class GameObject
has Int $.id;
has Int $.x is rw;
has Int $.y is rw;
has $.game;
has Int $.speed; #the higher the faster
multi method start( &action )
start {
loop {
await Promise.in( 1 / self.speed );
#$.game.remove-object( self );
method speed {
$!speed +
# 33% variation from the base speed in either direction
( -($!speed / 3).Int .. ($!speed / 3).Int ).pick
submethod DESTROY { say "DESTROY" }
role UnnecessaryViolence
has $.damage;
has $.hitpoints is rw;
has $.offense;
has $.defense;
method attack ( GameObject $target )
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} ({self.id}) attacks the {$target.WHAT.perl} ({$target.id})";
my $attacker = roll( $.offense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} rolls $attacker";
my $defender = roll( $target.defense, 1 .. 6 ).sum;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} rolls $defender";
if $attacker > $defender
my $damage = ( 1 .. $!damage ).pick;
say "The {self.WHAT.perl} inflicts {$damage} damage";
$target.hitpoints -= $damage ;
if $target.hitpoints < 0
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} is dead";
return True;
say "The {$target.WHAT.perl} has { $target.hitpoints } hitpoints left";
return False;
class Player is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.name;
multi method start
say "A hero was born.";
# say "The hero is moving";
# keyboard logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Monster is GameObject does UnnecessaryViolence
has $.species;
multi method start
say "A monster hatched.";
# say "The monster {self.id} is moving";
# AI logic here, in the meantime random movement
$.game.channel.send( { object => self, x => (-1 .. 1).pick, y => (-1 .. 1).pick } );
class Game
my $idc = 0;
has GameObject @.objects is rw;
has Channel $.channel = .new;
method run{
method setup
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(20), :damage(14), :offense(3), :speed(400), :defense(3), :x(4), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Monster.new( :id(++$idc), :species("Troll"), :hitpoints(25), :damage(16), :offense(3), :speed(300), :defense(3), :x(3), :y(2), :game(self) ) );
self.add-object( Player.new( :id(++$idc), :name("Holli"), :hitpoints(50), :damage(60), :offense(4), :speed(200) :defense(2), :x(0), :y(0), :game(self) ) );
method add-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects.push( $object );
method remove-object( GameObject $object )
@!objects = @!objects.grep({ !($_ === $object) });
method mainloop
react {
whenever $.channel.Supply -> $event
self.process-movement( $event );
if self.game-is-over
"Game over. The {@!objects[0].WHAT.perl} has won".say;
whenever Supply.interval(0.01) {
method process-movement( $event )
#say "The {$event<object>.WHAT.perl} moves.";
given $event<object>
my $to-x = .x + $event<x>;
my $to-y = .y + $event<y>;
for @!objects -> $object
# we don't care abour ourselves
if $_ === $object;
# see if anything is where we want to be
if ( $to-x == $object.x && $to-y == $object.y )
# can't move, blocked by friendly
if $object.WHAT eqv .WHAT;
# we found a monster, see if we can
# kill it and move there
unless .attack( $object );
# Something just died
self.remove-object( $object );
# we won the fight or the place is empty
# so let's move
.x = $to-x == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-x == -5 ?? 4 !!
.y = $to-y == 5 ?? -4 !!
$to-y == -5 ?? 4 !!
method render
for @!objects -> $object {
"The {$object.WHAT.perl} is at {$object.x},{$object.y}".say;
method game-is-over {
return (@!objects.map({.WHAT})).unique.elems == 1;