oscBank = AKOscillatorBank(waveform: AKTable(.sine), attackDuration: 0.01, decayDuration: 0.4, sustainLevel: 0, releaseDuration: 0.4, pitchBend: 0, vibratoDepth: 0, vibratoRate: 0)
// each object has a playNote function that calculate velocity of object then converts to midi velocity value.
//Works fine when velocity is set to a static number eg: oscBank.play(noteNumber: midiNote, velocity: 100)
func playNote (_ velocity: CGFloat) {
oscBank.play(noteNumber: midiNote, velocity: phyVelToMidiVel(velocity))
_ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: false) { timer in
self.oscBank.stop(noteNumber: self.midiNote)
func phyVelToMidiVel (_ phyVel: CGFloat) -> MIDIVelocity {
var midiVel = (127 / resizeConstant) * phyVel
if midiVel > 127 {
midiVel = 127
return UInt8(midiVel)