
时间:2019-07-03 02:17:52

标签: c# machine-learning


我尝试使用MSE和CrossEntropy损失函数,也使用tanh,sigmoid,reLu和softPlus激活函数。我要构建的模型是4层的。第一层,784个输入神经元;二是乙状神经元16个;第三,S型和输出层为16个神经元,S型为10个神经元(一个热编码数字)。我知道下面的代码可能不是一个最小的可重现示例,但是它代表了我要尝试的算法。我还将解决方案上传到GitHub,也许有人可以帮我解决问题。这是链接https://github.com/juan-carvajal/MachineLearningFramework 首先运行应用程序的Main方法,然后执行运行良好的XOR分类器。然后是MNIST分类器。


            DataSet dataSet = new DataSet("mnist2.txt", ' ', 10, false);
            //This creates a model with batching=128 , learningRate=0.5 and 
            //CrossEntropy loss function
            var p = new Perceptron(128, 0.5, ErrorFunction.CrossEntropy())
            .Layer(784, ActivationFunction.Sigmoid())
            .Layer(16, ActivationFunction.Sigmoid())
            .Layer(16, ActivationFunction.Sigmoid())
            .Layer(10, ActivationFunction.Sigmoid());
            //1000 is the number of epochs
            p.Train2(dataSet, 1000);


Console.WriteLine("Initial Loss:"+ CalculateMeanErrorOverDataSet(dataSet));
            for (int i = 0; i < epochs; i++)
                //Shuffle the data in every step
                List<DataRow> batch = dataSet.NextBatch(this.Batching);
                //Gets random batch from the dataSet
                int count = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow example in batch)


                    double[] result = this.FeedForward(example.GetFeatures());
                        double[] labels = example.GetLabels();
                        if (result.Length != labels.Length)
                            throw new Exception("Inconsistent array size, Incorrect implementation.");
                            //What follows is the calculation of the gradient for this example, every example affects the current gradient, then all those changes are averaged an every parameter is updated.
                            double error = CalculateExampleLost(example);

                            for (int l = this.Layers.Count - 1; l > 0; l--)
                                if (l == this.Layers.Count - 1)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < this.Layers[l].CostDerivatives.Length; j++)
                                    this.Layers[l].CostDerivatives[j] = ErrorFunction.GetDerivativeValue(labels[j], this.Layers[l].Activations[j]);


                                    for (int j = 0; j < this.Layers[l].CostDerivatives.Length; j++)

                                        double acum = 0;
                                        for (int j2 = 0; j2 < Layers[l + 1].Size; j2++)
                                            acum += Layers[l + 1].WeightMatrix[j2, j] * this.Layers[l+1].ActivationFunction.GetDerivativeValue(Layers[l + 1].WeightedSum[j2]) * Layers[l + 1].CostDerivatives[j2];
                                        this.Layers[l].CostDerivatives[j] = acum;

                                for (int j = 0; j < this.Layers[l].Activations.Length; j++)
                                    this.Layers[l].BiasVectorChangeRecord[j] += this.Layers[l].ActivationFunction.GetDerivativeValue(Layers[l].WeightedSum[j]) * Layers[l].CostDerivatives[j];
                                    for (int k = 0; k < Layers[l].WeightMatrix.GetLength(1); k++)
                                        this.Layers[l].WeightMatrixChangeRecord[j, k] += Layers[l - 1].Activations[k]
                                            * this.Layers[l].ActivationFunction.GetDerivativeValue(Layers[l].WeightedSum[j])
                                            * Layers[l].CostDerivatives[j];


                if ((i + 1) % (epochs / 10) == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Epoch " + (i + 1) + ", Avg.Loss:" + CalculateMeanErrorOverDataSet(dataSet));

Here is an example of the local minima

这是当前模型中局部最小值的示例。 在我的研究中,我发现类似的模型可以将精度提高到90%。我的模特只赚了10%。

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