
时间:2019-03-18 01:55:18

标签: r differentiation

我有二维离散函数-实际上是由两个变量定义的3D曲面。该表面是由另一个程序构建的,因此我的数据文件中有(X, Y, Z)个点的巨大数组。可以使用ggplot成功绘制,没关系。




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


topo.lo <- loess(z ~ x * y, topo, degree = 1, span = 0.25,
                 normalize = FALSE)
topo.mar <- list(x = seq(0, 6.5, 0.1), y = seq(0, 6.5, 0.1))
new.dat <- expand.grid(topo.mar)
topo.pred <- predict(topo.lo, new.dat)
## draw the contour map based on loess predictions


persp3d(topo.mar$x, topo.mar$y, topo.pred, shade=0.5, col="blue")


hasmax <- function(mtx, x, y)  if(  (mtx[x,y] > mtx[x,y-1]) &
                                    (mtx[x,y] > mtx[x,y+1]) &
                                    (mtx[x,y] > mtx[x-1,y]) &
                         (mtx[x,y] > mtx[x+1,y]) ) {return(TRUE ) } else {return(FALSE)}

for(i in 3:(dim(topo.pred)[1] -4)) {
    for(j in 3:(dim(topo.pred)[2]-4) )  {
        if( hasmax(topo.pred, i , j) ){print(c(topo.mar$x[i],topo.mar$y[j]))}  }}


我在想可能有一些处理空间数据集的软件包,但是我并不是特别熟悉,所以您可能想搜索CRAN Task View。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

所以,最后我解决了它(不是最好的解决方案,但是无论如何它可以帮助某人)。我决定从数值微分(中心差)开始,而不是按照 @ 42-的建议使用局部样条/多项式拟合。

# our dataset consists of points (x, y, z), where z = f(x, y)

z_dx <- function(x, y) { # first partial derivative dz/dx
    pos_x <- which(df_x == x)

    if (pos_x == 1 | pos_x == length(df_x)) return(NA)

    xf <- df_x[pos_x + 1]
    xb <- df_x[pos_x - 1]

    return((df[which(df$x == xf & df$y == y), "z"] - df[which(df$x == xb & df$y == y), "z"]) / (xf - xb))

z_dy <- function(x, y) { # first partial derivative dz/dy
    pos_y <- which(df_y == y)

    if (pos_y == 1 | pos_y == length(df_y)) return(NA)

    yf <- df_y[pos_y + 1]
    yb <- df_y[pos_y - 1]

    return((df[which(df$y == yf & df$x == x), "z"] - df[which(df$y == yb & df$x == x), "z"]) / (yf - yb))

z_dx2 <- function(x, y) { # second partial derivative d2z/dx2
    pos_x <- which(df_x == x)

    if (pos_x <= 2 | pos_x >= (length(df_x) - 1)) return(NA)

    xf <- df_x[pos_x + 1]
    xb <- df_x[pos_x - 1]

    return((df[which(df$x == xf & df$y == y), "dx"] - df[which(df$x == xb & df$y == y), "dx"]) / (xf - xb))

z_dy2 <- function(x, y) { # second partial derivative d2z/dy2
    pos_y <- which(df_y == y)

    if (pos_y <= 2 | pos_y >= (length(df_y) - 1)) return(NA)

    yf <- df_y[pos_y + 1]
    yb <- df_y[pos_y - 1]

    return((df[which(df$y == yf & df$x == x), "dy"] - df[which(df$y == yb & df$x == x), "dy"]) / (yf - yb))

z_dxdy <- function(x, y) { # second partial derivative d2z/dxdy
    pos_y <- which(df_y == y)

    if (pos_y <= 2 | pos_y >= (length(df_y) - 1)) return(NA)

    yf <- df_y[pos_y + 1]
    yb <- df_y[pos_y - 1]

    return((df[which(df$y == yf & df$x == x), "dx"] - df[which(df$y == yb & df$x == x), "dx"]) / (yf - yb))

# read dataframe and set proper column names
df <- read.table("map.dat", header = T)
names(df) <- c("x", "y", "z")

# extract unique abscissae
df_x <- unique(df$x)
df_y <- unique(df$y)

# calculate first derivatives numerically
df$dx <- apply(df, 1, function(x) z_dx(x["x"], x["y"]))
df$dy <- apply(df, 1, function(x) z_dy(x["x"], x["y"]))

# set tolerance limits, so we can filter out every non-stationary point later
tolerance_x <- 30.0
tolerance_y <- 10.0

# select only stationary points
df$stat <- apply(df, 1, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x["dx"]) | is.na(x["dy"]), FALSE, ifelse(abs(x["dx"]) <= tolerance_x & abs(x["dy"]) <= tolerance_y, TRUE, FALSE)))
stationaries <- df[which(df$stat == TRUE), ]

# compute second derivatives for selected points
stationaries$dx2 <- apply(stationaries, 1, function(x) z_dx2(x["x"], x["y"]))
stationaries$dy2 <- apply(stationaries, 1, function(x) z_dy2(x["x"], x["y"]))
stationaries$dxdy <- apply(stationaries, 1, function(x) z_dxdy(x["x"], x["y"]))

# let's make classifying function...
stat_type <- function(dx2, dy2, dxdy) {
    if (is.na(dx2) | is.na(dy2) | is.na(dxdy)) return("unk")
    if (dx2 * dy2 - dxdy^2 < 0) return("saddle")
    if (dx2 * dy2 - dxdy^2 > 0) {
        if (dx2 < 0 & dy2 < 0) return("max")
        else if (dx2 > 0 & dy2 > 0) return("min")
        else return("unk")
    else return("unk")

# ...and apply it to our stationary points
stationaries$type <- apply(stationaries, 1, function(x) stat_type(x["dx2"], x["dy2"], x["dxdy"]))
stationaries <- stationaries[which(stationaries$type != "unk"), ] # leave out all non-stationarities

# set upper cutoff (in the units of z = f(x, y)) - points with the greatest value of z can form very large areas where derivatives are so close to zero that we can't discriminate them (this is often the case when our map is built by numerical integration with predefined grid so final result is discrete function of two variables)
cutwidth <- 2.5
stationaries <- stationaries[which(stationaries$z <= (max(stationaries$z) - cutwidth)), ] # select only points which are lying below maximum by selected cutoff

# create dataframes for minima, maxima and saddles
minima <- stationaries[which(stationaries$type == "min"), ]
maxima <- stationaries[which(stationaries$type == "max"), ]
saddles <- stationaries[which(stationaries$type == "saddle"), ]
