Rollapply& XTS。我可以在窗口中输出最大值的时间吗?

时间:2011-09-30 16:40:07

标签: r xts zoo quantmod





> library(quantmod)
> getSymbols("BET.L")
xmin <- rollapply(BET.L$BET.L.Close,10,min, ascending = TRUE)
names(xmin) <- "MinClose"

xmax <- rollapply(BET.L$BET.L.Close,10,max, ascending = TRUE)
names(xmax) <- "MaxClose"

head(cbind(BET.L$BET.L.Close, as.xts(xmax), as.xts(xmin)),15)
           BET.L.Close MaxClose MinClose
2010-10-22     1550.00       NA       NA
2010-10-25     1546.57       NA       NA
2010-10-26     1545.00       NA       NA
2010-10-27     1511.26       NA       NA
2010-10-28     1490.00  1550.00     1395
2010-10-29     1435.00  1546.57     1381
2010-11-01     1447.00  1545.00     1347
2010-11-02     1420.00  1511.26     1347
2010-11-03     1407.00  1490.00     1347
2010-11-04     1395.00  1447.00     1347
2010-11-05     1381.00  1447.00     1347
2010-11-08     1347.00  1490.00     1347
2010-11-09     1415.00  1490.00     1347
2010-11-10     1426.00  1490.00     1347
2010-11-11     1430.00  1490.00     1347


           BET.L.Close MaxClose MinClose    MaxDate    MinDate
2010-10-22     1550.00       NA       NA      NA       NA
2010-10-25     1546.57       NA       NA      NA       NA
2010-10-26     1545.00       NA       NA      NA       NA
2010-10-27     1511.26       NA       NA      NA       NA
2010-10-28     1490.00  1550.00     1395 2010-10-22 2010-11-04
2010-10-29     1435.00  1546.57     1381 2010-10-25 2010-11-05


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这个计划存在很大问题。 coredata元素是一个矩阵,因此所有元素必须是无类别的并且具有相同的模式。你不能在xts对象中拥有Date类的对象,如果你坚持使用一个字符类,那么它将强制所有其他元素也是字符。所以理解了它仍然可以通过计算which.max结果来做某事,然后创建一个行号,which.max - 值是一个偏移量,最后使用该结果作为索引进入对象的index。 (对不起“which”和“index”的双重用法。希望代码中含义清楚。)

xmin <- rollapply(BET.L$BET.L.Close,10,min)
names(xmin) <- "MinClose"

xmax <- rollapply(BET.L$BET.L.Close,10,max, ascending = TRUE)
names(xmax) <- "MaxClose"
head(dat <- cbind(BET.L$BET.L.Close, as.xts(xmax), as.xts(xmin)),15))

w.MaxDate <- rollapply(BET.L$BET.L.Close,10, which.max)
names(w.MaxDate) <- "w.maxdt"
dat <- cbind(dat, as.xts(w.MaxDate) )
> head(dat)
           BET.L.Close MaxClose MinClose       w.maxdt ..2
2010-10-22     1550.00       NA       NA            NA   1
2010-10-25     1546.57       NA       NA            NA   2
2010-10-26     1545.00       NA       NA            NA   3
2010-10-27     1511.26       NA       NA            NA   4
2010-10-28     1490.00  1550.00     1395             1   5
2010-10-29     1435.00  1546.57     1381             1   6
dat$maxdate <- xts( index(dat)[dat$..2-5+dat$BET.L.Close.1],
> head(dat)
           BET.L.Close MaxClose MinClose       w.maxdt ..2 maxdate
2010-10-22     1550.00       NA       NA            NA   1      NA
2010-10-25     1546.57       NA       NA            NA   2      NA
2010-10-26     1545.00       NA       NA            NA   3      NA
2010-10-27     1511.26       NA       NA            NA   4      NA
2010-10-28     1490.00  1550.00     1395             1   5   14904
2010-10-29     1435.00  1546.57     1381             1   6   14907


> head(index(dat)[dat$..2-5+dat$w.maxdt])
[1] NA           NA           NA           NA           "2010-10-22" "2010-10-25"

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为您可以向原始xts对象添加一个表示日期的数字列,然后使用rollapply。从下面的示例中查看 xminmax


## add Date as numeric
BET.L$dt <- as.numeric(format(index(BET.L), "%Y%m%d"))
xmin <- rollapply(BET.L, 10, align='r', by.column = FALSE,
    FUN = function(dw)
        return(dw[which.min(dw[,'BET.L.Close']), c('BET.L.Close', 'dt')])
xmax <- rollapply(BET.L, 10, align='r', by.column = FALSE,
    FUN = function(dw)
        return(dw[which.max(dw[,'BET.L.Close']), c('BET.L.Close', 'dt')])

xminmax <- cbind(xmin, xmax)
## to get back to dates use: 
##  as.Date(as.character(as.integer(xminmax$dt.xmin)), format = "%Y%m%d")

## left edge of data window
x_ldt <- rollapply(BET.L$dt, 10, align='r', function(dw) return(dw[1]))


           BET.L.Close.xmin  dt.xmin BET.L.Close.xmax  dt.xmax
2010-11-04             1395 20101104          1550.00 20101022
2010-11-05             1381 20101105          1546.57 20101025
2010-11-08             1347 20101108          1545.00 20101026
2010-11-09             1347 20101108          1511.26 20101027
2010-11-10             1347 20101108          1490.00 20101028
2010-11-11             1347 20101108          1447.00 20101101