
时间:2019-04-21 14:42:06

标签: java file input output






public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception{

    //Create a Scanner object
    Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);

    //prompt the user to enter a file name
    System.out.println("Enter a file name: ");
    File file = new File (input.nextLine());  

    // Read text from file and change oldString to newString 
    try ( 
        // Create input file 
        Scanner input = new Scanner(file); 
    ) { 
        while (input.hasNext()) { 
            String s1 = input.nextLine(); 
            list.add(s1.replaceAll(args[1], args[2])); 

    // Save the change into the original file 
    try ( 
        // Create output file 
        PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(file); 
    ) { 
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


在创建控制台应用程序时,您应该尝试使其尽可能对用户友好,因为控制台在几乎所有方面都受到限制。当提示用户输入时,如果出现输入错误,请允许用户进行多次尝试。这种情况通常使用 while 循环,下面是一个示例:

//Create a Scanner object
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("This application will read the file name you supply and");
System.out.println("average the scores on each file line. It will then write");
System.out.println("the results to another file you also supply the name for:");
System.out.println("Hit the ENTER Key to continue (or q to quit)....");
String in = "";
while (in.equals("")) {
    in = input.nextLine();
    if (in.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) {

// Prompt the user to enter a file name
String fileName = "";
File file = null;
while (fileName.equals("")) {
    System.out.println("Enter a file name (q to quit): ");
    fileName = input.nextLine();
    if (fileName.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) {
        System.exit(0);  // Quit Application
    // If just ENTER key was hit 
    if (fileName.equals(""))  {
        System.out.println("Invalid File Name Provided! Try Again.");
    file = new File(fileName);
    // Does the supplied file exist? 
    if (!file.exists()) {
        // Nope!
        System.out.println("Invalid File Name Provided! Can Not Locate File! Try Again.");
        fileName = ""; // Make fileName hold Null String ("") to continue loop





  • 说明申请;
  • 向用户询问文件名;
    • 确保提供了文件名;
      • 如果没有,则再次询问文件名;
    • 确保文件存在;
      • 如果没有,则再次询问文件名;
  • 向用户询问输出文件名;
    • 查看文件是否已经存在;
      • 询问是否覆盖;
      • 如果不覆盖,则要求另一个输出文件名;
  • 打开阅读器以阅读提供的文件名;
  • 打开Writer将结果写入指定的文件名;
  • 使用 while 循环读取每个文件行;
    • 使用String.split("\\s+")方法将每个读取的行拆分为字符串数组;
    • totalSum 变量声明为 double 数据类型;
    • 平均值变量声明为 double 数据类型;
    • 使用 for 循环遍历字符串数组;
      • 使用以下命令确保每个Array元素均为十进制值 String#matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)")方法;
      • 将每个数组元素转换为两倍并添加到** totalSum *;
    • for 循环后,将 totalSum 除以其中的元素数 数组以获取平均值,将此金额放入平均值变量中;
    • 写入文件:“平均值:“ + fileLine +”为:“ +平均值。也 显示到控制台;
  • 处理完整个文件后,关闭Reader和Writer。
  • 完成。


使用Scanner读取数据文件时,我觉得最好在 while 循环条件下使用Scanner#hasNextLine()方法,而不是Scanner#hasNext()方法,因为该方法更着重于获取令牌而不是文件行。因此,我认为这是一种更好的方法:

String outFile = "";
// Write code to get the File Name to write to and place 
// it into the the variable outFile ....
File outputFile = new File(outFile); // True file name is acquired from User input
if (outputFile.exists()) {
    // Ask User if he/she wants to overwrite if file exists....and so on

// 'Try With Resourses' on reader
try (Scanner reader = new Scanner(file)) {
    // 'Try With Resourses' on writer
    try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outputFile)) {
        String line = "";
        while (reader.hasNextLine()) {
            line = reader.nextLine().trim();
            // Skip blank lines (if any)
            if (line.equals("")) {
            // Split the data line into a String Array
            String[] data = line.split("\\s+"); // split data on one or more whitespaces
            double totalSum = 0.0d;  // Hold total of all values in data line
            double average = 0.0d;   // To hold the calculated avarage for data line
            int validCount = 0;      // The amount of valid data values on data line (used as divisor)
            // Iterate through data Line values String Array
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                // Is current array element a string representation of
                // a decimal value (signed or unsigned)
                if (data[i].matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)")) {
                    // YES!...add to totalSum
                    // Convert Array element to double then add to totalSum.
                    totalSum += Double.parseDouble(data[i]); 
                else {
                    // NO! Kindly Inform User and don't add to totalSum.
                    System.out.println("An invalid value (" + data[i] + ") was detected within "
                            + "the file line: " + line);
                    System.out.println("This invalid value was ignored during                                   + "averaging calculations!" + System.lineSeparator());
            // Calculate Data Line Average
            average = totalSum / validCount;
            // Write the current Data Line and its' determined Average
            // to the desired file (delimited with the Pipe (|) character.
            writer.append(line + " | Average: " + String.valueOf(average) + System.lineSeparator());
    System.out.println("DONE! See the results file.");
// Catch the fileNotFound exception
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {