Tkinter 蟒蛇索引

时间:2021-02-24 16:06:35

标签: python tkinter indexing

我正在制作一个倒计时日历,用于检查剩余天数、名称和信息,但如果超过 50 天的部分不起作用,则更改颜色的条件是。大家可以查一下吗?它检查每个节日还剩多少。同样如您所见,如果我将日期更改为任何节日的今天,它会显示 1 Day left until。我想解决这个问题


Dashain,14/10/21,This is Nepal Main Festival
Tihar,6/11/21,Festival of Lights
Christmas,25/12/21,Jingle Bells 
New Year,1/01/22,The Day of the new year
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, simpledialog, messagebox
from datetime import date, datetime

# function get_events is to get the celebration events
def get_events():
    list_events = []
    with open('festivals.txt') as file:
          for line in file:
                line1 = line.rstrip('\n')
                global current_event
                current_event = line1.split(',')
                current_event[1] = datetime.strptime(current_event[1], '%d/%m/%y').date()
    return list_events

# Function to get the dates between the  2

def days_between_dates(date1, date2):
    time_between = str(date1 - date2)
    number_of_days = time_between.split(' ')
    return number_of_days[0]

# End of Functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program starts here

root = Tk()

# Make Canvas
c = Canvas(root, width=2000, height=800, bg='black')
c.create_text(100, 50, anchor='w', fill='cyan', font=' Times 40 bold italic underline',
              text='My Countdown Calendar' )

# Store the functions in variables
events = get_events()
today =

# Aligning the text, sorting the list
vertical_space = 100
events.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
horizontal_space = 100

# Main Loop

for event in events:
    event_name = event[0]
    days_until = days_between_dates(event[1], today)
    display = 'It is %s days until %s. %s is about %s' % (days_until, event_name, event_name,event[2])
    if (int(days_until) > 10):
        text_col = '#c11a2b'
        remin = 'Come one %s in coming' % (event_name)
        c.create_text(550, 500, anchor='w', fill='purple', font='Courier 20 bold underline', text=remin)

        text_col = 'lime'
    c.create_text(200, vertical_space, anchor='w', fill=text_col,
                    font='Calibri 28 bold', text=display)
    vertical_space = vertical_space + 30
    horizontal_space = horizontal_space + 40

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


首先,您可以使用daystimedelta 返回的date1 - date2 对象的days_between_dates() 属性获取天数。该函数可以写成:

def days_between_dates(date1, date2):
    return (date1 - date2).days


这也修复了一个错误。当日期相同且 str(date1 - date2) 返回时
'0:00:00' 您的代码无法解析。

关于大于 50 的条件,您的代码中没有此类检查。有 > 10 但您的测试数据未测试该条件。您应该在当前日期的 10 天内添加一行日期。
