Beam Streaming管道不会将文件写入存储桶

时间:2020-06-17 14:54:48

标签: python-3.x google-cloud-dataflow apache-beam apache-beam-pipeline

UI在GCP Dataflow上具有python流传输管道,该管道从PubSub读取数千条消息,如下所示:

    with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
      lines = p | "read" >> ReadFromPubSub(topic=str(job_options.inputTopic))
      lines = lines | "decode" >> beam.Map(decode_message)
      lines = lines | "Parse" >> beam.Map(parse_json)
      lines = lines | beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(1*60))
      lines = lines | "Add device id key" >> beam.Map(lambda elem: (elem.get('id'), elem))
      lines = lines | "Group by key" >> beam.GroupByKey()
      lines = lines | "Abandon key" >> beam.Map(flatten)
      lines | "WriteToAvro" >>, schema=schema, file_name_suffix='.avro', mime_type='application/x-avro')


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您的代码似乎有一些问题。首先,关于null / None(您已修复)和ints / floats(在注释中注明)存在一些格式错误的数据。最后,WriteToAvro转换无法写入无界的PCollections。有一种解决方法,您可以定义一个新的sink并将其与WriteToFiles转换一起使用,该转换能够写入无界的PCollections。

请注意,在撰写本文时(2020-06-18),该方法不适用于Apache Beam Python SDK <= 2.23。这是因为Python选取器无法反序列化选取的Avro模式(请参见BEAM-6522)。在这种情况下,这迫使解决方案改为使用FastAvro。如果您手动升级莳萝,则可以使用Avro >> Avro >> 1.9.0,但是请小心,因为目前尚未测试。


from import FileSink
from import WriteToFiles
import fastavro

class AvroFileSink(FileSink):
    def __init__(self, schema, codec='deflate'):
        self._schema = schema
        self._codec = codec

    def open(self, fh):
        # This is called on every new bundle.
        self.writer = fastavro.write.Writer(fh, self._schema, self._codec)

    def write(self, record):
        # This is called on every element.

    def flush(self):


import apache_beam as beam

# Replace the following with your schema.
schema = fastavro.schema.parse_schema({
    'name': 'row',
    'namespace': 'test',
    'type': 'record',
    'fields': [
        {'name': 'a', 'type': 'int'},

# Create the sink. This will be used by the WriteToFiles transform to write
# individual elements to the Avro file.
sink = AvroFileSink(schema=schema)

with beam.Pipeline(...) as p:
    lines = p | beam.ReadFromPubSub(...)
    lines = ...

    # This is where your new sink gets used. The WriteToFiles transform takes
    # the sink and uses it to write to a directory defined by the path 
    # argument.
    lines | WriteToFiles(path=job_options.outputLocation, sink=sink)