(s.totCourses > 0){
        for(int i=0; i<s.totCourses; i++){
            fin >> s.coursearr[i];
        fa[s.COSID] = s;
        fin >> s.COSID;
        getline(fin, s.fname);
        getline(fin, s.lname);
        fin >> s.totCourses;

        cout << "\nEnter your COS ID: ";
        cin >> searchCOSID;
        Student currstudent = fa[searchCOSID];
            cout << "ID not asscoaited with a student";
            cout << "The courses taken this semester by " << currstudent.fname  << " " << currstudent.lname << " include:";
            if(currstudent.totCourses > 0){
                for(int i=0; i<currstudent.totCourses;i++){
                cout << "\n" << currstudent.coursearr[i];
            else{cout << endl <<"No courses";}

    while(Loopcheck == -1){
        cout << "\n\nEnter a couses (Q) to quit: ";
        cin >> LoopCOSID;
        if(LoopCOSID == "Q" || LoopCOSID=="q"){
            Loopcheck = 0;
            string course;
            cout << endl << "Other students taking this course include: ";

    return 0;


void printList (ostream& out,  FlexArray<Student> majors,  int cosID, string course){
    for (int i = 0; i<101; i++){



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

For each student s in majors (silly name for a list of students isn't it?)
   if s.COSID is not cosID
       for each class c that s is taking
           if c equals course
               display s.fname

我想。这很难说。 print other people in a paticular class when a course ID is inputed using this prototype: void printList (ostream& out, FlexArray<Student> majors, int cosID, string course);这是否意味着打印所有正在course的学生,除了COSIDcosID参数的人?