[ +1 ms] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[ +1 ms] * Where:
[ ] Script '/Users/apple/flutter/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle' line: 379
[ ] * What went wrong:
[ ] A problem occurred configuring root project 'android_generated'.
[ ] > A problem occurred configuring project ':flutter'.
[ ] > Could not find method execute() for arguments [] on task ':flutter:buildPluginReleaseDeviceInfo' of type
[ ] * Try:
[ ] Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan
to get full insights.
[ ] * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
[ ] BUILD FAILED in 587ms
[ +415 ms] Running Gradle task 'assembleAarRelease'... (completed in 1.1s)
[ +5 ms] "flutter aar" took 5,757ms.
Gradle task assembleAarRelease failed with exit code 1
pages[0].on('response', async response => {
if (response.request() /*Your condition check*/) {
var buffer = await response.buffer(); /*You can get the buffer*/
var content = await response.text(); /*You can get the content as text*/
from math import sqrt, atan2, sin, cos, pi, inf
from numpy import array
W = 600 # width of the table
H = 300 # height of the table
R = 10 # the radius of the ball
A = 0 # deceleration constant
dt = 10 ** -3
ma = mb = 1 # masses of the particles a and b
def vec_magnitude(V1):
return sqrt(V1[0]**2 + V1[1]**2)
def collision_test(V1, V2):
if vec_magnitude(V1 - V2) <= 2 * R:
return True
def dot_product(V1, V2):
return sum(V1 * V2)
def after_collision_velocity(Va, Vb, Ra, Rb):
''' the equation that produces the velocity of the objects after the collision'''
Va_new = Va - ((2 * mb * dot_product(Va - Vb, Ra - Rb)) /
((ma + mb) * (vec_magnitude(Ra - Rb))**2) * (Ra - Rb))
Vb_new = Vb - ((2 * ma * dot_product(Vb - Va, Rb - Ra)) /
((ma + mb) * (vec_magnitude(Rb - Ra))**2) * (Rb - Ra))
return Va_new, Vb_new
def motion(P, V_mag, angle, V):
'''describes the motion of the ball'''
if P[1] < R: #reflection from top
P += array([0, 2 * (R - P[1])])
angle *= -1 #reflection from the angular perspective
return P, V_mag, angle, V
if P[0] < R: # reflection from left
P += array([2 * (R - P[0]), 0])
angle = pi - angle
return P, V_mag, angle, V
if P[1] > H - R: #reflection from bottom
P += array([0, 2 * (H - R - P[1])])
angle *= -1
return P, V_mag, angle, V
if P[0] > W - R: #reflection from right
P += array([2 * (W - R - P[0]), 0])
angle = pi - angle
return P, V_mag, angle, V
V_mag -= A * dt
Vx = V_mag * cos(angle)
Vy = V_mag * sin(angle)
P += array([Vx * dt, Vy * dt])
V = array([Vx, Vy])
return P, V_mag, angle, V
file = open("test_drawing.txt", "w")
for line in open("tex.txt", "r"):
t = 0 # starting time
Xa, Ya, Xb, Yb, Vxa, Vya, Vxb, Vyb = [
int(i) for i in (line.rstrip()).split(" ")]
Pa = array([Xa, Ya], dtype=float) #position vector of the ball a
Pb = array([Xb, Yb], dtype=float) #position vector of the ball b
Va = array([Vxa, Vya], dtype=float) #velocity vvector of the ball a
Vb = array([Vxb, Vyb], dtype=float) #velocity vector of the ball b
Va_mag = vec_magnitude(Va)
Vb_mag = vec_magnitude(Vb)
if Vxa == 0: #these steps are necessarry to eliminate error on the angle process
Vxa = inf
angle_a = atan2(Vya, Vxa) # angle between velocity components of the ball a
if Vxb == 0:
Vxb = inf
angle_b = atan2(Vyb, Vxb) # angle between velocity components of the ball b
while t <= 10:
Pa, Va_mag, angle_a, Va = motion(Pa, Va_mag, angle_a, Va) #moving the ball a
Pb, Vb_mag, angle_b, Vb = motion(Pb, Vb_mag, angle_b, Vb) #moving the ball b
if collision_test(Pa, Pb) == True: #checking the collision validity
Va, Vb = after_collision_velocity(Va, Vb, Pa, Pb)
Va_mag = vec_magnitude(Va) #restating the velocities
Vb_mag = vec_magnitude(Vb)
if Va[0] == 0:
Va[0] = inf
angla_a = atan2(Va[1], Va[0]) #restating the angles
if Vb[0] == 0:
Vb[0] = inf
angle_b = atan2(Vb[1], Vb[0])
t += dt #incrementing time
file.write(str(Pa[0]) + " " + str(Pa[1]) + " " + str(Pb[0]) + " " + str(Pb[1]) + "\n")
print(Pa[0], Pa[1], Pb[0], Pb[1])
答案 0 :(得分:2)
angla_a = atan2(Va[1], Va[0]) #restating the angles