Space Complexity of DFS and BFS in graph

时间:2019-03-19 15:04:46

标签: depth-first-search breadth-first-search space-complexity

I am trying to understand what is the space complexity of DFS and BFS in a graph. I understand that the space complexity of BFS while using adjacency matrix would be O(v^2) where v is the number of vertices.

By using the adjacency list space complexity would be decreased in average case i.e < v^2. But in the worst case, it would be O(v^2). Even including Queue, it would be O(n^2) (neglecting the lower value)

But, what is the scenario with DFS? Even if we use the adjacency matrix/list. Space Complexity would be O(v^2). But that seems to be a very loose bound, that too without considering stack frames.

Am I correct, regarding the complexities? If, not what are the space complexities of BFS/DFS? and while calculating Space Complexity for DFS, do we consider stack frame or not?

what is the tight bound of space complexity, for BFS and DFS for graph

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如伪代码1所示,邻接矩阵或邻接列表的空间消耗不在BFS算法中。邻接矩阵或邻接表是BFS算法的输入,因此不能包含在空间复杂度的计算中。 DFS也是如此。

伪代码1 输入:图Graph和图的起始顶点根


  procedure BFS(G,start_v):
      let Q be a queue
      label start_v as discovered
      while Q is not empty
          v = Q.dequeue()
          if v is the goal:
              return v
         for all edges from v to w in G.adjacentEdges(v) do
             if w is not labeled as discovered:
                 label w as discovered
                 w.parent = v

BFS的空间复杂度可以表示为O(| V |),其中| V |是一组顶点的基数。对于最坏的情况,您需要将所有顶点都保留在队列中。

DFS的空间复杂度取决于实现方式。下面显示了具有最坏情况空间复杂度O(| E |)的DFS的非递归实现,其中E是边缘集的基数:

procedure DFS-iterative(G,v):
  let S be a stack
  while S is not empty
      v = S.pop()
      if v is not labeled as discovered:
         label v as discovered
         for all edges from v to w in G.adjacentEdges(v) do 
