
时间:2019-05-05 19:53:25

标签: python function class



class apriori:
    # This are different apriori algorithms.
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    # This calculates support, col is a list of column names to calculate.
    def support(self, col, cross="Both"):
        support_result = {}
        if cross=="Both" or cross=="No":
            for item in range(len(col)):
                # Initate count of the item.
                count = 0
                for row in range(len(self.data)):
                    # Choose the row, then the column we need.
                    if self.data.iloc[row].loc[col[item]]==1:
                        # If the column has 1, then itterate count.
                        count += 1
                # Add the result to the appendix.
                support_result[col[item]] = count/len(self.data)

        # If cross==True, calculate cross support.
        if cross=="Both" or cross=="Only":
            count = 0
            for row in range(len(self.data)):
                # If both columns are 1, then itterate count.
                if self.data.iloc[row].loc[col[0]]==self.data.iloc[row].loc[col[1]]:
                    count += 1
            support_result[col[0] + ", " + col[1]] = count/len(self.data)
        return support_result

    def confidence(self, antecedent, consequent):
        ant_result = self.support(antecedent)
        union_result = self.support(list(antecedent + consequent))
        return union_result/ant_result


apriori = apriori(df)

apple = ["apple"]
orange = ["orange"]

apriori.confidence(apple, orange)
TypeError: confidence() missing 1 required positional argument: 'consequent'

似乎以苹果为自变量,我以为它会“跳过”自我,并以苹果为前因而以橙色为后因? self.support是否应该和写apriori.support()一样?

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