
时间:2019-06-07 09:11:59

标签: r

我正在使用R中的{vars}包来比较VAR和SVAR的结果。 代码和结果如下,但是这是我无法理解的三件事。


2)SVAR()函数提供了一个链接结构形式和简化形式的矩阵,其元素对应于t周期项的系数(同时效应的参数)。    但是我无法获得其他形式的输出,例如“ print(summary(var_result))” 提供VAR羊肚菌?    仅凭A矩阵来解释估计值并不容易。    我可以简单地

3)我可以了解A矩阵提供的结构参数的重要性吗?    我找到了一项研究,其中作者重新提出了SVAR结构参数的“两个标准偏差显着性”。是判断变量是否有效的唯一方法吗?

> # load {vars} package and data
> library(vars)
> data(Canada)
> # select a lag level based on AIC
> optimal_lag <- VARselect(Canada,lag.max=10)$selection[1]
> # estimate VAR
> var_result <- VAR(Canada, p=optimal_lag, type='const')
> print(summary(var_result))

VAR Estimation Results:
Endogenous variables: e, prod, rw, U 
Deterministic variables: const 
Sample size: 81 
Log Likelihood: -150.609 
Roots of the characteristic polynomial:
1.004 0.9283 0.9283 0.7437 0.7437 0.6043 0.6043 0.5355 0.5355 0.2258 0.2258 0.1607
VAR(y = Canada, p = optimal_lag, type = "const")

Estimation results for equation e: 
e = e.l1 + prod.l1 + rw.l1 + U.l1 + e.l2 + prod.l2 + rw.l2 + U.l2 + e.l3 + prod.l3 + rw.l3 + U.l3 + const 

          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
e.l1       1.75274    0.15082  11.622  < 2e-16 ***
prod.l1    0.16962    0.06228   2.723 0.008204 ** 
rw.l1     -0.08260    0.05277  -1.565 0.122180    
U.l1       0.09952    0.19747   0.504 0.615915    
e.l2      -1.18385    0.23517  -5.034 3.75e-06 ***
prod.l2   -0.10574    0.09425  -1.122 0.265858    
rw.l2     -0.02439    0.06957  -0.351 0.727032    
U.l2      -0.05077    0.24534  -0.207 0.836667    
e.l3       0.58725    0.16431   3.574 0.000652 ***
prod.l3    0.01054    0.06384   0.165 0.869371    
rw.l3      0.03824    0.05365   0.713 0.478450    
U.l3       0.34139    0.20530   1.663 0.100938    
const   -150.68737   61.00889  -2.470 0.016029 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.3399 on 68 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9988, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9985 
F-statistic:  4554 on 12 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

Estimation results for equation prod: 
prod = e.l1 + prod.l1 + rw.l1 + U.l1 + e.l2 + prod.l2 + rw.l2 + U.l2 + e.l3 + prod.l3 + rw.l3 + U.l3 + const 

          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
e.l1      -0.14880    0.28913  -0.515   0.6085    
prod.l1    1.14799    0.11940   9.615 2.65e-14 ***
rw.l1      0.02359    0.10117   0.233   0.8163    
U.l1      -0.65814    0.37857  -1.739   0.0866 .  
e.l2      -0.18165    0.45083  -0.403   0.6883    
prod.l2   -0.19627    0.18069  -1.086   0.2812    
rw.l2     -0.20337    0.13337  -1.525   0.1319    
U.l2       0.82237    0.47034   1.748   0.0849 .  
e.l3       0.57495    0.31499   1.825   0.0723 .  
prod.l3    0.04415    0.12239   0.361   0.7194    
rw.l3      0.09337    0.10285   0.908   0.3672    
U.l3       0.40078    0.39357   1.018   0.3121    
const   -195.86985  116.95813  -1.675   0.0986 .  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.6515 on 68 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared:  0.98,  Adjusted R-squared: 0.9765 
F-statistic: 277.5 on 12 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

Estimation results for equation rw: 
rw = e.l1 + prod.l1 + rw.l1 + U.l1 + e.l2 + prod.l2 + rw.l2 + U.l2 + e.l3 + prod.l3 + rw.l3 + U.l3 + const 

          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
e.l1    -4.716e-01  3.373e-01  -1.398    0.167    
prod.l1 -6.500e-02  1.393e-01  -0.467    0.642    
rw.l1    9.091e-01  1.180e-01   7.702 7.63e-11 ***
U.l1    -7.941e-04  4.417e-01  -0.002    0.999    
e.l2     6.667e-01  5.260e-01   1.268    0.209    
prod.l2 -2.164e-01  2.108e-01  -1.027    0.308    
rw.l2   -1.457e-01  1.556e-01  -0.936    0.353    
U.l2    -3.014e-01  5.487e-01  -0.549    0.585    
e.l3    -1.289e-01  3.675e-01  -0.351    0.727    
prod.l3  2.140e-01  1.428e-01   1.498    0.139    
rw.l3    1.902e-01  1.200e-01   1.585    0.118    
U.l3     1.506e-01  4.592e-01   0.328    0.744    
const   -1.167e+01  1.365e+02  -0.086    0.932    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.7601 on 68 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9989, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9987 
F-statistic:  5239 on 12 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

