我刚刚开始在iPhone上开发网络。我需要开发一个简单的应用程序来与Wifi路由器交谈。问题是,wifi盒通过UDP进行通信。我已经挖了很多,但到目前为止我看过的所有示例代码都有TCP通信的例子,除了一个; UDPEcho示例。
所以,我的问题是: 1.我如何知道WiFi网络上的设备是否可以通过WiFi连接? 2.对于UDP上的通信,我可以简单地创建一个套接字,并使用CFSocketSendData方法将数据发送到某个地址吗?
任何链接或参考都会有所帮助。更有帮助的是,原始实现的一些基本步骤。 简单来说,我可以执行以下操作: 1.使用CFSocketCreate创建套接字,在数据可供读取时指定回调。 2.使用CFSocketSend在套接字上发送数据,指定我想发送的地址。
#include "SocketTest.h"
@implementation SocketTest
- (BOOL)connectSocket{
CFSocketRef appSocket;
const CFSocketContext socketContext = { 0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL };
CFRunLoopSourceRef socketRunLoopSourceRef;
struct sockaddr_in deviceAddress;
We have to bind a machine address to the socket which we will create. For this,
we need to store our address and port number into a structure of the type,
struct_sockaddr_in (since, we will be using IPv4).
Part 1: Create address structure.
//Clear memory reserved for socket address.
memset(&deviceAddress, 0, sizeof(deviceAddress));
//Create our remote device address
deviceAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); //Convert string to suitable usage format and store as address.
deviceAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
deviceAddress.sin_port = (u_short)9009;
//Put the device address into a CFDataRef object.
CFDataRef address = CFDataCreate(NULL, (UInt8 *)&deviceAddress, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
//If there was a problem with previous call, return with error.
if (NULL == address) {
return 1;
Part 2: Create socket with a signature and add it to run loop.
//Create a socket signature that specifies the communication protocol and the connection address.
const CFSocketSignature signature = {
PF_INET, //Protocol family IPv4
SOCK_DGRAM, //Datagram socket
IPPROTO_UDP, //Protocol is UDP
address //CFDataRef object holding the contents of our remote address.
//Create socket with the signature just created
appSocket = CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature(
NULL, //Default memory allocator
&signature, //Signature we created above
kCFSocketDataCallBack, //Callback that will read data into a CFData object
dataReadyToRead, //The method that will be called as callback
//Create socket
appSocket = CFSocketCreate(
NULL, //Default memory allocator
PF_INET, //Protocol Family IPv4
SOCK_DGRAM, //Datagram socket (UDP)
IPPROTO_UDP, //Protocol is UDP
kCFSocketDataCallBack, //Flag to tell socket to call our callback when data is ready
dataReadyCallBack, //The call back function that will be called
&socketContext //The socket context
//Create run loop source, with our socket as the source
socketRunLoopSourceRef = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(
NULL, //Default memory allocator
appSocket, //Socket created
0 //Highest priority source
//Add to surrent run loop
CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), //Add to current run loop
socketRunLoopSourceRef, //Add this run loop source
kCFRunLoopDefaultMode //The default mode of the run loop
//Return success
return 0;
static void receiveData(CFSocketRef socket, CFSocketCallBackType type, CFDataRef address, const void *data, void *info) {
//CFSocketSendData(socket, address, (CFDataRef)data, 0.0);
CFDataRef buffer;
UInt8 *receivedData;
buffer = (CFDataRef)data;
//Show data received in label.
BOOL sendData: (void *)data{
CFSocketError socketErrors;
static char helloworld[] = "\r\nHello world";
CFDataRef _packet = CFDataCreate(NULL, (const UInt8 *)helloworld, strlen(helloworld));
socketErrors = CFSocketSendData(appSocket, NULL, packet, 0.0);
此外,尝试了AsyncUDPSocket库并取得了很大成功。但是,想知道事情的复杂性。 AsyncUDPSocket库获取并解析IPv4或IPv6地址。在我的SocketTest代码中,我只是指定了一个IPv4地址。