
时间:2019-05-13 20:22:19

标签: python graph networkx

我正在尝试使用Python 3中的networkx包生成大型无比例图形。 这些是我的软件版本:

python --version
Python 3.7.3

pip --version
pip 19.0.3 from /home/user/bin/python3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)

pip show networkx
Name: networkx
Version: 2.3
Summary: Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks

更具体地说,我需要生成顶点数分别为100K,1M和10M的无标度图。 我的代码非常简洁:

n = 1000000 # 100K, then 1M, then 10M...
G = nx.scale_free_graph(n)

file_stamp = str(datetime.datetime.now()).split('.')[0].replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '-')
target_file_name = str(args.n) + "V_" + str(G.number_of_edges()) + "E_"  + file_stamp + ".tsv"
target_file_path = os.path.join(args.out_dir, target_file_name)

print("> Target edge file:\t\t{}".format(target_file_path))

with open(target_file_path, 'wb') as f:
    nx.write_edgelist(G, f, data = False)

对于n = 100000(十万),执行过程花费了几秒钟。 但是,对于n = 1000000(一百万)或n = 10000000(一千万)来说,脚本已经运行了几天。 我注意到内存使用量一直在缓慢增长。

我希望这些图形比进程当前所占用的内存更多,这将暗示生成器逻辑是罪魁祸首。 由于时间的流逝,我开始认为生成过程很慢。


def scale_free_graph(n, alpha=0.41, beta=0.54, gamma=0.05, delta_in=0.2,
                     delta_out=0, create_using=None, seed=None):
    """Returns a scale-free directed graph.
    n : integer
        Number of nodes in graph
    alpha : float
        Probability for adding a new node connected to an existing node
        chosen randomly according to the in-degree distribution.
    beta : float
        Probability for adding an edge between two existing nodes.
        One existing node is chosen randomly according the in-degree
        distribution and the other chosen randomly according to the out-degree
    gamma : float
        Probability for adding a new node connected to an existing node
        chosen randomly according to the out-degree distribution.
    delta_in : float
        Bias for choosing nodes from in-degree distribution.
    delta_out : float
        Bias for choosing nodes from out-degree distribution.
    create_using : NetworkX graph constructor, optional
        The default is a MultiDiGraph 3-cycle.
        If a graph instance, use it without clearing first.
        If a graph constructor, call it to construct an empty graph.
    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
    Create a scale-free graph on one hundred nodes::
    >>> G = nx.scale_free_graph(100)
    The sum of `alpha`, `beta`, and `gamma` must be 1.
.. [1] B. Bollobás, C. Borgs, J. Chayes, and O. Riordan,
       Directed scale-free graphs,
       Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on
       Discrete Algorithms, 132--139, 2003. """

    def _choose_node(G, distribution, delta, psum):
        cumsum = 0.0
        # normalization
        r = seed.random()
        for n, d in distribution:
            cumsum += (d + delta) / psum
            if r < cumsum:
        return n

    if create_using is None or not hasattr(create_using, '_adj'):
        # start with 3-cycle
        G = nx.empty_graph(3, create_using, default=nx.MultiDiGraph)
        G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)])
        G = create_using
    if not (G.is_directed() and G.is_multigraph()):
        raise nx.NetworkXError("MultiDiGraph required in create_using")

    if alpha <= 0:
        raise ValueError('alpha must be > 0.')
    if beta <= 0:
        raise ValueError('beta must be > 0.')
    if gamma <= 0:
        raise ValueError('gamma must be > 0.')

    if abs(alpha + beta + gamma - 1.0) >= 1e-9:
        raise ValueError('alpha+beta+gamma must equal 1.')

    number_of_edges = G.number_of_edges()
    while len(G) < n:
        psum_in = number_of_edges + delta_in * len(G)
        psum_out = number_of_edges + delta_out * len(G)
        r = seed.random()
        # random choice in alpha,beta,gamma ranges
        if r < alpha:
            # alpha
           # add new node v
            v = len(G)
            # choose w according to in-degree and delta_in
            w = _choose_node(G, G.in_degree(), delta_in, psum_in)
        elif r < alpha + beta:
            # beta
            # choose v according to out-degree and delta_out
            v = _choose_node(G, G.out_degree(), delta_out, psum_out)
            # choose w according to in-degree and delta_in
            w = _choose_node(G, G.in_degree(), delta_in, psum_in)
            # gamma
            # choose v according to out-degree and delta_out
            v = _choose_node(G, G.out_degree(), delta_out, psum_out)
            # add new node w
            w = len(G)
        G.add_edge(v, w)
        number_of_edges += 1
    return G


无需进一步分析,在主循环内,_choose_node每次迭代至少调用一次,最多两次。 在该函数内部,存在另一个循环,遍历输入/输出的程度(分布)。


在networkx中是否可以更快地实现这种无标度生成器? 还是另一个库中的一个函数(没有语言限制),该函数会生成具有与此语义相同的无标度图?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

也许有一些方法可以更有效地做到这一点;但是,您正在处理组合增长-这是超指数的。 https://medium.com/@TorBair/exponential-growth-isn-t-cool-combinatorial-growth-is-85a0b1fdb6a5


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  1. r乘以psum(在循环之前)一次,而不是将cumsum除以psum n次。那应该节省n次不必要的划分。

  2. G.in_degree()(在函数循环内)替换G.in_degree(n)(在函数调用外)。这样,循环

  for n, d in distribution:


  for n in G:
    d = G.in_degree(n)

这样可以省去事先计算图中所有 all 个节点的 all in_degrees / out_degrees分布的麻烦,希望节点的随机选择会在某个时候停止尽早获得性能提升。