#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
struct _State //different to shorten variable names
double mass;
double thrust;
double accel;
double velo;
double distance;
double fuel;
char gameMode; // variable for keeping track of selected mode (A - 65 - Autopilot / M - 77 - Manual)
typedef struct _State State;
double getThrust(State* s) // Accepts user input for thrust and validates it
double APstate = 0;
if (s->gameMode == 77)
printf("Input Thrust bellow. \n--> ");
scanf("%lf", &s->thrust);
while (s->fuel > 0)
if (s->thrust < 0)
return 0;
else if (s->thrust > 45)
return 45000;
return (s->thrust * 1000);
if (s->fuel < 0)
return 0;
printf("You have run out of fuel, so you can no longer use thrust./n");
if (s->gameMode == 65)
if (s->distance > 5)
APstate = ((s->velo * s->velo) - .81) / (2 * (s->distance - 5));
s->thrust = s->mass * (APstate - (-1.6));
else if (s->distance < 5)
s->thrust = -(s->mass) * (-1.6) * ((s->velo) / 0.9);
s->fuel = s->fuel - (s->thrust / 3000);
if (s->fuel <= 0)
return 0;
if (s->distance <= 0)
printf("The lander has landed successfully at a velocity of %.2f.\n", s->velo);
return 0;
void Update(State* s, double t, double stepSize)
const double gMoon = -1.6;
//double mass = 9000;
//double fuel = 1800;
s->thrust = getThrust(s);
s->mass = s->mass - (s->thrust / 3000);
s->accel = (s->thrust / s->mass) + gMoon;
s->velo += s->accel * stepSize;
s->distance += s->velo * stepSize;
s->fuel = s->fuel - (s->thrust / 3000);
void manualControl(State* s) //manual controll function
printf("\nManual mode: on\n");
if (s->distance == 0) // Sets height value to the initial height value for calculations
s->distance = 15000;
if (s->velo == 0) // Sets velocity value to the initial velocity value for calculations
s->velo = -325;
void autopilotControl(State* s) // Autopilot controll function
printf("\nAutopilot: on\n");
if (s->distance == 0)
s->distance = 15000;
if (s->velo == 0)
s->velo = -325;
void modeHandler(State* s) // mode controller. Calls appropriate function depending on the mode selected
if (s->gameMode == 65)
else if (s->gameMode == 77)
void modeSelect(State* s) // modeSelect allows user to pick the game mode and validates their input.
printf("--> ");
scanf("%c", &s->gameMode);
s->gameMode = toupper(s->gameMode);
if (s->gameMode == 65 || s->gameMode == 77)
printf("\nInvalid input. Please try again!\n");
scanf("%c", &s->gameMode);
s->gameMode = toupper(s->gameMode);
int main(void)
State s = { 9000,0,0,-325,15000,1800 };
printf("Welcome to the Lunar Lander simulation!\n\n");
printf("Your goal is to land the vehicle safely on the moon.\n");
printf("You will be provided with information about the lander\nbased on which you will have to make a decision about\nhow much force should be applied to slow the vehicle down.\n");
printf("Choose your game mode.\n(Type \"A\" for autopilot) or (\"M\" for manual mode)\n");
double t = 0;
double tmax = 150;
const double stepSize = 1;
FILE* f = fopen("lander.csv", "wt");
if (!f)
printf("Unable to open file.\n");
return 1;
while ((t < tmax) && (s.distance >= 0))
fprintf(f, "%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f%.2f,\n", t, s.accel, s.velo, s.distance, s.fuel);
Update(&s, t, stepSize);
printf("Current height: %.2f m\n", s.distance);
printf("Current velocity: %.2f m/s\n", s.velo);
printf("Fuel left : %.2f kg\n", s.fuel);
if (s.distance <= 0)
s.distance == 0;
if ((s.velo >= -1) && (s.velo <= 0))
printf("You have successfully landed! Good job!\n");
printf("You crashed. Game over!\n\n\n");
return 0;
Welcome to the Lunar Lander simulation!
Your goal is to land the vehicle safely on the moon.
You will be provided with information about the lander
based on which you will have to make a decision about
how much force should be applied to slow the vehicle down.
Choose your game mode.
(Type "A" for autopilot) or ("M" for manual mode)
--> A
Autopilot: on
Current height: 1.#R m
Current velocity: 1.#R m/s
Fuel left : 1.#R kg