,[Original Order] = (select a.PN_Combo from CTE3 b with (nolock) where a.ASST_ID = b.ASST_ID and a.[Number Row] = 1)
[B2C Create Date] = (select a.[DSPCH_CRT_DT] from CTE3 b where a.ASST_ID = b.ASST_ID and a.[Number Row] = 1 )
子查询返回了多个值。当子查询遵循=,!=,<,<=,>,> =或将子查询用作表达式时,不允许这样做。
With CTE1 As
SELECT distinct
FROM [RDATA].[S_P].[G_D_F] a With (Nolock) LEFT OUTER JOIN [RD].[P_P].[A_D] b With (Nolock)
Left Outer Join [RD].[C_WW].[F_D_C] C With (Nolock)
left outer join [RD].[C_P].[P_G_H_D_V] d With (Nolock)
on a.[SVC_BU_ID] = d.[BU_ID]
left outer join [RD].[I_P].[B_P_H_D] e With (Nolock)
left outer join [RD].[S_P].[G_M_R_F] f With (Nolock)
left outer join [GD].[o].[IB g With (Nolock)
on a.[ASST_ID] = g.[ASST_ID]
and a.[SVC_DSPCH_ID] is not null
and [CURR_STAT] not in ('Cancelled','Cancellation Request','CANCELED','REJECTED','Problem')
and d.[SUB_RGN_DESC] != 'Japan / Korea'
and f.[B2C_FLG] = 1
and c.[FISCAL_Week] > = '201901'
and a.[TMZN_LOC_ID] in ('3','4')
, CTE2 As
Select distinct a.*
,Stuff( (
select ','+' '+ [COMMODITY_DESC]
from CTE1 b left outer join [RD].[S_P].[G_S_D_I_O_D] c
left outer join [RD].[S].[C_M_I] d
on c.[ITM_NBR] = d.[ITEM_NUM]
left outer join [RD].[C_].[R_C] e
where b.[SVC_DSPCH_ID] = a.[SVC_DSPCH_ID]
order by
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, LEN(','), '') as 'PN_Combo'
from CTE1 a
, CTE2A as
Select distinct *
,row_number() over(partition by a.[ASST_ID] order by a.[DSPCH_CRT_DT] desc) as 'Number Row'
from CTE2 a
,a.[Number Row]
from CTE2A A
group by
,a.[Number Row]
,Dispatch_Map AS
select distinct
,[Original Order] = (select a.PN_Combo from CTE3 b with (nolock) where a.ASST_ID = b.ASST_ID and a.[Number Row] = 1)
,[B2C Create Date] = (select a.[DSPCH_CRT_DT] from CTE3 b where a.ASST_ID = b.ASST_ID and a.[Number Row] = 1 )
,DATEDIFF(day,lag(a.[DSPCH_CRT_DT],0) over (Partition by a.[ASST_ID] Order by a.[DSPCH_CRT_DT] desc),b.[DSPCH_CRT_DT]) as 'Duration'
,Sum (e.[ITM_COST]) over (Partition by b.[SVC_DSPCH_ID]) as 'Total Cost'
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by b.[SVC_DSPCH_ID] ORDER BY b.[SVC_DSPCH_ID] ) AS 'Row_Count'
When a.[SVC_ACTN_CD] in ('OWCN','OW5') then 'P&L'
When a.[SVC_ACTN_CD] in ('OWPCN','OWP') then 'Parts only'
When a.[SVC_ACTN_CD] in ('POR','PABILCAR') then 'CAR'
When a.[SVC_ACTN_CD] in ('BILMIS') then 'MIS'
Else 'Other' End as 'GSD Tower'
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'LCD Panel' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'LCD' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'LCD Panel' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Memory' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Keyboard, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard(2), Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation, Chassis' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'LCD Panel, Chassis, Chassis' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'LCD Panel, Chassis(2)' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation, Chassis' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Motherboard, Documentation, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Fan Assembly, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Cables' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Keyboard, Chassis, Chassis, Chassis, Cables' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) = 'Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentations' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) like '%Motherboard, Documentation%' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Motherboard, Documentation' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) like '%Hard Drive%' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Hard Drive' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) like '%Chassis%' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'Chassis' Then 1
when ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) like '%LCD Panel%' and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = 'LCD Panel' Then 1
When ltrim(Rtrim(a.[PN_Combo])) in (' Motherboard, Memory, Documentation, Cables, Adapter, AC',' Motherboard, DVDRW Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Cables',' PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly, Fan Assembly, Documentation, Cables',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Heatsink, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables, Battery (Notebook), Adapter, AC',' Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',
' Motherboard, Memory, Documentation, Cables, Adapter, AC',' Motherboard, DVDRW Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Cables',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Operating System, Motherboard, Heatsink, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Heatsink, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables, Battery (Notebook), Adapter, AC',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Documentation',' LCD Panel, Keyboard, Chassis',' LCD Panel, Cables',' LCD, Chassis',' LCD Panel, Chassis, Chassis',' Speaker, LCD',' Speaker, Hard Drive',' Speaker, Hard Drive'
) and b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] in ('Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly(2), Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly(2), Documentation','Motherboard(2), Documentation(2)','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard','Motherboard, Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Fan Assembly(2), Electrical Components(4), Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly, Documentation','Motherboard, Heatsink, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Fan Assembly, Documentation','Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly, Documentation',
'Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly(2), Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard','Motherboard, Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, Documentation','LCD Panel, Chassis','LCD Panel, Chassis(2), Cables','LCD','LCD Panel, Cables','LCD','Speaker(2)','Speaker'
) then 1
Else 0 End as 'Exemption'
