我正在尝试在我正在创建的模拟中实现碰撞响应。 基本上,该程序模拟一个球从一个50米的建筑物抛出一些初始速度。
int main() {
FILE *fp;
FILE *fr;
//Declare and initialize all variables to be used
float ax = 0, ay = 0, x = 0, y = 0, vx = 0, vy = 0;
float time = 0, deltaTime = .001;
float vyImpact = 0, vxImpact = 0, xImpact = 0;
float old_y = 0, old_x = 0, old_vy = 0, old_vx = 0;
float deltaTime2 = 0, deltaTime3 = 0;
int numBounces = 0;
//Coefficient of Restitution; epsilon = ex = ey
float ex = .5;
float ey = .5;
fr = fopen("input_data.txt", "rt"); //Open file for reading
fp = fopen( "output_data.txt", "w" ); // Open file for writing
if(fr == NULL){ printf("File not found");} //if text file is not in directory...
if(fp == NULL){ printf("File not found");} //if text file is not in directory...
fscanf(fr, "ax: %f ay: %f x: %f y: %f vx: %f vy: %f\n", &ax, &ay, &x, &y, &vx, &vy);
while (numBounces < 9) {
//time = time + deltaTime
time = time + deltaTime;
//velocity[new] = velocity[old] + acc * deltaTime
vx = vx + ax*deltaTime;
vy = vy + ay*deltaTime;
//position[new] = position[old] + velocity*deltaTime + .5*acc*(deltaTime)^2
x = x + vx*deltaTime + (.5*ax*deltaTime*deltaTime);
y = y + vy*deltaTime + (.5*ay*deltaTime*deltaTime);
fprintf(fp, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n", ax, ay, x, y, vx, vy, time);
//Collision occurs; implement collision response
if (y < 0) {
//"Undo" values for y, x, and velocity
old_y = y - vy*deltaTime - (.5*ay*deltaTime*deltaTime);
old_x = x - vx*deltaTime - (.5*ax*deltaTime*deltaTime);
old_vy = vy - ay*deltaTime;
old_vx = vx - ax*deltaTime;
//Calculate time of collision
deltaTime2 = (-old_y + sqrt((old_y*old_y) - 2*ay*old_y)) / (ay);
printf("Time of Collision = %f\n", time - deltaTime2);
//Calculate velocity and x position at collsion
vyImpact = old_vy + ay*deltaTime2;
vxImpact = old_vx + ax*deltaTime2;
xImpact = old_x + old_vx*deltaTime2 + .5*ax*(deltaTime2*deltaTime2);
//Calculate new time for when ball bounces
deltaTime3 = deltaTime - deltaTime2;
//Calculate new x and y position and velocity for when ball bounces
x = xImpact + (ex)*vxImpact*deltaTime3 + .5*ax*(deltaTime3*deltaTime3);
y = 0 + (-ey)*vyImpact*deltaTime3 + .5*ay*(deltaTime3*deltaTime3);
vy = (-ey)*vyImpact + ay*deltaTime3;
vx = (ex)*vxImpact + ax*deltaTime3;
printf("Number of Bounce(s) = %d\n", numBounces);
fprintf(fp, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t\n", ax, ay, x, y, vx, vy, time);
fclose(fp); //Close output file
fclose(fr); //Close input file
//system ("PAUSE");
return 0;
以下是示例输入: ax:0 ay:-9.8 x:0 y:50 vx:8.66 vy:5
答案 0 :(得分:1)
//velocity[new] = velocity[old] + acc * deltaTime
vx = vx + ax*deltaTime;
vy = vy + ay*deltaTime;
//position[new] = position[old] + velocity*deltaTime + .5*acc*(deltaTime)^2
x = x + vx*deltaTime + (.5*ax*deltaTime*deltaTime);
y = y + vy*deltaTime + (.5*ay*deltaTime*deltaTime);
。当基于速度方程的积分计算由于总时间量的恒定加速度而行进的距离时,使用等式x = 0.5 * a * t ^ 2。当您进行求和并且已经包含速度方程中的加速度时,不需要在位置方程中包括加速度。