
时间:2011-10-13 03:05:05

标签: jquery



jQuery中评估有多少h1匹配的最佳方法是什么,如果匹配计数是&gt; 1对于特定的h1,将其div放在容器div中:

<div class="matches">
<div class="matches">

我已经挂了一个each()函数,它将每个h1返回给我,但我不确定这是否是最好的方法(jQuery newb试图突破新领域)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

var $containers = $('div'),
    $headings = $containers.find('> h1'),
    targetContainer = 'body',
    matches = {};

 * First we traverse through the headings
 * pushing exact matches to a 'matches' object
$headings.each(function() {
    var $this = $(this),
        text = $this.text();

    if (typeof matches[text] === 'undefined') {
        matches[text] = [];


 * Remove the initial, unsorted collection

 * Now let's see if we have duplicate
 * headings.
for (group in matches) {
    if (matches[group].length > 1) {

         * Put them all in a '.matches' div
         * and append to our target container
         * e.g. body
        $('<div class="matches"></div>').html(matches[group]).appendTo(targetContainer);

         * Delete the group
         * after use
        delete matches[group];

 * This is optional:
 * I used two separate loops to
 * put unmatched headings after the
 * matched groups.
 * You could use the if..else from
 * the previous loop.

for (group in matches) {




正如我所提到的,可以将匹配和不匹配的组保持在一起 - 删除第二个for..in循环并使用if..else,如下所示:

/* ...
 * Now let's see if we have duplicate
 * headings.
for (group in matches) {
    if (matches[group].length > 1) {

         * Put them all in a '.matches' div
         * and append to our target container
         * e.g. body
        $('<div class="matches"></div>').html(matches[group]).appendTo(targetContainer);
    } else {


答案 1 :(得分:0)

    $('div').eq(0).before('<div class="matches">');

var  this_element= '';
var next_element = '';
var length = 0 ;

    this_element= $(this).find('h1').text();
    next_element = $(this).next('div').find('h1').text();

   if((this_element!= next_element) && (next_element!='') && (length>0)){

       $(this).after('</div><div class="matches">');
       length = 0 ;
   if((!next_element) && (length>0)){
        length = 0 ;