a.[PN_Combo] in (' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)',' Motherboard, Documentation',' PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Wireless Local Area Network, Motherboard, Memory, LCD Panel, Keyboard, Hard Drive, Documentation, Chassis, Cables, Cables, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Notebook)',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly, Documentation, Cables, Cables',' Motherboard, Hard Drive, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation',' Motherboard, Documentation, Cables',' LCD Panel, Battery (Notebook)',' Wireless Local Area Network, Motherboard, Memory, LCD Panel, Keyboard, Hard Drive, Documentation, Chassis, Cables, Cables, Cables',' Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation',
' Wireless Local Area Network, Motherboard, Documentation',' PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly, Fan Assembly, Documentation, Cables',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Documentation',' Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Heatsink, Fan Assembly',' LCD Panel, Chassis',' LCD, Chassis',' LCD Panel, Cables',' LCD Panel, Cables'
then 1
Else 0 End as 'Exemption 2'
b.[Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] in ('Motherboard, LCD Panel','Touchpad, PCBA - Misc.(3), Motherboard, Keyboard, Documentation, Chassis, Cables(2)','Motherboard, Memory, LCD Panel, Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','Touchpad, Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Operating System, Motherboard, Hard Drive, Documentation, Cables','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation','Wireless Local Area Network, Motherboard, Documentation, Cables','Operating System, Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Hard Drive(2), Documentation, Chassis, Cables(2)','Speaker, Motherboard, Documentation','Speaker, Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Chassis','Wireless Local Area Network, Motherboard, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD, Documentation','Operating System, Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Hard Drive, Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Cables(2)','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Hard Drive, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Cables(2), Adapter, AC','Motherboard, Memory, Keyboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Keyboard(2), Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Memory, Mechanical Hardware, Keyboard, Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Heatsink, Documentation, Cables','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Chassis, Cables','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Documentation, Chassis, Cables(2)','Motherboard, Graphics Card(2), Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Graphics Card, Documentation','Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','Motherboard, Memory, LCD Panel, Documentation, Cables','Wireless Local Area Network, PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Wireless Local Area Network, PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Chassis(4), Cables','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Memory, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Chassis, Cables','Operating System, Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','Motherboard, Documentation, Battery (Other)','Motherboard, LCD, Documentation','Operating System, Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Hard Drive, Documentation, Cables','Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, LCD Panel, Documentation',
'Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Heatsink, Fan Assembly(2), Documentation, Cables','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Memory, Documentation','PCBA - Misc., Motherboard, Miscellaneous, Mechanical Hardware, Documentation, Chassis','Motherboard, Mechanical Hardware(2), LCD Panel, Documentation, Chassis(3)','LCD, Keyboard, Chassis(2), Cables','Motherboard, LCD Panel, Documentation, Cables','LCD Panel, Keyboard, Chassis(3), Cables'
then 1
Else 0 End as 'Exemption 3'
from CTE3 a With (Nolock) inner join [GD].[o].[U_F] b With (Nolock)
a.[ASST_ID] = b.[ASST_ID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [RD].[P_].[A_D] c With (Nolock)
Left Outer Join [RD].[C_W].[F_D_C] d With (Nolock)
left outer join [RD].[S_P].[G_S_D_I_O_D] e With (Nolock)
where a.[CONTRACT_ACTIVE] = 0
b.[FISCAL_Week] >= '201901'
b.[B2D_FLG] = 1
(a.[ASST_ID] != 'INS01' and a.[ASST_ID] != 'NONT1')
b.[DSPCH_STATUS_CD] != 'Cancelled'
,CTE4 as
Select distinct *
, case when [Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] = ltrim(Rtrim([Original Order])) then 1 else 0 end as'Same Part Repeat'
, case When isnull([Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List], '') = '' or isnull([Original Order], '') = '' then 1 else 0 end as 'Labor Only Repeat'
, Case When [Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] != ltrim(Rtrim([Original Order])) then 1 else 0 end as 'Non Original Order'
, Case When [Dispatch_Part_Commodity_List] like Concat ('%',ltrim(Rtrim([Original Order])),'%') then 1
When [Exemption 2] = 1 and [Exemption 3] = 1 then 1
else 0 end as 'Standby Flag'
from Dispatch_Map With (Nolock)
where Row_Count = 1
Select *
When ([Same Part Repeat] = 1 or [Exemption] = 1) and [X_ISP_REPEAT_REAS_VAL] = 'DOA Service Part' then 'DOA Repeat'
When ([Same Part Repeat] = 1 or [Exemption] = 1) and ([X_ISP_REPEAT_REAS_VAL] != 'DOA Service Part' or isnull([X_ISP_REPEAT_REAS_VAL], '') = '') then 'Same Part Repeat'
When [Labor Only Repeat] = 1 and [Same Part Repeat] = 0 and [Exemption] = 0 then 'Labor Only Repeat'
When [Same Part Repeat] = 0 and [Labor Only Repeat] = 0 and [Standby Flag] = 0 and [Non Original Order] = 1 and [Exemption] = 0 and [Exemption 2] = 0 then 'Non Original Order'
When ([Standby Flag] = 1 or [Exemption 2] =1) and [Non Original Order] = 1 and [Same Part Repeat] = 0 and [Labor Only Repeat] = 0 and [Exemption] = 0 then 'Standby Parts'
Else 'Others' End as 'Part Repeat Cause'
from CTE4 With (Nolock)