Days Col1 Col2 105 1.042990717 0.977126509 131 1.032115123 0.965084949 155 1.027434996 0.959954413 181 1.021729519 0.955389315 209 1.015965345 0.951295069 236 1.009429161 0.943803697 258 1.004876875 0.940235463 285 1.000358928 0.931895737 315 0.995125739 0.926641403 363 0.990417213 0.920608379 387 0.986946909 0.915730933
#add days
df = df.reindex(df.index.tolist()+list(range(387,6000,100)))
# Initial parameter guess, just to kick off the optimization
init = (0.01, 0.01)
# Place to store function parameters for each column
col_params = {}
def func(x, a, b):
return a*np.exp(-b*x)
# Curve fit each column
for col in df.columns:
# Get x & y
x = df.index.astype(float).values
y = df[col].values
if np.isnan(y).any():
x = df[col].dropna()
x = x.index.astype(float).values
y = df[col].dropna()
y = y.values
params = curve_fit(func,x, y, init)
# Store optimized parameters
col_params[col] = params[0]
# Curve fit column and get curve parameters
params = curve_fit(func, x, y, init)
# Store optimized parameters
col_params[col] = params[0]
# Extrapolate each column
for col in df.columns:
# Get the index values for NaNsY in the column
x = df[pd.isnull(df[col])].index.astype(float).values
x1 = df.index.astype(float).values
y = df[col].values
# Extrapolate those points with the fitted function
df[col][x] = func(x, *col_params[col])
plt.plot(x1,y,func(x, *col_params[col]),'g--')
# Display result
print ('Extrapolated data:')
print (df)