在SQL Server的CASE语句中使用COUNT(*)

时间:2019-06-04 10:13:31

标签: sql sql-server tsql

是否可以在T-SQL的case语句中使用count(*)? 我正在尝试更新表中的记录,但我希望有2种情况。


update ep
set ep.EndDate = case when t.EndDate < t.StartDate then t.EndDate3
                 case when COUNT(*) = 1 then null
end ,ep.ModifiedBy = 'PCA', ep.ModifiedDate = getdate()
from dbo.EmployeeProductivity ep inner join cteT1 t
on ep.Id = t.Id
where t.EndDate < t.StartDate
or t.EndDate is null


an expression of non boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected


use ws3;

select distinct (EmployeeId) as EmployeeId
  into #Emps
  from [dbo].[EmployeeProductivity]
 where EndDate < StartDate
    or EndDate is null;

with cteProdRates as 
    select  ep.[ID]
           ,dateadd(dd, -1, lag(startdate) over (partition by ep.EmployeeId, FormatId order by StartDate desc, Id desc)) as EndDate2
      FROM [dbo].[EmployeeProductivity] ep inner join #Emps e
        on ep.EmployeeId = e.EmployeeId
,cteT1 as
   select [ID]
         ,case when EndDate2 < StartDate then StartDate else EndDate2 end as EndDate3
    from cteProdRates

update ep
   set ep.EndDate = case when t.EndDate < t.StartDate then t.EndDate3
                    case when COUNT(*) = 1 then null
   end ,ep.ModifiedBy = 'PCA', ep.ModifiedDate = getdate()
  from dbo.EmployeeProductivity ep inner join cteT1 t
    on ep.Id = t.Id
 where t.EndDate < t.StartDate
    or t.EndDate is null

drop table #Emps




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您不能在count(*)中使用update。这与case 表达式无关。


update ep
    set ep.EndDate = (case when t.EndDate < t.StartDate then t.EndDate3
                           when cnt = 1 then null
        ep.ModifiedBy = 'PCA',
        ep.ModifiedDate = getdate()
from dbo.EmployeeProductivity ep inner join
     (select t.*, count(*) over (partition by id) as cnt
      from cteT1 t
      where t.EndDate < t.StartDate or t.EndDate is null
     ) t
     on ep.Id = t.Id

当然,正如逻辑上所说的那样,count()上的条件是多余的– case expression 无论如何都会返回NULL,因此此逻辑似乎是等效的:

update ep
    set ep.EndDate = (case when t.EndDate < t.StartDate then t.EndDate3
        ep.ModifiedBy = 'PCA',
        ep.ModifiedDate = getdate()
from dbo.EmployeeProductivity ep inner join
     from cteT1 t
     on ep.Id = t.Id
where t.EndDate < t.StartDate or t.EndDate is null