使用niftynet deepmedic,无法评估

时间:2019-03-27 20:59:15

标签: segmentation-fault niftynet

  1. 使用niftynet deepmedic分割图像尺寸和 标签大小是相同的,但是空间窗口大小不是 一样吧?

  2. 我尝试对其进行评估,并说"operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (101,101,77,1) (101,101,77,1,1)",但是输出图像大小为(75,75,51,1,2),标签大小为(75,75,51 )。我应该贴标签(75,75,51,1)然后撤离吗?

例如,使用niftynet deepmedic进行细分,训练10000次,原始adc /标签图像为(256,256,64),配置文件:

path_to_search = /data_PROCESS_3D_75_75_51/1ADC/
filename_contains = .nii.gz,.nii
spatial_window_size = (75, 75, 51)
interp_order = 1
path_to_search = /data_PROCESS_3D_75_75_51/3LABEL/
filename_contains =  .nii.gz,.nii
spatial_window_size = (27, 27, 3)

activation_function = prelu 
name = deepmedic 
batch_size = 2
volume_padding_size = 13
queue_length = 50  
decay = 0 
reg_type = L2 
normalisation = False 
whitening = True
sample_per_volume = 16 
lr = 0.0005
loss_type = CrossEntropy
starting_iter = 0
save_every_n = 200 
max_iter = 100000
tensorboard_every_n = 100
max_checkpoints = 100
validation_every_n =100
validation_max_iter =25
exclude_fraction_for_validation = 0.2

border = (24,24,24)
save_seg_dir = /data_PROCESS_3D_75_75_51/2deepmedic_zmap/INFERENCE
inference_iter = 98200 
dataset_to_infer = validation
save_csv_dir = /data_PROCESS_3D_75_75_51/2deepmedic_zmap/EVALUATION
evaluations = dice
evaluation_units = foreground


image = ADC_IMAGE
label = label    
output_prob = True
num_classes = 2
label_normalisation = False

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