Python-使用梯度下降解决Ax = b

时间:2020-01-10 11:30:26

标签: python numpy linear-regression linear-algebra gradient-descent

想求解Ax = b,找到x,已知矩阵A(nxn和b nx1,A是五对角矩阵,尝试使用不同的n。您可以看到它们如何设置在这里: enter image description here

enter image description here


f(x) = 0.5*x^t*A*x - b^t*x.




next_x = 6  # We start the search at x=6
gamma = 0.01  # Step size multiplier
precision = 0.00001  # Desired precision of result
max_iters = 10000  # Maximum number of iterations

# Derivative function
def df(x):
    return 4 * x ** 3 - 9 * x ** 2

for _i in range(max_iters):
    current_x = next_x
    next_x = current_x - gamma * df(current_x)

    step = next_x - current_x
    if abs(step) <= precision:

print("Minimum at ", next_x)

# The output for the above will be something like
# "Minimum at 2.2499646074278457"

因此可以将return替换为0.5*(A+A.T.conj())*x - b(这是f(x) = 0.5*x^t*A*x - b^t*x的派生词(它本身就是我们为Ax = b获得的功能)。但没有得到x正确的结果。您可以在此处查看我的完整代码:

import time
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular

import math

start_time = time.time()


################## AAAAA matrix #############################################
A = np.zeros([n, n], dtype=float)  # initialize to f zeros

# ------------------first row
A[0][0] = 6
A[0][1] = -4
A[0][2] = 1
# ------------------second row
A[1][0] = -4
A[1][1] = 6
A[1][2] = -4
A[1][3] = 1
# --------------two last rows-----
# n-2 row
A[- 2][- 1] = -4
A[- 2][- 2] = 6
A[- 2][- 3] = -4
A[- 2][- 4] = 1
# n-1 row
A[- 1][- 1] = 6
A[- 1][- 2] = -4
A[- 1][- 3] = 1

# --------------------------- from second to n-2 row --------------------------#
j = 0
for i in range(2, n - 2):
    if j == (n - 4):
    A[i][j] = 1
    j = j + 1

j = 1
for i in range(2, n - 2):
    if j == (n - 3):
    A[i][j] = -4
    j = j + 1

j = 2
for i in range(2, n - 2):
    if j == (n - 2):
    A[i][j] = 6
    j = j + 1

j = 3
for i in range(2, n - 2):
    if j == (n - 1):
    A[i][j] = -4
    j = j + 1

j = 4
for i in range(2, n - 2):
    if j == (n):
    A[i][j] = 1
    j = j + 1
# -----------------------------end coding of 2nd to n-2 r-------------#
print("\nMatrix A is : \n", A)

####### b matrix ######################################
b = np.zeros(n,float).reshape((n,1))
b[0] = 3
b[1] = -1
#b[len(b) - 1] = 3
#b[len(b) - 2] = -1
b[[0,-1]]=3; b[[1,-2]]=-1

############ init x #####################
x = np.zeros(n,float).reshape((n,1))
#x = [0] * n
#x = np.zeros([n, 1], dtype=float)
print("\n x is ",x)

print("\nMatrix b is \n", b)

# Derivative function
def df(x):
    a = 0.5 * (A + np.transpose(A))
    res =, x) - b
    return res

def steep(A,b,x):
    next_x = 6  # We start the search at x=6
    gamma = 0.01  # Step size multiplier
    precision = 0.00001  # Desired precision of result
    max_iters = 10000  # Maximum number of iterations

    for _i in range(max_iters):
        current_x = next_x
        next_x = current_x - gamma * df(current_x)

        step = next_x - current_x
        if ass.any() <= precision:

    print("Minimum at ", next_x)
    return next_x


print("\n myx is ",myx)

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


import numpy as np

# gradient descent parameters
gamma = 0.01          # step size multiplier
tol = 1e-5            # convergence tolerance for stopping criterion
max_iters = 1e6       # maximum number of iterations

# dimension of the problem
n = 10

A = np.diag(np.ones(n-2), k=-2) + np.diag(-4*np.ones(n-1), k=-1) + \
    np.diag(6*np.ones(n), k=0) + \
    np.diag(-4*np.ones(n-1), k=1) + np.diag(np.ones(n-2), k=2)

b = np.zeros(n)
b[0] = 3 ; b[1] = -1 ; b[n-1] = 3 ; b[n-2] = -1

现在,梯度下降(最速下降)表示向量 x_sol是系统Ax=b的解,其中A是正的明确和对称,是二次形式的最小值

def f(A,b,x):
    return 0.5*,A),x),b)

因此,请确保在梯度评估{{1中,执行正确的矩阵乘法(使用np.dot函数或@运算符),而不是python逐元素乘法(使用*运算符)。 }} df,这样


但是,请注意,由于def df(A,b,x): return,x)-b 对称,因此A可以简化,并且只返回精确的残差df而不是,x)-b。您还需要指定适当的停止标准,例如通过相对于您的公差系数0.5*,x) + 0.5*,x)-b测试步距的欧几里得范数。让我们运行这个



# int: you chose 6 as initial guess
x0 = 6

def gradient_descent(A,b,x0):
        # initial guess vector x
        next_x = x0*np.ones(n) 
        # print initial f value 
        print('i = 0 ; f(x)= '+str(f(A,b,next_x)))
        # convergence flag
        cvg = False           
        print('Starting descent')
        while i <= max_iters:
            curr_x = next_x
            next_x = curr_x - gamma * df(A,b,curr_x)

            step = next_x - curr_x
            # convergence test
            if np.linalg.norm(step,2)/(np.linalg.norm(next_x,2)+np.finfo(float).eps) <= tol:
                cvg = True
            # print optionnaly f values while searching for minimum
            print('i = '+str(i)+' ; f(x)= '+str(f(A,b,next_x)))
            i += 1

    if cvg :
        print('Minimum found in ' + str(i) + ' iterations.')
        print('x_sol =',next_x)
    else :
        print('No convergence for specified parameters.')

    return next_x

最后,让我们与直接求解器x_sol = gradient_descent(A,b,x0) >>> i = 0 ; f(x)= 48.0 >>> Starting descent >>> i = 1 ; f(x)= 43.20999999999996 >>> i = 2 ; f(x)= 39.17663099999998 >>> i = 3 ; f(x)= 35.75573883350001 >>> i = 4 ; f(x)= 32.83351344396835 >>> i = 5 ; f(x)= 30.319690909679018 >>> i = 6 ; f(x)= 28.1423440799636 >>> ... >>> i = 19144 ; f(x)= -1.99977775801747 >>> i = 19145 ; f(x)= -1.9997778660326588 >>> i = 19146 ; f(x)= -1.99977797399535 >>> i = 19147 ; f(x)= -1.99977808190557 >>> i = 19148 ; f(x)= -1.999778189763341 >>> Minimum found in 19149 iterations. >>> x_sol = [1.00991626 1.02509014 1.04110403 1.05415009 1.0614195 1.0614195 1.05415009 1.04110403 1.02509014 1.00991626] 进行比较:


此外,如果不是强制要求梯度下降,我会使用scipy.linalg.solveh_banded,或者通过将np.allclose(np.linalg.solve(A,b),x_sol) >>> True 正交向量设置为具有良好前置条件的搜索方向,将其升级为共轭梯度方法,以便更好地收敛到共轭梯度方法(请参见此出色的pdf imo)。希望这会有所帮助。