
时间:2019-06-18 03:06:51

标签: fortran



program taylor
    implicit none
    real :: inputexp, inputsine  ! The values of input for the arguments of the taylor series
    real :: exptaylor, sinetaylor ! The value of the sine and exponential calculated
    real :: expseries, sineseries ! The value found by the taylor series
    real, parameter :: accuracy = 1.e-10  ! The value of accuracy
    integer :: NN, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, hh ! Loop indices and factorial things
    integer:: nfactexp ! Factorial for the exponential series
    integer :: Nexp ! Number of turns
    write(*,*) "Write the value of the input of the exponential taylor series"
    read(*,*) inputexp

    ! Calculating the exponential function using taylor series
     exptaylor = 1 ! Initializing the exponential function taylor arguemnts

    ! Loop to calculate the exponential function
    aa = 0
    do while(abs(exptaylor) > accuracy)

        ! Computing factorial
        nfactexp = 1 ! Accounting for 0!=1
        do bb = 1, aa
            nfactexp = nfactexp*bb
        ! Evaluating the series
        aa = aa+1
        exptaylor = (inputexp**aa)/nfactexp
        expseries = exptaylor + expseries


        Write(*,*) "The number of terms of the series, N", aa
        Write(*,*) "The value of the exponential according to the taylor series", expseries
    end program

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



第二,您的变量nfactexp溢出。您可能正在使用的32位整数只允许使用最大2147483647的数字。而且,(inputexp**aa)可能会溢出。虽然无法使用有限的位数修复所有输入的溢出,但是可以扩展可计算区域。通过使用最后一个expterm计算每个expterm = expterm / aa * inputexp,您可以获得最大的范围。




program taylor
    implicit none
    real :: inputexp, exptaylor, expseries
    real, parameter :: accuracy = 1.0e-10
    integer :: aa

    write(*,*) "Write the value of the input of the exponential taylor series"
    read(*,*) inputexp

    exptaylor = 1  ! The first term is constant
    expseries = 1  ! The first term is already included
    aa = 0  ! Term index, i.e. 0 for the constant

    do while (exptaylor > accuracy)
        aa = aa + 1

        ! Use the previous value of exptaylor.
        ! Just scale it with the one more inputexp to get the x**n
        ! correct, and divide by aa for the factorial.
        exptaylor = exptaylor / aa * inputexp

        expseries = exptaylor + expseries

    Write(*,*) "The number of terms of the series, N", aa
    Write(*,*) "The value of the exponential according to the taylor series", expseries
end program