
时间:2019-04-12 20:59:45

标签: vba visio

我正在使用Visio-2016 VBA。 在我的主模块中,我必须在每个Visio页面上绘制大约十个矩形。在For循环中迭代32页。还需要为每个矩形设置矩形的各种属性,例如“边框”或“无边框”。

DrawRectangle()函数需要具有X1,Y1,X2,Y2形式的矩形坐标对 我的值在Double(双精度浮点数)常量中。



X1 = 3.179133858

Y1 = 1.181102362

X2 = 6.131889764

Y2 = 1.57480315

我尝试了以下操作,将至少十个矩形的坐标对分组,但没有成功: -Main子句顶部的常量列表(不需要) -枚举列表(仅适用于Long数据类型) -数组或二维数组(不方便,仅通过数组索引设置/返回值) -类型...结束类型(可以,但是在创建收藏夹/词典时出错)


Public Type CoordRectType
          X1 As Double
          Y1 As Double
          X2 As Double
          Y2 As Double
End Type

Public RectLftBtm As CoordRectType
Public RectLftTop As CoordRectType
Public colRect As Collection

Sub TestIt()
' Create instances of UDT as required
' LEFT-BOTTOM BarCode     [vsoShape1]
      RectLftBtm.X1 = 3.179133858
      RectLftBtm.Y1 = 1.181102362
      RectLftBtm.X2 = 6.131889764
      RectLftBtm.Y2 = 1.57480315

' LEFT-TOP  BarCode     [vsoShape2]
      RectLftTop.X1 = 3.179133858
      RectLftTop.Y1 = 1.181102362
      RectLftTop.X2 = 6.131889764
      RectLftTop.Y2 = 1.57480315

colRect.Add RectLftBtm , "LeftBottomRect"   ''' Compiler Error here ''''''
colRect.Add RectLftTop , "LeftTopRect"      ''' Compiler Error here '''''' 

End Sub

''' .... REST OF THE CODE FOR CLASS ......
' ///////////////////////////////////////////


我想将所有坐标对数据最好存储为Class模块中的常量(如果不可能,除了变量中)。然后从Main子菜单中设置Class属性并在迭代中调用方法以根据需要创建矩形形状,而我的Main Module仍将保持整洁干净

最后一个补充问题: 任何内在(内置VBA)数据类型的常量是否与该数据类型的变量具有相同的内存使用量?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你是如此亲密。解决此问题的一种方法是使用Create / Self方法创建用于实例化对象的矩形类


Option Explicit

Private Type Properties

    X1                      As Double
    X2                      As Double
    Y1                      As Double
    Y2                      As Double
    ' extend this pattern to include any other parameters relevant to drawing the rectangle
End Type

Private p                   As Properties

Public Function Create _
( _
    ByVal X1 As Double, _
    ByVal Y1 As Double, _
    ByVal X2 As Double, _
    ByVal Y2 As Double _
) As Rectangle

    With New Rectangle

        Set Create = .Self(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)

    End With

End Function

Public Function Self _
( _
    ByVal X1 As Double, _
    ByVal Y1 As Double, _
    ByVal X2 As Double, _
    ByVal Y2 As Double _
) As Rectangle

    With p

        .X1 = X1
        .Y1 = Y1
        .X2 = X2
        .Y2 = Y2
        ' extend this pattern to include any other parameters relevant to drawing your rectangle
    End With

    Set Self = Me

End Function

Public Sub Draw()   ' You don't want to provide parameters when you call draw.  This should be done
                    ' when you create your rectangle

' Put the code to draw the rectangle here

End Sub



Public Function SetupPage1() As Collection
' In practise we would probably setup a Page class and register the rectangles with the page class instance
Dim my_rectangles As Collection

    Set my_rectangles = New Collection

    With my_rectangles
        .Add Rectangle.Create(3.179133858, 1.181102362, 6.131889764, 1.57480315)
        .Add Rectangle.Create(3.179133858, 1.181102362, 6.131889764, 1.57480315)
        ' etc

    End With

    Set SetupPage1 = my_rectangles

End Function


Public Function SetupAllPages() As Collection

Dim my_pages As Collection

   Set my_pages = New Collection

   With my_pages

        .Add SetupPage1
        .Add SetupPage2
        .Add SetupPage3

    End With

    Set SetupAllPages = my_pages

End Function


Public Sub DrawPages()

Dim PagesToDraw         As Collection
Dim this_page           As Variant
Dim this_rectangle      As Variant

    Set PagesToDraw = SetupAllPages

    For Each this_page In PagesToDraw ' this page takes a collection

        For Each this_rectangle In this_page




End Sub

通过上面的sub,您现在可以了解为什么我们不希望Draw Sub带有参数,这意味着我们在这里失去了代码的简单性。

最后一步是设置Rectangle类的预先声明的属性。您可以通过将类导出到Notepad ++并将属性设置为treu并重新导入来实现。或使用Fantabulous RubberDuck插件提供的'@PredeclaredId属性。