Estimation results for equation U: 
U = e.l1 + prod.l1 + rw.l1 + U.l1 + e.l2 + prod.l2 + rw.l2 + U.l2 + e.l3 + prod.l3 + rw.l3 + U.l3 + const 

         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
e.l1     -0.61773    0.12508  -4.939 5.39e-06 ***
prod.l1  -0.09778    0.05165  -1.893 0.062614 .  
rw.l1     0.01455    0.04377   0.332 0.740601    
U.l1      0.65976    0.16378   4.028 0.000144 ***
e.l2      0.51811    0.19504   2.656 0.009830 ** 
prod.l2   0.08799    0.07817   1.126 0.264279    
rw.l2     0.06993    0.05770   1.212 0.229700    
U.l2     -0.08099    0.20348  -0.398 0.691865    
e.l3     -0.03006    0.13627  -0.221 0.826069    
prod.l3  -0.01092    0.05295  -0.206 0.837180    
rw.l3    -0.03909    0.04450  -0.879 0.382733    
U.l3      0.06684    0.17027   0.393 0.695858    
const   114.36732   50.59802   2.260 0.027008 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.2819 on 68 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.9736, Adjusted R-squared: 0.969 
F-statistic: 209.2 on 12 and 68 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16 

Covariance matrix of residuals:
            e     prod       rw        U
e     0.11550 -0.03161 -0.03681 -0.07034
prod -0.03161  0.42449  0.05589  0.01494
rw   -0.03681  0.05589  0.57780  0.03660
U    -0.07034  0.01494  0.03660  0.07945

Correlation matrix of residuals:
           e     prod      rw        U
e     1.0000 -0.14276 -0.1425 -0.73426
prod -0.1428  1.00000  0.1129  0.08136
rw   -0.1425  0.11286  1.0000  0.17084
U    -0.7343  0.08136  0.1708  1.00000

> # prepare a matrix determining the structure ("A-matrix")
> amat <- diag(4)
> amat[2,1] <- NA
> amat[3,1] <- NA
> amat[3,2] <- NA
> amat[4,1] <- NA
> amat[4,2] <- NA
> amat[4,3] <- NA
> # estimate the structure matrix (A-matrix) of SVAR
> svar_result_direct <- SVAR(var_result,
+                            estmethod = "direct", 
+                            Amat = amat, 
+                            Bmat = NULL
+                            )
> print(svar_result_direct)

SVAR Estimation Results:

Estimated A matrix:
          e      prod       rw U
e    1.0000  0.000000  0.00000 0
prod 0.2214  1.000000  0.00000 0
rw   0.2229 -0.118573  1.00000 0
U    0.5908  0.004521 -0.03034 1
> svar_result_scoring <- SVAR(var_result,
+                             estmethod = "scoring", 
+                             Amat = amat, 
+                             Bmat = NULL,
+                             hessian = TRUE,
+                             max.iter=1000
+                             )
> print(svar_result_scoring)

SVAR Estimation Results:

Estimated A matrix:
          e     prod       rw U
e    1.0000  0.00000  0.00000 0
prod 0.2737  1.00000  0.00000 0
rw   0.2885 -0.11019  1.00000 0
U    0.6043  0.01324 -0.02614 1
> # get an impulse response function from the VAR model
> irf_var<- irf(var_result,
+               impulse = 'prod', 
+               response='rw', 
+               ortho = TRUE, 
+               n.ahead=9, 
+               cumulative = FALSE,
+               ci=0.95, runs=300, seed=1
+               )
> # get an impulse response function from the SVAR model (direct)
> irf_svar_direct <- irf(svar_result_direct,
+                        impulse = 'prod', 
+                        response='rw', 
+                        ortho = TRUE, 
+                        n.ahead=9, 
+                        cumulative = FALSE,
+                        ci=0.95, runs=300, seed=1
+                        )
> # get an impulse response function from the SVAR model (scoring)
> irf_svar_scoring <- irf(svar_result_scoring,
+                         impulse = 'prod', 
+                         response='rw', 
+                         ortho = TRUE, 
+                         n.ahead=9, 
+                         cumulative = FALSE,
+                         ci=0.95, runs=300, seed=1
+                         )
> # responses from VAR
> print(irf_var$irf[[1]][,1])
 [1]  0.07105517  0.02268411 -0.22425320 -0.28549901 -0.26469213 -0.24747701
 [7] -0.23255281 -0.20698327 -0.16623158 -0.11526732
> # responses from SVAR (direct)
> print(irf_svar_direct$irf[[1]][,1])
 [1]  0.11857308  0.04279212 -0.34463238 -0.43752109 -0.40657794 -0.38464427
 [7] -0.36358998 -0.32361842 -0.26004585 -0.18052970
> # responses from SVAR (scoring)
> print(irf_svar_scoring$irf[[1]][,1])
 [1]  0.11018799  0.03517713 -0.34775809 -0.44273434 -0.41046831 -0.38377215
 [7] -0.36062863 -0.32097695 -0.25778173 -0.17874948

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