
时间:2020-03-24 18:30:43

标签: pandas loops dataframe iterator


  • 一个从我的后端(df_be)开始,带有时间戳,id和id_type(id_type标识ID字段上ID的类型是什么,可以是设备/设备/帐户。如果是设备/设备,则显示一个Mac地址(如果是帐户),显示一个帐号。
  • 来自另一个数据帧(df_sa)的数据,其中包含两列(sa,mac_stb),其中包含所有mac地址和存在的所有客户帐户之间的所有对应关系。



# Iterate through df_be with mac_stb = NaN
for i in np.arange(sum(df_be['mac_stb'].isnull())):
    # Get account number when mac_stb = NaN
    account = df_be[df_be['mac_stb'].isnull()].iloc[i]['id']

    # Copy row with mac_stb = NaN so that you can replace it later by the appropriates mac_stb
    new_df_be_row = df_be[df_be['mac_stb'].isnull()][df_be['id'] == account].copy()

    # Iterate through mac_stb associated with account id
    for mac in df_sa.loc[df_sa['sa'] == account]['mac_stb']:
        new_df_be_row['mac_stb'] = mac
        df_be = df_be.append(new_df_be_row, ignore_index=True)

# Drop rows with mac_stb = NaN as these have been replaced with possible mac_stb
df_be.dropna(subset=['mac_stb'], inplace=True)
df_be.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


    timestamp               time_ms id              id_type mac_stb
720 2019-07-07 17:16:06.304 18.0    641269DD04B1    boxId   641269DD04B1
721 2019-07-07 17:16:06.291 9.0     98F7D7198F88    boxId   98F7D7198F88
722 2019-07-07 17:16:06.291 6.0     A0C5624B2D79    boxId   A0C5624B2D79
723 2019-07-07 17:16:06.288 18.0    7085C6AAB849    device  7085C6AAB849
724 2019-07-07 17:16:06.304 18.0    S828093664      account NaN
725 2019-07-07 17:16:06.319 4.0     707630BC92E7    boxId   707630BC92E7
726 2019-07-07 17:16:06.319 8.0     S827336056      account NaN
727 2019-07-07 17:16:06.320 9.0     707630BC8FA8    device  707630BC8FA8
728 2019-07-07 17:16:06.340 9.0     S831286437      account NaN
729 2019-07-07 17:16:06.335 13.0    S841512815      account NaN

    mac_stb         mac_cm          sa
0   001E690D2C83    001E690D2C82    S827336056
1   001E690D2D8F    001E690D2D8E    S831286437
2   001E690D311D    001E690D311C    S841512815
3   001E690D4053    001E690D4052    S830161775
4   001E690D4B91    001E690D4B90    S825327910

IGNORE mac_cm

重要更新: 对于每个帐户,可能存在多个mac_stb,因此对于BE中的每个请求,它必须显示所有可能的mac_stb,如果存在多个,则应添加第二行/第三个mac_stb可用的新行。 >

示例: This is the example of df_be before populating mac_stb

This is the example of df_sa with mac correspondence

This is the example of what should look like the rows which have client accounts after being populated with mac_stb from df_sa

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


mask_no_mac_stb = df_be['mac_stb'].isnull()
df_merged = pd.merge(df_be[mask_no_mac_stb], df_sa, left_on='id', right_on='sa').set_index('id').drop('mac_stb_x', axis=1).rename({'mac_stb_y': 'mac_stb'}, axis=1)
df_be = df_be.set_index('id')
df_be.loc[df_merged.index, 'mac_stb'] = df_merged.loc[df_merged.index, 'mac_stb']
df_be = df_be.reset_index()



mask_no_mac_stb = df_be['mac_stb'].isnull()
map_id2mac = {id: mac for (id, mac) in zip(df_sa['sa'].to_list(), df_sa['mac_stb'].to_list())}
df_be.loc[mask_no_mac_stb, 'mac_stb'] = df_be.loc[mask_no_mac_stb, 'id'].apply(lambda x: map_id2mac.get(x, np.nan))


             id     timestamp  time_ms  id_type       mac_stb
0  641269DD04B1  17:16:06.304    18.00    boxId  641269DD04B1
1  98F7D7198F88  17:16:06.291     9.00    boxId  98F7D7198F88
2  A0C5624B2D79  17:16:06.291     6.00    boxId  A0C5624B2D79
3  7085C6AAB849  17:16:06.288    18.00   device  7085C6AAB849
4    S828093664  17:16:06.304    18.00  account           NaN
5  707630BC92E7  17:16:06.319     4.00    boxId  707630BC92E7
6    S827336056  17:16:06.319     8.00  account  001E690D2C83
7  707630BC8FA8  17:16:06.320     9.00   device  707630BC8FA8
8    S831286437  17:16:06.340     9.00  account  001E690D2D8F
9    S841512815  17:16:06.335    13.00  account  001E690D311D

注意:id 7085C6AAB849的值仍为NaN,因为它不在df_sa中