
时间:2020-09-21 17:51:56

标签: coq


(** A library for finite sets with extensional equality.

    Author: Brian Aydemir. *)

Require Import FSets.
Require Import ListFacts.
Require Import Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance.

(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Interface *)

(** The following interface wraps the standard library's finite set
    interface with an additional property: extensional equality. *)

Module Type S.

  Declare Module E : UsualOrderedType.
  Declare Module F : FSetInterface.S with Module E := E.

  Parameter eq_if_Equal :
    forall s s' : F.t, F.Equal s s' -> s = s'.

End S.

(* *********************************************************************** *)
(** * Implementation *)

(** For documentation purposes, we hide the implementation of a
    functor implementing the above interface.  We note only that the
    implementation here assumes (as an axiom) that proof irrelevance
    holds. *)

Module Make (X : UsualOrderedType) <: S with Module E := X.

  (* begin hide *)

  Module E := X.
  Module F := FSetList.Make E.
  Module OFacts := OrderedType.OrderedTypeFacts E.

  Lemma eq_if_Equal :
    forall s s' : F.t, F.Equal s s' -> s = s'.
    intros [s1 pf1] [s2 pf2] Eq.
    assert (s1 = s2).
      unfold F.MSet.Raw.t in *.
      eapply Sort_InA_eq_ext; eauto.
      intros; eapply E.lt_trans; eauto.
      1 : {
        apply F.MSet.Raw.isok_iff.
      1 : {
        apply F.MSet.Raw.isok_iff.
    subst s1.
    assert (pf1 = pf2).
    apply proof_irrelevance.
    subst pf2.

  (* end hide *)

End Make.


1 个答案:

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您需要定义一个 Loop Until Not ech ' conversion of numbers into text for dico and listbox) ' and the false dates (written in text) to real dates On Error GoTo PasDate For i = 2 To UBound(t) t(i, 1) = CStr(t(i, 1)) If TypeName(t(i, 2)) = "String" Then t(i, 2) = 1 * DateSerial(Right(t(i, 2), 4), Mid(t(i, 2), 4, 2), Left(t(i, 2), 2)) Next i On Error Resume Next 'Fill dico Set dico = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") dico.CompareMode = TextCompare For i = 2 To UBound(t) If t(i, 1) <> "" Then If Not dico.Exists(t(i, 1)) Then dico.Add t(i, 1), t(i, 2) Else If t(i, 2) > dico(t(i, 1)) Then dico(t(i, 1)) = t(i, 2) End If End If Next i 'Transfert dico to the table r for the list ReDim r(1 To dico.Count, 1 To 2): i = 0 For Each x In dico.Keys: i = i + 1: r(i, 1) = x: r(i, 2) = dico(x): Next 'fill ranges 20 and 21 .Range("b20:b21").Resize(, Columns.Count - 1).Clear .Range("b20").Resize(1, UBound(r)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .Range("b21").Resize(1, UBound(r)).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" .Range("b20").Resize(2, UBound(r)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous .Range("b20:b21").Resize(2, UBound(r)) = Application.Transpose(r) End With 'poplate the listbox For i = 1 To UBound(r): r(i, 1) = Format(r(i, 2), "dd/mm/yyyy"): Next 'For i = 1 To UBound(r): r(i, 1) = Format(r(i, 1), "000"): r(i, 2) = Format(r(i, 2), "dd/mm/yyyy"): Next With ListBox1 .ColumnCount = 2 .ColumnHeads = False .ColumnWidths = .Width * 0.7 '& ";" & .Width * (1 - 0.6 + 0.1) .List = r End With Exit Sub ' PasDate: Exit Sub End End Sub 模块(称为Module),该模块为您要制作有限集的类型实现M模块类型,然后构建另一个{{ 1}}和UsualOrderedType,其中包含您类型的有限集的实现。


请注意,您需要使用Make M而不是Module M <: UsualOrderedType. ... End M. Module foo := Make M. Check foo.F.singleton. 来声明模块类型,否则您将隐藏以下事实:(在下面的示例中)为<:定义了模块不透明类型:后面。





现在,我们可以使用我们的(* Print the module type to see all the things you need to define. *) Print Module Type UsualOrderedType. Require Import PeanonNat. Module NatOrdered <: UsualOrderedType . (* note the `<:` *) Definition t:=nat. Definition eq:=@eq nat. Definition lt:=lt. Definition eq_refl:=@eq_refl nat. Definition eq_sym:=@eq_sym nat. Definition eq_trans:=@eq_trans nat. Definition lt_trans:=Nat.lt_trans. (* I wrote Admitted where I didn't provide an implementation *) Definition lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y. Admitted. Definition compare : forall x y : t, Compare lt eq x y. Admitted. Definition eq_dec : forall x y : t, {eq x y} + {~ eq x y}. Admitted. End NatOrdered. 模块。有限集的类型为Module foo := Make NatOrdered. Print foo.F. (* to see everything that is defined for the FSetList *) Import foo. (* get F in our namespace so we can say F.t instead of foo.F.t, etc. *) ,元素的类型为F,它们可以强制F.t,因为我们知道它们来自F.elt



好的。由于我没有实现上面的F,因此在计算中途陷入困境。我很懒,只是写了Definition f: F.elt -> F.t. intros x. apply (F.singleton x). Defined. Print F. Goal F.cardinal (F.union (f 1) (f 2)) = 2. compute. ,但是你可以做到的! :-)