
时间:2019-03-31 10:52:04

标签: syntax-error vhdl



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package Project1_Components is

 component AND2
    generic (DELAY: time :=5ns);
    port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end component;
 component AND3
    generic (DELAY: time :=5ns);
    port (in1, in2,in3: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end component; 
 component AND4
    generic (DELAY: time :=5ns);
    port (in1, in2,in3,in4: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end component;
end package;

package body Project1_Components is

  entity AND2 is
   generic (DELAY: time);
   port (in1, in2: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end entity;
 entity AND3 is
  generic (DELAY: time);
  port (in1, in2, in3: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end entity;
  entity AND4 is
   generic (DELAY: time);
   port (in1, in2, in3, in4: in std_logic; out1: out std_logic);
 end entity;

 architecture behavioral of AND2 is
        out1 <= in1 and in2 after DELAY;
    end architecture;
 architecture behavioral of AND3 is
        out1 <= in1 and in2 and in3 after DELAY;
    end architecture;
 architecture behavioral of AND4 is
        out1 <= in1 and in2 and in3 and in4 after DELAY;
    end architecture;
end package; 

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