
时间:2019-04-29 12:27:12

标签: python python-3.x unit-testing pytest


x = 42
y = 43
is_identical = id(x) == id(y)


is_identical = False


背景是学生需要将其作业上传到自动运行单元测试(或pytest)的工具中,以向他们展示上传的代码的质量。在一个练习中,他们应该只进行比较,而不能通过直接将True / False编写为变量赋值来欺骗单元测试。功能尚未使用。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public class DashboardManager {
public void init() {
    findPendingCustomerOrders(); // hits DB and fetch data
    findDeliverables();// fetch data
    findProductBelowMinStock();  // fetch data
    // some more methods fetching data from DB

# test_foo.py from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import patch from importlib import reload class FooTest(TestCase): def test_comparison_used(self): import foo self.assertFalse(foo.is_identical) with patch("foo.id") as id_: reload(foo) id_().__eq__.assert_called() 使用“欺骗”方法时:


我得到#!/usr/bin/env python x = 42 y = 43 is_identical = False # id(x) == id(y)

但是如果我做E AssertionError: Expected '__eq__' to have been called.,则测试通过。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

以下解决方案利用代码对象中的常量来标识布尔值True / False,并使用字节码指令'COMPARE_OP'来标识比较操作。可以对代码进行改进以添加更多的案例,但这只是为了让您获得一个良好的开端。为了显示所有条件,我将函数中的所有args设置为可选:

In [130]: def catch_trick_bool(unit_test_result=None, student_compare=None,student_trick=None):
     ...:     student = str(input("Enter student name: "))
     ...:     # import dis - Use this to further examine code objects.
     ...:     # Eg. use  dis.dis(co_unit_test) to view the code objects for 
     ...:     # the unit test expresssion
     ...:     if unit_test_result:
     ...:         co_unit_test = compile(unit_test_result, 'none', 'single')
     ...:         if False in co_unit_test.co_consts:
     ...:             print("Bool value 'False' returned from Unit Test")
     ...:     elif student_compare:
     ...:         co_student_compare = compile(student_compare, 'none', 'single')
     ...:         if '6b' in co_student_compare.co_code.hex():
     ...:             print("Student {} performed the comparison successfully".format(student))
     ...:     else:
     ...:         co_student_trick = compile(student_trick, 'none', 'single')
     ...:         if False in co_student_trick.co_consts:
     ...:             print("Student {} tried to set a bool value of 'False' for the test".format(student))

In [131]: catch_trick_bool(unit_test_result='is_identical_unit_test = False')
Enter student name: John
Bool value 'False' returned from Unit Test

In [132]: catch_trick_bool(student_trick='is_identical_student_trick = False')
Enter student name: John
Student John tried to set a bool value of 'False' for the test

In [133]: catch_trick_bool(student_compare='id(x) == id(y)')
Enter student name: John
Student John performed the comparison successfully



In [137]: co = compile('is_identical = id(x) == id(y)', 'none', 'single')

In [138]: type(co)
Out[138]: code

In [139]: dis.dis(co)
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (id)
              2 LOAD_NAME                1 (x)
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 LOAD_NAME                0 (id)
              8 LOAD_NAME                2 (y)
             10 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             12 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
             14 STORE_NAME               3 (is_identical)
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             18 RETURN_VALUE

In [140]: co.co_code
Out[140]: b'e\x00e\x01\x83\x01e\x00e\x02\x83\x01k\x02Z\x03d\x00S\x00'

In [141]: co.co_code.hex()
Out[141]: '6500650183016500650283016b025a0364005300'

In [142]: dis.opname[0x6b]
Out[142]: 'COMPARE_OP'

In [143]: '6b' in co.co_code.hex()
Out[143]: True

In [144]: co2 = compile('is_identical = 5 > 2', 'none', 'single')

In [145]: co2.co_code.hex()
Out[145]: '640064016b045a0064025300'

In [146]: '6b' in co2.co_code.hex()
Out[146]: True


In [147]: co3 = compile('is_identical = False', 'none', 'single')

In [148]: dis.dis(co3)
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (False)
              2 STORE_NAME               0 (is_identical)
              4 LOAD_CONST               1 (None)
              6 RETURN_VALUE

In [149]: co3.co_consts
Out[149]: (False, None)

In [150]: False in co3.co_consts
Out[150]: True


反汇编的代码对象可以帮助标识布尔值的来源。如果在上述情况下进行了明确定义,则布尔值将解析为常量LOAD_CONST字节码指令。如果通过使用比较的布尔表达式(例如5> 2)隐式推导得出,则代码将解析为特定的字节码指令COMPARE_OP,以指示比较操作。您可以进一步扩展代码以检查真实值,并根据需要进行修改。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

我对answer from amanb感到满意。但是,与此同时,我也找到了可以给我带来良好结果的解决方案。我使用的是dis而不是库ast

def testcase_ok():
    import ast
    to_proof = "is_identical = id(x) == id(y)"  # will pass
    assert any(isinstance(node, ast.Eq) for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(to_proof)))

def testcase_fail():
    import ast
    to_proof = "is_identical = False"  # will fail
    assert any(isinstance(node, ast.Eq) for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(to_proof)))

此外,这是获取源代码相关部分而无需进行硬编码is_identical = …的一种方法(为了清楚起见,不检查是否给出了变量):

import inspect
import file_to_test as submission

codelines = inspect.getsourcelines(submission)[0]
to_proof = [line.strip() for line in codelines if line.strip().lower().startswith("is_identical")][-1]