构造函数中的Base()和This()。 (链式构造函数)

时间:2019-06-26 04:52:54

标签: c# constructor

我有一个关于链构造函数的问题,我在StackOverflow和c#文章中读了一些问题,但是我不能完全理解该主题。所以我有一个由DerivedClass继承的BaseClass。在DerivedClass中,我没有参数构造函数,但是它使用以下方法调用基本构造函数:base(),并且还传递了一个值。这是构造函数中用来将值传递给派生类的继承类的基本关键字的主要目的,还是其他用途。同样在派生类中,我们还有另一个构造函数,该构造函数采用1个参数及其使用方式:this()。我不明白为什么要删除:为什么从这个构造函数“ VS”中的this()告诉我“没有给定对应于BaseClass.BaseClass(int)的形式参数“ i”的参数?为什么我不能只是在DerivedClass中有一个参数构造函数而不使用this()?

public class BaseClass
    protected int _Num;

    public BaseClass(int i)
        _Num = i;

    public int Num { get => this._Num ; set => _Num = value; }

public class DerivedClassA : BaseClass
    private string _Name;
    private int _AnotherValue;

    public string Name { get => this._Name ; set => this._Name = value; }
    public int AnotherValue { get => this._AnotherValue; set => this._AnotherValue = value; }

    public DerivedClassA() : base(123)
        _Name = "testing";

        public DerivedClassA(int param2) : this()      <-- Why i can't compile the program without the this() keyword here ?
            AnotherValue = param2;

public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            DerivedClassA objA = new DerivedClassA(5);

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public class Base
    public Base()

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived()

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public class Base
    public Base()

    public Base(int a)

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived()

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public class Base
    public Base(int a)

public class Derived : Base
    public Derived() : base(1)

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public class Base
    public Base(int a)
        // this method body is executed first

public class DerivedA : Base
    public DerivedA(string name, int val) : base(val)
        // this method body is executed second (last if you used this constructor, e.g. new DerivedA("hello", 1) )

    public DerivedA() : this("test", 5) // this will call the constructor above, which will first call base. So the final chain is: base, constructor above, this constructor
        // this method body is executed third (last if you used this constructor, e.g. new DerivedA() )

public class DerivedB : Base
    public DerivedB(string name, int val) : base(val)

    public DerivedB() : base(5) // this will call the base constructor, and then this constructor. The constructor above will not be used.


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public class BaseA


public class BaseB
    public BaseB()



public class Base
    public Base()
        // this method body is executed first
        Console.WriteLine("Base constructor");

public class Derived : Base

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